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Shiro POV 

After we got back to the castle after fighting Sendak, a second time, I approached Allura and Coran. "So, uh, what exactly are Alteans? Are you guys like humans or something?" Allura smiles at me "Well, yes, in some ways. We seem to have very similar physical and biological structures, but Alteans are more in touch with their quintessence. And we have stronger quintessence as well. Otherwise we're practically the same." I nodded "Huh." "Aand, we don't get injured as easily. Like you friend, Keith was it?" Coran added. "What's wrong with Keith?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. He seemed fine to me. "Well, something is definitely bothering him. Did you see his mind during the training exercise? He kept seeing someone. But then he'd shake his head and they'd disappear." I nodded silently. It must've been James. "I'm surprised you didn't notice number 1. You two seem very close." Coran said. "We are. He's my little brother." "Welk then you should go check on him. He doesn't seem well." Allura said, and I nodded. "Of course. Later."

I walked away, and began looking for Keith. I heard clanging from the training room, and figured that it must be him. None of the others like physical activity of any kind. I walked in and saw Keith with his bayard, trying to fight the bot. "UGH! JUST FUCKING DIE ALREADY AND GO!" He yelled, slashing at the bot. It easily dodged him and swung the butt of its spear at his ribs. He fell back on his ass, grunting.  "End training sequence." I called, and the bot disappeared. Keith looked towards me and sighed. "What do you want?" "What? I disappear for almost a year and you don't want anything to do with me? I just wanted to talk." He sat up and motioned to the floor next to him. "Sure. Have a seat. What did you want to talk about?" He asked."Well, what happened? On Earth?" I asked, sitting down. "Um, Adam started drinking for a little, but Mrs.Holt got him to stop. Uh, Iverson cried when he told us about what happened." "What about you?" Keith shrugged. "I was pretty messed up at first, but I got over it." I chuckled "I meant you and James. How's he been?" Keith smiled "Oh, we've been great. We went stargazing at that shack I had, and we celebrated his birthday too." I raised an eyebrow "I bet that's not the only thing you guys did there." His cheeks went light pink and he pointed at me. "Shut up, you and Adam have done worse. And every morning and night, he texts me "I love you."" "Wait, why would  he text you? Why not tell you?" They were sharing room,  they could just tell each other. "Because. And he stayed with us during summer, and we went to the beach, and, and, oh no." 

Keith's eyes widened. "Shiro! He doesn't know where I am!" He said, grabbing my shoulders. "James doesn't know where I am! Neither does Adam! Shiro I left them! I left him! I left James!" He cried, a look of panic in his eyes. "Whoa whoa Keith, calm down." "Calm down? CALM DOWN? I LEFT THEM!" He yelled, standing and starting to pace the room. "Adam already lost you and now he thinks he lost me! Nobody knows where we are! What about Mrs.Holt? Or Veronica? Or Hunk's  family? Shiro, no one knows where we are!" I stood and wrapped my arms around him. "Shh, Keith it'll be fine. Time is different in space. For all we know we've only been gone a few hours, not days." "NO ITS NOT FINE!" He yelled, pushing me away. "THEY PROBABLY THINK WE'RE DEAD TOO! YOU KNOW THE GARRISON! THEY'LL COVER IT UP!" "Keith, please, calm down." "CALM DOWN? CALM DOWN? YOU DON'T GET TO DISAPPEAR FOR ALMOST A YEAR AND GET TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO! YOU WERE GONE SHIRO! FOR A YEAR!  You didn't see Adam when you left. He was so sad. He cried a lot. Then we found out you were missing, then dead and it broke him. A grown man, Shiro. And he cried for weeks. How is it gonna be for James? To think that I'm dead? He's gonna think that I'm dead. Shiro, he gonna think I'm dead." His shoulders drooped and he  fell into me. "He's gonna think I'm dead." He whimpered into my chest. I started patting his hair. "Keith, no he won't. He knows how fucking stubborn you can be. He knows no one can get rid of you. But you'll get back to him. Okay? I promise, no matter how long it takes, we'll get back to them, okay?" He nodded into my chest silently. "Okay Shiro." He muttered.

I held him for a little bit longer, and he stepped back. "Uh, alright. I'm gonna, I'm gonna go to sleep. Uh, thanks." I smiled. "Anytime." He headed towards the exit, and just as he reached the door I called out - "I love you lil bro!" He turned and smiled at me. "I know." And left. 

I smiled to myself. He'd say it too, in due time. It was going to take some getting used to, this alien thing. But we'd adapt. Eventually.

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