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Shiro POV

Paladins, to the bridge! We need you!" I yelled into the comms. Keith, Pidge, Hunk and Lance came running into the room. "Shiro, what's happening?" Keith asked, looking around frantically. I smiled "We have our first mission." I turned towards the Castle's screen, and Coran started pushing buttons. "This planet, Roku, is being held by Galra forces. The Olkari have obtained intel that there's some crucial supply routes going through there. Our job is to find them and destroy them." I said. "Wouldn't it be better if we waited to do that? Voltron isn't up to full power yet, and we're still getting used to our lions." Pidge asked. "Yeah, I'm with Pidge. This doesn't sound like a good idea." Hunk said in agreement. "Well, we're not gonna get any better just sitting around or running drills. The only way tp get better is real life training." Keith said, crossing his arms. "What do you know Mullet?" Lance said. "I know that you don't get any better by being lazy Lance. You wanna sit on your ass all day, fine. But do it when we're not at war." Keith said, stepping towards him. "Keith." I said, looking at him pointedly. He sighed and backed off. "Well, you guys have your orders. It's time to suit up."


Voltron has already successfully completed many missions, and Shiro had regained his memory. They met Ulaz, and sadly, saw him die. They've weakened Zarkon's link to the Black lion, and are now in search of the base of the Blade of Marmora.

Keith POV

That blade.. it's like the one I have. Where did Ulaz get that? I ran back to my room after the mission, and immediately pulled out my knife. I unwrapped the hilt, and examined the gem on it. It was just like Ulaz's. Maybe whoever gave this to me was part of the Blade... My train of thought was interrupted when I heard someone open the door. I shoved the knife under my pillow and stood to greet them. It was Coran. "Ah, hello number 4. Good to see you. I was just wondering how you were doing. You seemed a bit off after the mission." "Its not exactly easy seeing someone die Coran." He nodded. "Ah, yes, it isn't. My apalogies." He started walking away, and I let out a sigh of relief. Finally, some quiet time. I could study the blade, maybe find out what it is. Wait, Coran would know. Maybe it was Galra. I ran out of my room and began searching for Coran. I finally found him down one of the many halls. "Wait! Coran!" I called. He turned and smiled at me. "Yes number 4?" "Is it, is it possible for the Galra to have been on Earth? Did the Blue lion have a Galran paladin?" I asked. "Um, no. Only the Black one. Why?" I sighed. "No reason, just wondering." The door next to me opened, and I was greeted with Lance. In one of his face masks. I had to restrain myself from laughing, remembering the prank we pulled on him our first year at the Garrison. "What's this about Blue?" He asked, glaring at me. "N-nothing. Just wondering is all." "Lookie here Mullet, Blue is my lion, and we're very happy together. Very happy." "Who whoa Lance, I'm not trying to steal Blue. She's all yours." "Uh, sure. Just admit, you've had your eye on her since day one." He said, jabbing my chest with his finger. "Well, yeah, she's the first one we found-" He put his finger on my lips. "Ah buh buh, no. You have Red, and I have Blue. That's how things work. Don't go trying to steal my lion." "I would never-!" I started, but he covered my mouth with his hand. "I don't care. Just leave me and my lion alone." "Kinda hard to do when you won't leave me alone." I said into his hand. "What?" He asked, removing his hand. "I said fine." I snapped. Dammit, all I did was ask a question, why does Lance have to get all up in my business? I like Red, and I'd never try and take Blue. "Sure you are Keithy boy." Lance said, closing his door.

I sighed and continued down the halls, not stopping until I reached the training room. "Begin training sequence 8."  I called, summoning my bayard and getting in a fighting stance. I really needed to hit something.

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