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Keith POV

I groaned as the pod opened, and I fell forward, and got caught by someone. "Hey buddy. You good?" They said. Wait, was that LANCE? I looked up at them groggily, and was greeted with Lance's shit eating grin. "What happened?" I asked. "You fell for me." He said, grin growing. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away. "Haha, very funny Lance. Your little lines may work on the Princess, but not me." I said, attempting to step away. but I stumbled, and nearly fell on my ass. Lance stifled a laugh, and grabbed my arm to steady me. "Shut up." I grumbled. "Sure. Just don't fall on your as Mullet." I rolled my eyes. "Ugh. Never mind. How long was I in there?" Lance shrugged. "A quintant or two, give or take a few hours. You were beat up pretty bad." I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes. "No shit Sherlock. What happened while I was out?" I asked, as we made our way to the bridge. "Well, uh, the big guy, Kolivan, started talking to Allura and Shiro about an alliance between the Blade and Voltron. Apparently, they have agents implanted all over the Empire, and spies everywhere, even in Zarkon's inner circle." "Wow. They're even more widespread than I thought." They had agents everywhere? Just exactly how many Blades were there? Lance chuckled. "I know, right? Yeah, he's barely left the bridge, save from necessities like food and the bathroom. But I don't think Allura likes him much."  I felt my stomach drop. "Oh." If Allura didn't like the leader of our most powerful possible ally, who's to say she won't like me either? Now that she knows I'm half Galra,

Holy SHIT I'm half GALRA. How am I gonna tell James? And Adam? So what, do I go back to Earth and be like "Hey babe! Hey Adam! I'm back! Oh, and I'm also part alien! Isn't that great? And my entire childhood up until I was like 4 is a lie! And me and Shiro aren't blood brothers either! And my dad died in a fucking fire! And that place I found was our house! So anyway, how you guys been?"  I shook my head and chuckled a bit. Yeah, that'd go over REAL well. "What's so funny?" Lance asked. "Hmm? Nothing." "Mmhm, sure." "Hey, why were waiting outside my pod?" I asked. For him to have caught me, he'd have to been waiting. "Oh, well, uh, we'd been taking turns watching the pod. Me and the other paladins I mean. Cause we know people normally fall out of them, and I don't think you need any more brain damage." "Haha, very funny Lance." I said dryly. "you can let of of me now. My legs work." Lance nodded "Oh yeah, right." He backed off, and we continued to the bridge.

When we entered, everyone turned to look at me. "Keith! Good, now we're all here." Shiro said, smiling my way. "Hey! how's it feel being half-Galra? Are you gonna grow a tail? Or turn purple? Are your eyes gonna get all yellow and glowy?" Hunk said, berating me with questions. "Uh, the same, I don't think so, hopefully not, maybe?" I said with a shrug. "I don't know! I just found out." "Yeah Hunk, back off. We can ask him later. We're in a meeting right now." Pidge said. "Thank you, Pidge, was it?" Kolivn asked, and she nodded. "Thank you. Anyway, as of now, we have an operative aboard Zarkon's central command with an virus that will temporarily disable the ships weapons system and power, giving us time to attack. However, we haven't heard from the agent, Thace, in quite sometime. We fear he may have been captured, which blocks us from completing the operation. If we are to continue, we need someone else to go in." He continued, using holo-screens. "Well then send in another Blade." Lance said. "It's not that simple blue paladin. Thace was, IS, part of Zarkon's inner circle. It took years for him to rise that high in the ranks, and if someone just appeared there, there would no doubt be some suspicions. We need someone to sneak aboard the ship and plant the virus. normally, we'd have one of our Blades do it, but almost all of them are away on missions right now. It could take phoebs to track one down." "I'll do it." I declared, stepping forward. "Keith..." Shiro started.

"It makes sense. I'm the fastest of us here, and I'm Galra, so I can interact with their technology. And I've been on the ships before, so I have a good idea of the layout." "He's right. Keith has the highest chance out of all of us to successfully infiltrate the ship. It's decided, the Red paladin will go." "No, it is not decided. I will NOT have one of MY paladins on Zarkon's main ship. I need them to make Voltron." Allura said, sounding mad. "Yeah, without Keith, we can't form Voltron. We don't have extra paladins hanging around the Castle!" Lance said, throwing his arms in the air. "But he is the best man for the job." Kolivan stated, still blank faced. "Why? Because he's Galra?" The princess spat, and Kolivan's eyes narrowed. "Partially. And as we can tell, he has the strongest bond with his lion." "Shiro has a strong bond with his lion! Send him!" Lance exclaimed. "We shouldn't do that. Zarkon might try to take Black again, or Haggar could use her black magic on him. It's too much of a risk to send Shiro." Pidge said, adjusting her glasses. "Okay, so we send Keith. He can take care of himself. He gets in, he gets out, simple." Hunk suggested, and I nodded in agreement. "Yeah. And if all else fails, I kill some sentries and get the fuck out of there." Allura and Shiro sighed. "Fine. What do the rest of us need to do?" He asked. "I'm glad you asked." Kolivan said, creating an even bigger holo-screen. "Each of you have very specific and important parts. If one of you fails, you all fail. Here's what you must do....."

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