Chapter 3

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"Rise and shine!"

I covered my ears and hugged my pillow closer, ignoring the fuzzy voice of the person who just came into the cabin.

Too damn early.

"C'mon, guys! Breakfast is ready and we've got a team meeting," the once fuzzy voice became more clear, distinguishing it being a male. I heard a couple of feet hit the wooden floor of the cabin, and a few greetings and fake laughs.

Alright, I'll get up.

I blinked open my eyes and lifted my head, adjusting myself to the sun shining through the windows.

"Hey, Veronica. Time to get up!" I looked up and saw Carla's head duck down, her hair cascading below her. "Oh, you're already up."

I laughed and nodded, "Yeah, you ready for breakfast?" I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, getting up and stretching. Once I cracked my back and stretched my arms, I kneeled down and grabbed a pair of jean shorts and a tie dye t-shirt that I made last summer.

"Would it be too cliche if I wore a tie dye t-shirt?" I asked Carla while pulling out a pair of black flip flops since I'm not expecting to do anything big today.

"Absolutely not, that's actually a really cute one," she hopped down from her mattress and brushed off the dust on her jean caprise, resting a hand on her hip once she was done.

"Thank you," I nodded before pulling my hair up into a messy bun and applying just a bit of mascara.

Once I was done, I grabbed my phone and walked out of the cabin with Carla fight on my tail.

"So today is just the meeting and then we do whatever we want, right?" I asked, sticking my phone into my back pocket and rubbing my arms to warm me up a bit.

Even though it's summer, doesn't mean it's not chilly in the morning.

"Hopefully! I want to see what's past the cafeteria," she sighed, slouching her shoulders.

"Hey, guys! Wait up!" I immediately stopped, hearing a familiar voice yell behind us. Once my eyes landed on the person yelling, I smiled.


"Sorry for leaving you," I apologized once she caught up.

"No problem, I didn't hear Calum wake us all up," I scrunched up my nose when she said "Calum."

"Calum woke us up?" I questioned, looking at Carla.

"Yeah, he left with about three girls from our cabin who were already up," Carla explained, kicking a large rock.

Well the masculine voice now makes sense now.

Soon enough, we entered the cafeteria where everyone was already in line for food.

"I'll get in line while you guys get a table," I stated, already walking over to the large chain of people.

"I'll go with Veronica so we can bring back a couple trays of food," I heard Carla say who bid a goodbye to Pauline.

"Hopefully they have chocolate chip pancakes," I wished, trying to get a look at what was available.

"That sounds so good right now," Carla agreed, standing on her tip toes.

Once we got our food which consisted along the lines of scrambled eggs, sausage links, hashbrowns, an apple, a banana, and buttermilk pancakes, Carla and I hauled our overfilled trays to the table Pauline picked which so happened to be the one we sat at yesterday.

"That looks delicious," Pauline commented as soon as we sat the trays down.

"Oops we forget plates and silverware," I noticed, getting up. "I'll get it."

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