"I do," you saw E whisper. You blinked and a tear fell from where you were standing.

"You may now kiss the bride."

You watched as Ethan kissed her, holding her close to him, pulling her in with a smile. You clapped along with everyone else but winced when he kissed her again. You sighed and looked over at Grayson, standing off to the side. He smiled at you and you smiled back, shrugging.

You let a few tears slide, and sure, they blended in with everyone else's, but yours were for a different reason.

That was supposed to be you.

You watched their first dance in silence too. It felt all wrong-- it felt as if he was telling you all over again. Like you were losing a part of you that wasn't even ever yours. You turned to go and bumped right into Gray's chest.

"Hey, hey, hey," he whispered, rubbing your back. By the time pulled away, their dance was over. Gray smiled. "Wanna dance?" he asked with a smile. You shook your head.

"It's okay, Gray--"

"Oh, come on." You smiled and sniffled. He took the handkerchief that was folded into his suit out and handed it to you. You laughed.

"I can't blow my nose on this," you said with a smile.

"Ah, who cares." You sighed and dabbed at your eyes and holding the fabric in your fist. He took your hand to the dance floor and chuckled as you pressed your face into his chest. "Thank you for ruining my shirt." You giggled a little.

"You're welcome." He sighed, hands on your waist, as you wrapped yours around his neck. "I'm sorry, Gray."

"Oh, it's just a shirt, y/n--"

"No, not that, just, everything." He smiled and shook hsi head, turning you by the finger.

"Don't worry about it."

"No, it's kinda fucked up-- he's-"

"Don't think about it." You sighed and nodded. He squeezed your hip and you moved to the side, it having tickled you. "Oh, I'm sorry," he said with a chuckle. You shook your head.

"I have to go to the bathroom," you sighed. He frowned. "I bet my makeup's all over the place."

"I think you look nice," he whispered. You shrugged and smiled at him before pulling away. The song wasn't even over as you walked away and out the reception hall, to the bathrooms by the entrance.

And Gray stood alone, watching you leave.

It wasn't until a lot later that you left the bathroom, finally finished with your tears. Gray met you once again as you headed in. "You left me lonely," he said with a pout. You laughed, dabbing at the corner of your eyes.

"Oh, Gray," you said. He tilted his head to the dance floor, trying to talk over the music. "Nope."

"Come on."

"No, no." He laughed and pulled you by the arm. "Grayson," you sighed, wrapping a hand over his arm.

"Y/N, you're mi-"

"I'm going to get something to drink," you said. He pouted again. "You wanna come-- so you don't complain about being lonely?" Gray chuckled and followed you to the bar. You just got a sprite and he asked for one too.

"Now what?" he asked you sighed.

"You don't have to babysit me, I'm fine." He smiled and shrugged. "I'm okay, Gray, don't worry." He sighed.

"I know you are, but I know it's hard too." You shrugged. "You guys are okay, though, yeah, you and e/w?"

"Mhm, we're cool, she's super sweet." He nodded.

"Yeah, she's amazing." You smiled and looked down. "So are you."

"Oh, shut up, Grayson." He chuckled and E walked up, tie loose around his neck.

"Hey guys," he said with a smile. You smiled back as he wrapped an arm around Gray's neck. It'd been a while since the three of you had been alone together. "Missing out on all the fun?"

"Yeah, bro, she doesn't even wanna dan--"

"Oh, gosh, E, just take him with you." The twins laughed and shook their heads at you. You pushed your hair back and over your shoulder as Gray sipped his drink. "How's your night going?" you asked Ethan.

"Amazing," he said with a smile. "Best night of my life, man." You nodded. "Thank you for coming and shit," he said with a nod. You shook your head.

"Of course." He smiled.

"Well, I'm gonna find-- yeah-" he said with a nod. You nodded back and he turned to say something to Gray that you didn't make out. Gray hit him on the head as he ran off to find his wife.

You watched him go and Gray sat down at a table. You followed him, sitting next to him. "You should've gotten a pearl necklace," Gray said with a nod. You raised your eyebrows.

"A pearl necklace?" He nodded. "That's so random."

"I don't know, I like when you wear jewellery- or like, a dainty necklace, you know those ones that dangle." you smiled.

"Well, maybe I'll get one," you said with a nod. He nodded. "I can't wait for next week," you said with a sigh, crossing your legs. He looked over.

"Yeah?" you nodded. "What for?"

"I'm getting new music," you said with a smile. He smiled.

"An artist's releasing?" You nodded. "That's always fun."

"I know, I like having things to look forward to." He nodded. "When do you think you'll go get yourself a girlfriend, Gray?" He looked over at you.

"I'm heading to the girlfriend store to get one right after this, actually," he said with a chuckle. You smiled. "I don't know, man, everyone out there just wants me for my money." You sighed.

"It's okay."

"I'll find my, you know, soulmate." You laughed. "What?"

"No, it's just funny," you said with a smile. He raised an eyebrow as someone, presumably drunk, leaned over and grabbed your drink. You laughed, letting them take it.

"What's so funny about it?"

"Just-- like, how fast things happen." He stared at you. "You know, like, everything's just happening. Sometimes it feels like everything's happening and I'm still standing there, waiting for someone to tell me to go, or something."

"Yeah, " he whispered. "I feel like that too, sometimes."

"He really likes her," you whispered, watching them kiss again. You turned to Gray.

"Yeah, he's-- he's liked her since he met her." You nodded. "They're good for each other." You nodded.

"You think they're soulmates?" Gray looked at you.

"I don't know-- I'd hope so." You nodded. "The whole soulmate thing is so scary." You put a hand on his forearm and he smiled at it.

"I thought I was the only one who thought that fuck, imagine-- your soulmate can be anyone."

"Do you think people end up with their soulmate?" he asked. You shrugged.

"What if that's - like, that's impossible, though, because there are over what, seven billion people, that could be my soulmate-- how am I supposed to find him?" Gray shrugged. "He could be anywhere."

"And what if like- your soulmate has another soulmate?" Gray asked in a whisper. You looked up at him." Because like, every girl I date I think she's my soulmate and then we break up, but what if one of them is my soulmate, but someone else's is hers?" You sat there for a moment.

"What if my soulmate got married tonight to his soulmate, and I'm never gonna have anyone?"

You were both silent after that. You just sat there in each other's presence, taking the food that came by to snack on. It was Gray who spoke. "What if my soulmate's an eighty-five-year-old grandma?" You laughed.


"I mean she could be anyone." You smiled, nodding as you took a sip of Grayson's drink.

"Yeah, she really could."

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