Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Graydon had been surprised upon receiving a black sealed scroll from Magi Yole. When he arrived at the library, the scroll was exchanged for a workroom key. He stared at the key for too long before he met the fear-filled eyes of the old librarian.

"I'll need another body," Graydon murmured, slipping the key back across the desk.

He received a nod.

AfPan was the closest he could find.

Really, he had been angling for Kaulu.

He didn't know what waited for them in the workroom, but he knew he needed help. He expected a fight, and he wanted Kaulu or Veles with him, but Veles had promises and services to Lugh. Instead, he had to make do with AfPan.

Back in the library, he took the key and waited as Magi Yole glanced at the workroom door and back again.

The fact that the wizened librarian was fearful phased Graydon, but he hoped it didn't show.

"For six weeks Bo Belus and Maeno have used that workroom all hours of the day and night."

Graydon swore.

It wasn't uncommon for students to pair off. They even had a name for it, though Graydon couldn't recall what it was. Through their school, whether married or not, students would share each others' bed. Upon graduation they remained close friends and allies, but nothing more.

One of those unspoken traditions at the university.

One that Graydon was sternly warned against participating in.

The other option was the pair had been conducting illegal research, but he doubted either Bo or Maeno had the backbone to do such a thing.

He motioned to AfPan, and the pair of them walked toward the workroom. Graydon placed himself firmly before the door, ready to block whatever might hit him once the door opened.

Considering it was Maeno they were encroaching on, Graydon highly suspected a sharp or heavy object would fly toward his head.

If not the street rat's body.

As soon as the door opened, the thick scent of blood filled his nostrils.

A decade of working with mages made him fear the worst, but when he laid eyes on Maeno, laying in the middle of a bloody, tear-soaked mess, a wash of relief followed.

Not trying to summon a demon, despite AfPan's protests, just grieving.

He did what was necessary. Had the hands fixed, waited just long enough for the fatigue and numbness to set in, then did the rest. He said not a word to Maeno until he had to.

As far as either of them were concerned, that night never happened.

Leaving his dorm room, he glowered at AfPan.

"Why did you talk to me in there?" the other countered.

AfPan's voice quivered with fear.

Talking happened during training, not after and in the field. Graydon didn't doubt that the younger man expected a stern lecture followed by discipline.

"So he knew someone would watch out over him while he slept," Graydon said. "What did I tell you to tell Luren?"

"A thorough check," AfPan responded. "You want to make sure your spell mage is healthy, inside and out. Do I need to know where you go?"

"No, anyone searching for me doesn't get to find me," he responded.

AfPan gave an understanding nod, likely just happy not to be in trouble.

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