Chapter 5: Part 2

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Ariana returned to court and life went on as it does, day in and day out. The mo- notony was almost more than she could handle; the only thing that kept her going was being able to paint her beautiful murals. She had started exploring the ruins more now as well. With her time away she sometimes needed something to do be- sides paint and so she began exploring the endless corridors and boundless hall- ways that made up the underwater ruins. She found many more rooms like hers, partly submerged with a man made beach. She had even found a piece of the tower a couple hundred feet out from the shore that came almost all the way to the surface. If she sat on top she could just make out the beach that surrounded the coved area and the town behind the beach off North, to her left. There had been some nights she had been brave enough to sneak up there when there was no moon and just watch the torches in the village and the shadows of the people mov- ing back and forth doing whatever it was they did at this time of night. She had only been two or three times; she remembered her Father's opinion on going to the surface and she wasn't about to risk getting him angry. That was the last thing she needed right now, she had enough on her mind.
The most interesting thing though wasn't the perch or the hidden beaches but what she found buried in one of the rooms inside a beautiful chest. At first she had thought it locked forever, but Ariana was special and with her magic and days of concentrating and focusing she willed it open and she saw the contents for the first time in centuries. A beautiful key; thin, old and brass it had a handle fashioned in the liking of an outline of a clam with a little clam at the top of the shaft leading down to two small prongs. Ariana was special, she had known that for a long time; her parent's knew too, but she didn't know if they really knew just how special.
Not that she was better than anyone or anything, she just had an ability that she practiced and in turn started to harness. She was born with amazing magical abili- ties. She was sensitive to not just others around her, but the whole living world around her. She felt everything and never had a selfish thought or feeling. She had just discovered her abilities, and only now had begun trying new things. She had no idea what her limit as a witch was. There was no precedence that she knew of and she sure as fuck wasn't going to ask anyone. She didn't want to be singled out in any way; she didn't want the attention - all the eyes on her. She would avoid that at all costs.When she finally opened the box she was back in her room sitting on her bed with her back to the door and Triton wrapped around her neck; she knew it was something special. Someone had buried it there for a reason, that meant that someone either did it while they were dying or they had somehow snuck into the ruins after the disaster and buried it for themselves. When she had found it it was almost a mistake, having opened an old door and letting timeless dirt fall from it's resting place above to sink into the cavern below. The box was the only thing with the sand in that room, someone had put it there for a reason. She wondered why; what was the key to? Whose was it? So many questions and never any answers.
There was one thing that she knew from the moment she opened the box, there was something magical about it. She could feel it deep down. It was like the feelings that had been coming alive were suddenly waking up and stretching fully for her to feel. Whenever she touched it she could feel that magical feeling inside of her swirling and warming as if drawn to and excited by the key. Ever since she found it she wore it around her neck, explaining to her family and other onlookers that it was simply the key to her heart. Her parents smiled it off as a simple gesture of courtship for one of their youngest daughters, but Ariana wore it because she was too afraid to let something that magical out of her hands for longer than a few seconds.
She knew that one of these days she was going to have to steal away from court and not just hide out in her fortress but go and see the sea witch herself, Sirena. The legends around her were spectacular and outlandish, she had supposedly been banished many years ago by her father from the court, years before Ariana was even born. Now there were only rumors, but rumors there were. Some said she joined up with another clan, some say she started her own. Some say she learned how to walk on land again and some even said she could do both. Ariana hardly believed the rumors or gossip but she knew one thing, if this woman existed she would have answers as to what this key was and what it meant. More than that she would be able to explain to Ariana what was going on with her inside, what was seemingly tearing her apart and binding her together at the same time.
One afternoon, after an early let out of court she snuck down and out through one of her corridors but this time she noticed that she had been followed. Sud- denly coming to a halt and turning around in the dark corridor she came face to face, within inches, of the last merperson she expected to see there - Coral. "What are you here for sister? What are doing? Isn't there someplace you need to be?"
"No actually, but there was something I was going to ask you, not really of any real consequence now I expect. "
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Well, I know I'm not blind and we may be in the dark but I know where this tunnel leads. I've used it before, on the nights of the full moon there's nothing more brilliant and spectacular than swimming in its moonlight. Tell me sister, where are you sneaking off too, you know me. I am your younger sister. There, I have already confessed my crimes to you so can you just tell me where you were going before you suddenly stopped."
"I stopped because you were following me first off; second, I can't tell you. I'm going somewhere this time, somewhere specific and somewhere I have never been before."
"Where? You have to tell me!"
"Don't worry, I have Triton here if anything goes awry."
"Sister, haven't you learned by now that magic is always stronger together than apart especially when combined in a single effort. We are both witches and whatever you have bound yourself too I consider myself bound to and will not rest until you have fulfilled whatever obligation or need that has become you."
Ariana wanted to break into tears there all of a sudden, maybe that was why it all came rambling out to Coral there in the dark. "I'm going to see Sirena."
"Sirena?!," she whisper-screamed at her sister in surprise.
"Listen, if you truly believe that we are more powerful as two together than I won't stop you from coming with me. We are both mermaids, both witches of the sea, and as such are free to roam its boundless waters and practice magic for the good of ourselves and the good of others around us. Do you think being around me at Sirena's will make me stronger or weaker? Keep in mind sister that I would sacrifice even myself to save the life of my little sister, there is no questioning that."
"I believe that I came to you for one reason and ran into you for another pur- pose. I don't believe in chance; I believe we were meant to meet each other just now. You can't go alone to see Sirena. Even if her so called palace exists beyond the walls of the kingdom how are you going to find it and how are you going to know when you get there?"
"Ok, sister, you make a good case as usual. You can come with me, you are right, the two of us together in this foreign and dark place will be stronger than just my light alone. We must both shine together."
So they both set off down the rest of the tunnel and out into the sea. *
Ariana couldn't really explain how she knew where she was going, it was more of a feeling than anything else. A feeling deep inside of her, like a pulling that she just followed with Coral at her side and just slightly behind. Triton held on tight, wrapped around her neck, with two tentacles floating back as Ariana swam forward. For about an hour they followed an undersea mountain range out to sea, far- ther than anyone else from her family had ventured before that she knew of. Except maybe her father at one point or another. She could tell that her sister was get- ting tired and would soon question her about turning around as it got later and later. But after just a few minutes she felt it before she saw it. Like a surge of energy she could feel the increase of magic in the water around her and she knew she was getting close. She took her sister by the arm and took shelter against one of the cliff-sides as they swam down to the bottom of the sea. Looking ahead into the valley they could just barely make out a building of sorts that had been fash- ioned from any and all kinds of undersea plant life. It looked like a living castle there in the valley with a deep glow emanating from within. She could feel Tritons suckling tighten as his tentacles wound themselves deep into her hair and around the back of her neck. She knew what he was telling her, this was dangerous. Maybe even too dangerous, but what else was she to do? She and Coral took each other by the hand and swam toward the entrance to the palace.
When they entered the cavernous entrance it was dark with light emanating from the big room down the hallway. In the center of the room was a giant fire with a cauldron on it, the blue and green underwater flames licking the underside of the black cauldron. She could hear someone chanting on the inside, more of a song than a chant. Ariana and Coral entered slowly, Ariana protectively in front of her younger sister. The entire room was lit from the glow of the fire and it was mesmerizing; it was beautiful. Like falling into a trance for just a moment the three pairs of eyes focused on the fire and the majesty that it beheld.
She felt the great presence behind her just before she heard the voice. Deep inside the magical part of her felt the magnetic pull as if every part of her were suddenly being pulled forward toward the center of the chamber. The cauldron in the center seemed to be endlessly boiling, yet it never seemed to flow over. She felt drawn inward, towards the flames. Her sister's grasp held her back and she shook her head as if trying to get her bearings.
"Don't try too hard, my darling. Your bound to feel a little out of touch while you visit me here in my little kingdom. Do make yourselves feel at home, I wouldn't want to treat the Princesses of Clan Tortuga with anything but respect and dignity. Join me here around my cauldron, do tell me what you came here to seek from Sirena," she said as she slowly slid down between them with her four appendages swirling around the waists and backs of the two Princesses. Sirena was more than a mermaid, she was something that the Ocean truly had created from itself; she was a thing of magic there with the two mermaids. Her hair was thick and wavy, long and full of barnacles.
She has two mermaid tails fused back to back, almost as if to make herself more powerful with a double layered fin. Beyond that she was able to do some- thing Ariana would give anything for. She could split each of her mermaid tails right down the middle in two as if she had legs instead of a tail. Having a double tail this gave her four appendages when she was fully spread open, a menacing sight indeed.
"We did not come here to bother you ma'am. We just came here seeking knowl- edge, knowledge that we as witches wish to know and know of no other place to find. We seek your great knowledge oh wise one because I fear you are the only one who can help me." Ariana looked over at the Sea Witch and slowly lifted her gaze until she was looking the woman in the eyes.
"What knowledge is it that you seek my child, tell me what brings you all this way."
"I want to know of something ancient and something old, Sirena; we have not come to bother you."
"We can leave and come back another time," Coral didn't mind adding on to the end.
"No, no, my children it has been too long since I have had any true guests here and it would do me good to entertain. It seems like you have come to me for the same reason I was chased away from not just your court but another larger and more vast community before that. The things that are forbidden, the things not talked about. The ancient ways still exist, they always will; no matter what hap- pens in the end the spirits will still be watching on."
"They may be, but how are you? It looks like you have been here for centu- ries?" Coral seemed to blurt out behind now closed lips as she gasped and covered her mouth afraid of offending the Sea Witch.
"Child, child. Relax, you have nothing to fear from Sirena here. There is noth- ing at all to fear here. I have grown accustomed to life out here on the outskirts, I don't have my own clan or the strength of other mermaid families around me. I have myself and the ocean and it's creatures around me. I left court long ago because I was asked to. It seemed I was no longer wanted in their way of life, or more like they were too afraid of what I was able to do."
"What do you mean, afraid of what you could do?" Ariana looked at her puzzled. This witchy mermaid looked wild enough but not like someone who would really hurt anyone; I mean there had never been a murderous crime of merman on merman for a long time now.
"I am capable of many things, and many of those things people are afraid of my dear. I know the ancient ways; not that I always use them of course, but if I need them I have them at my disposition and I will not hesitate to use them. There is one reason and one reason alone I have stayed down here in my palace, because I have lost the heart and soul I once had to have the strength and energy to do any of the things they are afraid of. I could rule the oceans and the seas, but instead I choose to stay here. It is easiest. I can practice my arts and simple spells and do the things I need to do in peace, living an easy life. Out here I have found peace away from all the hate and grief. Out here I have found solace and quiet. I left behind a life of hate, a life consumed by negativity and I buried it. I took every piece of
hate inside of me and I buried it; I took that which was used against me and I bur- ied the very hate the people who oppressed me had succeeded in creating."
"I am sorry, I mean, happy, that you have found what you seem to have needed. There is something we came to ask about though, something important."
"Tell me girl, what does the princess of Clan Tortuga want from me?"
"I want to know about Atargatis, about the first mermaid." Ariana asked the question before she even knew what she was asking, like the words just came out
of nowhere and yet out of somewhere deep inside of her so sure and rock solid. It was the same magic that had driven her to the hidden fortress, the same that had awakened inside of her. At the mention of the name she thought she sensed a reaction but the atmosphere was too dark and her judgement too clouded.
"That is an ancient name to be sure. One of the most ancient names of all. Tell me princess, where did you here this beautiful name?"
"At court, ma'am. There seems to be a legend about her and my sister and I have taken it upon ourselves to find out the truth." Lying almost came naturally to her, Ariana told her what she wanted to hear and used every ounce of magic she could muster to put up a wall around her mind and heart - letting no one else in to find her true intentions.
"Well, that is a simple, and not so simple question my dears. I can tell you what I can tell you but the rest you will have to come to find out on your own. Atargatis was the first of all of our kind. She is our mother witch, our strength, our core, the womb from which we were all born.
She opened up the world of ancient magic in this new world and created some- thing new - she created us, mermaids. None of us would exist today without her. She was the first and the the greatest of our kind, it is because of her that we are all breathing right now."
"Well yes," Ariana interjected, "that part we already know. We want to know what happened to her after she became a mermaid. She created us, but then where did she go? What happened to her? That's where all the legends end and the stories begin..."
"Child, curious minds have dangerous ends. Do be careful one doesn't wander around asking just anyone any little old question like that."
"I'm sorry," she stammered. "I only meant..."
"It's ok, no harm done. Like I said, relax. There is magic more ancient than any of us will ever know. There are scrolls all over this palace on all kinds of mat- ter relating to the ancient ways and their uses, but it by far doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of the magic that exists on this earth and under this great ocean. There are scrolls here written in runes that only I under the water can un- derstand. There are some here that I have written myself, all of them I have read and know by heart. My knowledge is great, not just for my own sake, but because I am merely a vessel of the ancient Gods here in this world to carry out their bidding."
"And what does that consist of," Ariana hesitantly asked.
"It means sweetheart that I already know why you are here, although you are a strong one and there is much clouding the aura around you. I know that you want to know the secret of where we came from, I am not sure as to what end, but I can also sense that you are much more powerful than even I can see. Yet this power is hidden deep within you waiting to be tapped into and unleashed. It is up to you to make sure you know how to deal with and control that ancient power.
I know that you have come seeking answers and I hope to have helped in what- ever way I can, but don't forget - all things eventually come to the surface. Eventu- ally Sirena finds out every secret under and above the water. There have been many mermen and merwomen who have come to me over time for advice or for help, almost all of them for magic in some form or another. Some magic they weren't powerful enough to do on their own, some for ancient magic even. Some of them ended up going on their way having paid the price that was due while oth- ers lost their eternal soul to serve me here in my palace."
"Their souls?" both Ariana & Coral gasped at the same time. "But why would you take that, what would you need with all these souls?" Ariana's heart ached at the idea that she was in the very same building that was haunted by the spirits of those who had come before her to see the sea witch and not been able to pay the price. They were trapped here forever, eternally haunting these dark and ominous halls and corridors. She just couldn't wrap her mind around such a fate.
"Yes, my dears, you see - nothing is free. Everything has a price, even if you don't know it yet. Just look at today, did you really think I was going to tell you all of this for nothing? No, of course not, you are going to do something in return for me. You, Ariana, are going to come back and see me again. I don't mind if you bring your sister, or any of your sisters for that matter. What matters is that there is something deep, very deep, and powerful that I sense in you and I would like the chance to really get to know you and maybe even help you discover just what those inner powers are and what they are saying. In other words, I am in a sense ,offering you my services as a teacher and mentor because there is something I sense in you that I have not sensed in centuries."
"I am not sure what to say ma'am. Of course, I will be able to sneak away to come and see you, just remember that I am sneaking away from the clan in order to come so there may be times I get stuck or can't get away from the palace."
"My Dear, I understand court life more than you could ever possibly imagine. Of course, when you can get away come and see me; let me help you through this change. That is the real reason you came here today anyway isn't it?"

"How did you know?"

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