Chapter 11

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"So this is where you came that one time?" Luke asked wide eyed as he took a seat on one of the large rocks. I made myself comfortable as I sat on the ground and leaned my back against the rock, folding my hands in my lap.

"I actually try to come up here everyday. Before the bonfires start, I sneak up here for some alone time," I tapped my fingers against my thigh, suddenly feeling nervous about what Luke thinks about all of this.

"And you haven't shown anyone this? Well except for me," I tilted my head up, meeting his eyes, and nodded. I held his gaze for a little longer, trying to search for an emotion of some sort, until the sides of his mouth started to twitch into a smile. "Well, if I must say so, it's beautiful."

I ducked my head and smiled, thankful that at least one person feels the same way I do, "It's prettier during the day, too. You can see the whole camp and beyond."

"Well, you're gonna have to bring me up here sometime during the day so you can point everything out to me. Deal?" Luke got up from the rock and sat down next to me, pulling his knees to his chest.

"And what do I get out of this deal?" I turned my head and raised an eyebrow at him, smiling a little to show I'm only joking.

"Well, you get to spend time with me!" Luke pumped his fist in the air with a wide smile on his face. "Plus, I'll bring food."

He had my attention with spending the day with him, but now food? I'm beyond in on this deal.

"Like a picnic?" I looked down at my hands as I felt a blush start to form on my cheeks. I watched Luke knit his eyebrows together.

Oh God, he wasn't thinking a picnic.

He's probably freaked out now!

"I mean- I didn't mean it like that. I just-"

"Yeah, it's exactly like a picnic," Luke met my gaze and smiled.

And after that, the conversation flowed naturally, no awkward silences or wrong words said.

By the time we both agreed it was time to go back, the movie had finished and the bonfire already burned out which sent everyone back to their cabins. The only people lingering around were the few who snuck into the cafeteria for a midnight snack.

"Thanks for coming after me," I whispered as I rubbed my arms a little due to my sweatshirt being too thin to shield the rough wind that swept through. "It would've been boring just sitting up there by myself again."

Luke tilted his head toward me, immediately noticing how I was rubbing my arms. He only had a t-shirt on but as he swung his arm around my shoulder, I wave of heat rushed through me and warmed me up.

"It was my pleasure. Thank you for showing me by the way," I slowed down as we approached the boys' cabin, but Luke kept walking, making me speed up. "I'll walk you back to your cabin. I'm not making you walk through the forest alone, especially this late."

"You don't have t-"

"I know, I want to," and with that, we entered the forest.

"It was about time I told someone about the cliff," I tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear and kept my gaze forward, not wanting to freak myself out by looking anywhere else.

This forest gets me at night, I'm telling you.

"What?" Luke asked, confused.

"You thanked me for showing you the cliff," I started, hoping I didn't like a complete imbosol. "It was about time I actually told someone about it."

Camp Hi or Hey (Luke Hemmings Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now