Chapter Thirty-Four

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"Dead?" Luk demanded as Elena walked in, tugging his nightcoat tight around her bulging form.

As Theon had been brought to Luk's sleeping chambers, he wasn't surprised to see Elena. Though he was surprised to see Elena in Luk's nightcoat. Seeing someone else in Luk's clothing was disturbing.

"You should be in bed," Theon said.

"There's trouble, I am up," she snapped.

"You look like you're carrying twins," Theon protested.

"I am not fat," Elena protested, her eyes tearing up as Luk groaned.

"Now is not the time, Elena," Luk protested. "Kill him later."

"Fine, but I'm using a frying pan this time," she snapped, jabbing a finger at Luk's nose.

"Very well," Luk said to his wife before he turned to Theon. "Dead how? Explain in detail, don't give me these short little sentences you like to use."

Theon then reported the event to Luk, including all the information he had. He included the conversation he had with Bo in the library, the story of Maeno, the dragon blood. Then he provided the name of the murderer, told Luk where the blood had gone and how it was being divided up.

"Oh, and they may be summoning Piffy."

"Piffy?" Elena asked.

"It's now time for you to leave," Luk said to her.

Elena frowned, casting her husband a sidelong look, but she stood and took her leave. Theon knew from experience that she would be gone approximately twenty minutes before she walked back in with some excuse. The woman was not above pulling her oldest daughter into her plotting to get back into the room.

Not that Theon would have a problem with seeing one of the children. He was well aware that the words, 'Uncle Theon is here,' would be used, roping him into a social obligation of taking on the role of doting uncle.

Elena couldn't claim their relation publicly, but that didn't stop her from enforcing it in private.

Or use it to gain entrance into a private conversation.

"Why Piffy?" Luk asked. "We've marginalized him to little more than a boogeyman."

"Which is probably the damned reason they want to call him up," Theon said. "They think he's a minor demon who prays on the dreams of children, not a demon who will rape any mage he gets his hands on."

"It might be fun for me," Luk said with a little shrug as he sat back in his chair.

"I'm a mage!"

Luk made a face and shook his head. "You've taken on worse. He's a serial rapist, not a murderer."

"And he's been in Hell nearly four decades soaking in the demonic magics, I'd rather not, thank you very much."

"Fine, we will see what we can do behind the scenes. You, of course—"

"Absolutely, he looked like he wanted to gut me for even suggesting that a murderer might go free."

"Good, let's see if he has the stuff to rule," Luk muttered.

"She'll do the killing and take the blame."

"She won't kill them, just maim them, and that's only if she survives."

"You did hear the part—"

"About AfLugh, yes, I'll reach out to his father once the official letter is delivered and send another notice to his lord. He won't be able to create the bond again, but who knew he had it in him to start the process from a distance like that? Good on him. I have a younger cousin we could pair him with. Lugh is happy for the connection, Graydon feels like the boy is taken care of, and maybe the next generation can do the same thing."

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