Birthday Special!

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A/N: It's Katsuki Bakugou's birthday so I wanted to make a special. This doesn't take place on his birthday and has nothing to do with the story. Enjoy!

"Alright, class, I'll be handing out permission slips for a class camping trip to the beach next week, make sure to have your parents sign them or else you won't be allowed the join," Our lazy teacher spoke up, we had just got done with a week of exams, and our stress levels were through the roof. We were going to go on a three-day-long camping trip on the beach to 'bond' and destress. I was going to be in a tent with Mina since we got the option to pick. The entire class was ecstatic about the trip, and when I got home, I already started to pack.

Day of the trip,

I loaded the bus with my stuff and sat next to Katsuki. Since the trip was far away and we wanted as much time as possible, we had to load the bus and 5:00 AM. "You know what, I'm excited," I said to Katsuki, "Yeah, too excited, no one should be this energized this early in the morning," he grumbled. Although it was a long ride, it was a fun one. Katsuki played card games with me, and we played some silly road trip games.

Once we got to the beach, Mina and I rushed to get our supplies. The instruction was simple, we needed to set up our tents anywhere along the shore and get a location ready for a campfire. We selected a blue tent and headed off to find our spot. While we picked our spot, we noticed that we were near Kirishima, Katsuki, Kaminari, and Sero, so we all chose to share one fire.

After setting up all of our stuff, the six of us changed into our bathing suits and went out for a swim. We didn't bring our school swimsuits so I changed into a plain black bikini while Mina changed into her pink one.

When I walked out of the tent were we changed, the boys were already there. I couldn't help but look at Katsuki and blush. Mina caught on and gave me a sly smirk while we walked. As soon as we got in, Kaminari splashed the whole group but I retaliated while using my quirk to blast him with water. "What the hell, you can't use quirks that's no fair," the boy whined, I just laughed continued splashing around.

After a bit of swimming and having a good time, Mina shot out of the water on Kirishima's shoulders and almost fell back in. We all laughed and Kaminari ended up on Sero's shoulders. The two pairs snickered and I looked around to see no Katsuki. I shrugged it off because I thought he had gone in until I felt myself rise into the air on two muscular shoulders. Mina had lost her shit and started to cackle as I instinctively grabbed the blondes hair while trying not to fall.

We ended up playing a game where the riders had to try and knock the others off and the people bellow had to get the others off balance. We couldn't use quirks since we knew my team would win if we had them. Katsuki managed to knock Kirishima off balance which sent Mina falling, while I pushed Kaminari off of Sero. Our team had won and left the others drenched in water. I tried to jump off of Katsuki's shoulders but slipped and ended up being caught in his arms. I was sitting in his arms with my face as crimson as his eyes. He set me down in the water and we walked back up shore to get to camp.

"Gosh, your face is pinker than mine, you must really have it bad," Mina said to me, "s-shut up," I yelled, trying to hide my stutter, all she did was laugh as we went to get changed.

The six of us ran around the town and had a good time. Once it started to get dark, we went back to our camp and set up or fire. I was dressed in a light jacket and sweatpant, the same thing you would typically wear for a run. Mina and I got out our food while the boys did the same.

We told scary ghost stories but soon got bored and played truth or dare. Everything went smoothly until they started asking about my dad. Katsuki was the only person who knew and it was kind of a touchy subject for me to talk about.

"come one (y/n)" "tell us" "you can trust us," they said, trying to pry for more answers. I normally don't freak out, but this was one of those occasions. "can everyone just shut up!" I yelled while throwing my hands down in anger. They covered their faces as the flames rose and increased in heat.

 They covered their faces as the flames rose and increased in heat

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I ran away and jogged for a bit, hoping to clear my head. I ran down the beach until I stopped and walked up to the shoreline and took off my shoes. The smaller waves crashed up against my feet and I took a deep breath, slowly inhaling the salty air as if it were a drug. The wind blew in my hair but stopped suddenly as a taller figure loomed above my head. I turned around to see Katsuki, the boy I had fallen in love with and didn't want to see.

"why'd you freak out like that, this isn't like you," he said annoyed, but surprisingly calm. I knew he was right and took another deep breath, "It's just, I don't like talking about him, it just gets on my nerves," I said while looking out to the sea, "I told them to leave it alone, let's go back now," he said easily. I grabbed his wrist as he turned to walk away, "can we stay here for a bit longer, please?" I asked with a small voice, he nodded, and for the next ten minutes, we stood in silence.

I took a moment to admire the way the moon shined against his face. He looked so calm like he was thinking deeply. I was a bit surprised that no one had come looking for us yet, but I was thankful also. I would give up anything to spend more moments like these. He turned his head towards mine and we made eye contact while the world seemed to stop. We both stared for what seemed like forever until I got newfound confidence. I slowly leaned in while closing my eyes, just hoping for the best.

I felt a pair of lips connect with mine and we stayed there for a while until we heard a very familiar screech. "You guys are so cute!" Mina squealed, "Wow, I didn't think you'd actually confess," Kirishima said in shock, "what does he mean actually confess?" I asked Katsuki, "He's like madly in love with you, it's kinda sad to be honest," Sero laughed.'

Katsuki chased Sero back to camp while the rest of us followed. Once we sat back by the fire, we laughed and joked for the rest of the night. "hey idiot, over here," I heard Katsuki yell to me, I ran over and stood right in front of him. "Do you wanna be my fucking girlfriend or some shit," he mumbled while turning away, if it wasn't for the fire, I would have never noticed his blush, "yeah, I'd love too," I replied with a soft smile.

We both went to our tents and got ready for bed, "so, what's going on," Mina said in a joking tone, "well I just scored myself a man," I said while laughing.

Katsuki and I both of us crawled into our sleeping bags and drifted off to sleep, with each other in our thoughts, and the ocean in our ears.

Word count: 1301

A/N: It's been a while and to be honest, I lost all motivation for this story. I got it back though and I'm working on the next chapter. Also, If you like this story, Please share. I have nothing more to say so I hope you have a good rest of your morning/night.



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