Chapter 19 ~ Only second best

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A/N: I just thought this was a good song. It has nothing to do with the story.

Up until the day of the sports festival, my classmates and I trained as hard as we could. I worked on all aspects of my quirk, I even almost perfected the new skill I learned while training with Katsuki. I trained with some of my other classmates, like making dummies out of rocks, of course, this benefited me also. Before I knew it, it was the morning of the festival.

"Fuck yeah!" I shrieked as my alarm went off. I was the absolute opposite of a morning person, but today was the only exception. When Iran downstairs, I was slapped by my mother, "What did I tell you about screaming first thing in the morning, I don't care if your excited or mad, there is no exception, and stop it with the swearing or I don't know what I'll do with you," My mom said while pouring herself a cup of coffee.

I could barely even eat breakfast because I was shaking with excitement the whole morning. My whole family believed I was going insane, but I didn't care.

I ran up the stairs and put on my school uniform while grabbing my bag. My mom couldn't get tickets in time, so she would just be watching from home. My friends from America had also called me and told me that they were staying up super late to watch, I was a bit confused at first until my dumb ass remembered the time difference. After getting on my uniform and shoving my lunch in my bag, I rushed out the door to meet Katsuki.

"Hey Katsuki, can you promise me something?" I asked him, he gave me a questionable look and nodded, "no hard feeling when I beat your ass, ok?" I said with a sly expression painted across my face, "more like I'll beat your ass," he snickered. I held up my pinky in front of his face, but when he latched his around mine, I almost died of a heart attack. "Did you just, pinky promise?" I said in shock, "You should be lucky I didn't blow up your fucking finger," Grumbled the blonde as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Aww man, I was totally hoping I could wear my costume," Mina complained, "same I hate these gym uniforms" I replied, we were all getting ready to start the festival, and I couldn't be happier. "everyone, get your game faces on, we're entering the arena soon," Iida announced to the whole class, this is when my nerves started to build up. "Stop acting like a baby and calm down, we worked too hard to fail," I hear Katsuki grumble from behind me, "are those supposed to be words of encouragement?" I sighed, but all he did was reply with a tch and walk off.

"Midoryia," Todoroki said sternly, "hey Todoroki, what's up?" Midoryia questioned. By now, everyone was looking at the two boys, even Katsuki was interested. "from an objective standpoint, I think it's clearly obvious that I'm stronger than you, however, you've got all might in your corner helping you out," Todoroki spoke, Midoryia gasped but Todoroki continued, "I'm not here to pry about what's going on between you two, but know that I will beat you," he continued, Kirishima tried to calm the boy down and tell him not to pick a fight, but Todoroki just continued on about how we're not here to make friends.

"Pst, hey Katsuki," I whispered, "what do you want?" he said back, "I officially declare war on you," I giggled, He just shook his head and retorted back with "Shut the fuck up, we aren't going to war you idiot," to which I growled at.

When we all walked onto the field, my worries seemed to fade away. Everyone seemed a bit nervous still from the big crowd, but I wasn't and neither was Katsuki. "What do you think we're doing first?" I asked Sero, "I have no idea but I hope it's not too challenging," he said, "same," I sighed.

"now the introductory speech," Midnight announced, I wasn't surprised when I noticed the whole crowd practically drooling over her. "silence everyone, and or the student pledge, we have Katsuki Bakugou," Almost all the first years, including me, were surprised that it was Katsuki. "I guess it makes sense, I mean, he did place first in the entrance exam," I commented, "Only for the hero course exams," another student sighed.

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