Chapter 57 ~ Katsuki Bakugou

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Katsuki Bakugou Pov

I walked down to the common area and sat on the couch right next to Kirishima. He was the only person who knew the reason why I broke up with her.

Even though he didn't agree with the fact I did it over text, and I never told her, he still stuck by me. By now, most of the class has noticed that I've been quieter lately.

I haven't had enough energy to yell or workout. All I've been doing is crying. I haven't had a proper meal or slept more than three hours a night for the past week.

This whole entire breakup has done more damage than good for me. I needed her back, but I'm scared. I want the best for her, and I never fell out of love, I just want her to be safe, happy, and healthy.

It really did break my heart when I found out she hadn't been eating and was so self-conscious. It was never like that when we were just friends, and I feel like the pressure of the relationship had really gotten to her.

I had only broken up with her because I wanted her to be happier. It was obvious she wasn't doing good and she needed a break. Whether it was a family problem, or it was me, she could deal with a relationship right now.

Kirishima had tried to convince me that it wasn't my fault and we could get through this, but he was wrong. After what had happened yesterday, I was almost positive that she had gotten over me.

The thought of this made my eyes begin to well up with tears. I immediately got up and walked to the elevator, leaving Kirishima confused on the couch.

Once I got to my floor, I walked into my room and slammed the door behind me. I fell against my wall and let the tears flow. I still wasn't used to this, the crying.

It's like I'd gone soft, but I couldn't help it. Her smile was, and is, my only source of serotonin, and without that, I was left like this.

I got up and opened my door, walking onto the balcony. It's been a while since I've actually gone out to get a breath of fresh air. The stars shined brighter than ever.

I began to drift off into my thoughts a bit. I remembered when we watched the stars together, our first sleepover, when we opened our acceptance letters, and so much more.

We had been through so much together and had so many amazing memories, but I just had to go and throw it all away. It was strange, I was crying, but a smile played across my face.

I wanted so badly to just rewind and do it all over, but that just wasn't possible. Maybe if I'd been a better boyfriend, It wouldn't have been like this.

My smile fell and so did my last tear. I walked back inside and went to wash my face. I looked into my mirror with dark, baggy eyes. There was nothing that would fix this overnight, but I would try to get better.

I walked out of my room and down to the common area. I went and sat down at the table with my phone. There was a lot of commotion in the dorms, just as usual.

Suddenly, everyone got louder, and then it suddenly got silent. I looked around but saw nothing out of the normal. The front door closed, and the noise started to pick back up again.

Everything seemed to be coming from the door, so I stood up slightly, trying to get a better idea of what was going on. I saw that Hagakure, Mina, Jiro, and (y/n) had returned, but there was someone else.

Deku said something and the guy wrapped his arm around her shoulders. She didn't shake it off, and just smile, leaning her head onto his shoulder.

I felt my heart drop as I fell back onto the chair. I felt like I was going to be sick, but just gulped and looked back to my phone. They talked with the class and got to know each other while I just tried to be invisible.

Not long later, they made their way tot he couch with a few other people. They just seemed to be talking while everyone else just went about their business.

They began to whisper and point around. They pointed out Aoyama, laughed a bit, and then to me. I didn't think they noticed me looking, so I just went back to my phone.

They talked and talked, my jealousy growing with every second. The anger that once filled me began to return and I couldn't help but hate that yellow-haired boy. Curiosity overcame me and I looked in their direction.

I made eye contact with the yellow-haired boy, and he gave me a devilish smirk. He tapped (y/n)'s shoulder, pointed, whispered to her, and then kissed her.

The kiss was long and rough, and she didn't hesitate to kiss back once. This was the last straw, I stood up, slammed my chair into the table, and stomped back to the elevator.

I walked into my room and slammed the door. I punched the wall over and over again, eventually punching a hole. "Fuck!" I screamed, breaths becoming shaking and falling to my knees.

The tears returned and I couldn't even attempt to stop them. I loudly cried, not even caring who heard. I could hear the rain start to beat onto the roof, only adding to the pain.

She loved the rain, I can remember that much. Their kiss replayed in my head over and over again, every time, only adding onto the pain.

The door opened, but I didn't move my head to look. I felt a hand on my back, and notice familiar red hair. Kirishima sat next to me and did his best to comfort me as I fell apart.

There was nothing he'd be able to do to help me now. I just wished I had never seen that, and the worst part is, I still love her.

Word count: 1034

A/N: I'm back. I literally have about 50 story ideas, and I plan on writing all of them.



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