The end of the forest was now in view, making me let out a sigh of relief. Not because I didn't want to spend time with Luke, the opposite actually, but because the forest is probably my least favorite part of this whole camp.

It's creepy as hell.

Once we exited the forest, it wasn't long before we reached Cabin B.

"Thank you for walking me all the way over here," I smiled up at Luke before looking back at the cabin.

"You honestly didn't think I'd walk you back? What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't!" Luke let out a low chuckle and slipped his arm off my shoulder, digging his hands into his pockets.

"Well, there's not many gentlemen now-a-days," I stated as I walked up the wooden stairs. Before I opened the door, I looked back and saw Luke looking at the ground, smiling to himself.

"Bye, Luke," and with that, I opened the door and walked inside.

Once I shut the door and turned around, I froze immediately. Everyone had their wide eyes trained on me with their mouth's wide open.

Here we go again.


The next day, I spent time with Carla and Pauline just like we talked about. The boys were out and about, just like they said they would be, which had everyone making fools of themselves as they following them around.

Pauline and Carla pondored on the thought of hanging with the boys since the only 5SOS member they've actually talked to was Calum, but decided against it once they saw the crowd.

"There'd be other days in the future anyways," Carla stated as she grabbed a plastic tube.

"And I also don't want the boys to see me as someone who's desperate enough to stalk them the whole day," Pauline added before mimicking one of the girls we saw, making Carla and I crack up.

Thank God I met these two.


"Rise and shine, team!" I quickly took the pillow under me and rested it over my head, trying to erase Calum's voice. "Guess what day it is!"

All of the girls stayed silent.

"I don't think they heard me," Calum said to himself. I gripped the pillow tighter, bracing myself for what's to come.


Suddenly, the pillow was ripped out of my hands as Calum's voice filled my ears, "It's Game Day!"

"Dear God, Calum," I whined, taking a peak at him. He was kneeling beside my bed with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey, it's not my fault someone didn't go back to their cabin and fall asleep when they were supoosed to," Calum rose an eyebrow at me and smirked, enjoying himself.

I groaned before picking myself up and swinging my legs to the side of the bed, "I'm up."

"That's what I thought," Calum patted me knee twice before moving to the middle of the room where a pile of red bandanas layed. "The color of today's challenge is red so when you're ready, grab a banadana."

"Do we have to where it? They look so bad on me," Morgan complained, climbing down the ladder of her bunk.

"Yes. Now, we'll all meet at the pavillion before heading over to the courts. Got it?" Everyone nodded, starting to get out of bed. "Good, see you all in twenty!"

With that, Calum left to leave us to get dressed.

"I'm dreading this challenge," Pauline groaned as she kneeled down to pick out her outfit.

Camp Hi or Hey (Luke Hemmings Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now