Chapter Fifty-Three

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Author's Note: There is sensitive subject matter in this chapter. Nillon's perspectives and beliefs are not my own and do not reflect how the story must go. 

"Nillon Salord, fourth heir of the Salord line, third-year, war mage," the porter called as Nillon stepped into the room.

Fourth heir of the Salord line.

The term haunted Nillon's every step, but there were much worse things to be called.

Nillon would inherit the Salord line if his uncles and father died. Neither of his uncles had any children, meaning that Nillon was almost absolute in his inheritance.

If he survived.

Having been to two previous winter formals, Nillon knew to move to the side. He enjoyed what music was available and the food. Several Hellfire members spoke to him, and he knew things would slip over. Eventually, he would be called back to Hellfire.

At formals, the students were introduced from the fourth-year down.

So, when the second years walked in, Nillon was acutely aware of Maeno's entrance. Of how the man walked in with his head held high but a bitterness about him. Maeno wore a vest and little more, his sleeves started the year previous with protection spells.

On the wildling's right wrist stood a new marking, still red but unveiled for the formal. A circle with a dot on the outside of it. It was no spell Nillon had ever seen, let alone heard of. There was a basic combination of two circles and two dots that could mean hundreds of different things depending on the combination and placement of the dots. They called it a child's magic because any child mage could perform the spells.

But what caught Nillon's eye the most was the iron chainmail choker around Maeno's neck. At the center of the piece stood an iridescent wyvern scale. To one side of the scale sat a small red bead. Beside that was the bead that marked Maeno as a spell mage in training, giving him access to restricted books no other students were permitted to review unless they returned for the magehood.

Maeno was protected by Pan, claimed by Lugh, a spell mage in training, and had received a gift of dragons.

His introduction?

"Maeno, second-year."

Everyone in the ballroom saw the other signs and knew them for what they were. Silent reputation which could not be uttered or boasted about, lest they be stripped away. The second-year had every reason to walk in with his head held high.

Feon walked in behind Maeno. Dressed in a rainbow of colours, showing no family favour. His hair was styled, and about his neck was a simple choker with a charm.

War mage.

It didn't mean that Feon would follow in the footsteps of Theon. What the little charm meant was that those war mages born to it would protect Feon with their lives. Theon and Naena, then, would go out of their way to keep Feon alive and end any trouble in his way.

A comfort settled over Nillon even as he turned away, accepting a glass of champagne rather than meet Feon's eyes.

Clearly the issue with Feon's father had been solved. Rumour was, the Chain Islands were seeking an audience with Lugh to arrange a marriage with a lesser line. That same rumour claimed that Nendan himself was arranging the marriage.

Nillon doubted it had anything to do with Feon's connection to him. More likely the Lugh family sought a connection with the Islands to draw them into the fold.

How Lugh arrived at such a position, Nillon might never know.

The first years began with the higher ranks, those from mage families. It quickly devolved.

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