Lost Memories

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Keith POV

"I-I'm part GALRA?" I asked. I was sitting on the floor, breathing heavily. He handed me my knife, which I had dropped as some point. "Rise, and take your blade." He said. I struggled to stand, and took the knife. "Stand back." Kolivan ordered, and everyone took a step back. Then, to their shock and mine, the knife started to glow, and it morfed into a sword. "He has awoken the blade." One of the agents declared. It was one of the ones that brought me in. "But-but how? Does that mean I'm part Galra too?" Shiro asked. Kolivan raised an eyebrow. "Why would you be part Galra?" "Well, I'm his brother." Shiro said, and Kolivan's eyes widened. "This is really what you believe?" He asked, looking back and forth between the two of us. I nodded. "Yes. He's my brother." "Kolivan, perhaps his mother used the forget-me-stick on him." The same agent said. "Antok, that was cute when you were a child. It's not anymore. The EME wouldn't leave him with any memories. She'd have to have created them herself. And if she had, she wouldn't have left the knife." "What are you talking about?" I asked. "What's the forget-me-stick? What's an EME? I completed your stupid trials, so tell me what I want to know." I said, getting annoyed. 

First, they tackle me, steal my knife, accuse me of stealing, beat the crap out of me, and now they won't give me a straight answer? What the fuck? "The EME is an piece of equipment that Blades who are on spy missions have. It cause whoever they zap with it to forget seeing them. They can also implant memories in your mind." "So what? What are you saying?" This was getting more and more confusing by the second. "She implanted memories in your mind of your time with Shiro. You are not brothers. Not by blood."  I took a step back as me and Shiro stared at him in shock. "We'll need to attach you to some of our equipment in order for the older memories to resurface." "Wait wait wait, you're saying that my entire childhood is a lie?" I asked."Keith, what exactly about your childhood do your remember?" Kolivan asked. "Um, bits and pieces. Not a lot before being in the system with Shiro." I answered shamefully. I really didn't remember anything about it. "So it's possible that you two were just grouped together. Made as siblings." "No. We are. Just because I don't remember it doesn't mean it isn't real. you're saying my entire life as a child is a lie?" I asked, and Kolivan shook his head. "Only parts of it. No doubt your earliest memories, or anything about your parents. Now come. The process is a long and difficult one." He walked out of the room, motioning for us to follow.

He led us too a relatively small room, with lots of computer screens and some big tables. "Here. Lie down, and we will attach the proper technology. But be warned, this can cause severe pain. Your mind will consciously be fighting itself, trying to hold on to what it believes is real. It will be fighting the truth of your childhood. It may believe that it is protecting itself from harmful memories, and in turn reject the undoing of the fabricated memories. It's also very possible that she only used it on your memories of her, and it affected you, also tampering your memories of your father. Your half Galra DNA might react differently to our technology then full-blooded Galra. It could have hidden them, and replaced them with your current memories. You might forget those things. Are you sure you still wish to proceed?" Kolivan said. I nodded. "Yes." "Keith, are you sure? This sound dangerous." Shiro said. "Shiro, I have to. If it helps me find out anything, anything at all about my mother.... I need to take the risk." "But you might forget our childhood together. All the things we did." Shiro protested. "Those were fake. Given the apparent age difference between you two, I assume she put him in your family when you were young. You would barely remember those things now, even if they were real. You both must undergo the process. It is of the upmost importance." Kolivan declared. "But why? Why can't I just keep believing that they're real?" Shiro asked. "You can believe they are real. We aren't seeking to destroy your memories, only resurface the true ones. You will still have them, they will just be.. different." One of the Blades said. "Shiro, please." I pleaded. "I have to know." He looked at me for a second, surveying the physical damage that had been done to me, along with my pleading eyes. He sighed and hung his head. "Fine. But I still don't like this." Kolivan nodded. "Good. Regeris, prepare them.

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