⍨ chapter 9

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i walked out of doyoung's office dragging my feet.

i had been forced out because his patient had arrived, and so, i couldn't stay with him.

but right now, i didn't feel safe in this school.

actually, there's nowhere i felt safe. nowhere except in doyoung's office. it was the only place where i could be myself. the only place where people didn't judge me.

i spotted jeno sitting on jaemin's lap on a bench in the school's garden.

having nothing better to do, i approached the two boys, trying to ignore the looks that the other students were giving me.

at least, none of them were insulting me.

they were too scared of what mark could do. that was a good thing.

i stopped right in front of them, waiting for them to acknowledge my presence, but none of them did, too deep in their thoughts.

i coughed to catch their attention, and thankfully, jeno looked at me.

"d-donghyuck?" he said immediately straightening his back.

i looked at him with sad eyes.

"are you okay?"

i shook my head as no.

"what's going on?" jaemin asked this time.

"many things." i mumbled.

jeno got down from jaemin's lap and pulled me on the bench, in between jaemin and himself, so that i was squished between two persons.

"is it mark?" jeno asked softly.

"what's with mark?" jaemin questioned.

"what the whole school says isn't true. they're lying. donghyuck didn't do that." jeno said, caressing my thigh.

jaemin glared at jeno's hand. "i know. mark told me."

mark told him?

why would he do that?

that's dangerous for him.

jaemin could have told to someone else he was lying.

"h-he told you?" i stuttered.

"yeah. he explained me everything. i'm sorry for your break up. i know it was sudden and all." jaemin looked at me with sad eyes.

i nodded, still not understanding anything.

"hey slut!" someone yelled from afar.

it was the boy of that morning.

he had cotton pads in his nostrils and he looked very angry.

he was coming straight towards me.

"is he talking to you?" jaemin raised a brow.

"surely." i replied.

and, well, i didn't have the time to say anything else.

the next thing i knew, i received a hard punch in the face and i blacked out.

when i came back to my senses, my first reflex was to touch my eye.

it was hurting like hell.

then, i opened them, looking at my surroundings.

it was a familiar place. doyoung's office.

i could even hear voices. they were coming from the door.


doyoung would never let the door opened.

"can you call me when he'll wake up?"

that voice was familiar in donghyuck's ears.

way too familiar.

he liked that voice way too much.

of course, he did.

it was mark's.

was mark here to see him?

"i will, don't worry. i'll tell him you came as well." doyoung's voice said.

"no, don't." mark said, catching me off-guard.


"i'm not sure donghyuck likes me that much... after everything i did to him..."

i prevented myself from making a noise by putting my hand in front of my mouth.

is that what mark thinks of me?

what a stupid being...

i love him from the bottom of my heart.

how could i stop loving him?

"mark..." doyoung sighed. "donghyuck loves you, that's for sure. he's completely obsessed by you."

"you told me that when i came to see you months ago."

"but it's still the case. he's questioning himself, mark. he loves you but he's oblivious. and you love him too. you still do."

"you're right." mark said low.

i held myself from crying.

mark loved me?

what was happening right now?

"mark." doyoung's voice became firm. "you need to tell donghyuck the whole truth. from the reason you two broke up, to your feelings. even if that means you'll have to break someone's heart." 

psycho - nct, markhyuckHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin