Where is Keith?

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James POV

The last month and a half had been unbearably long. I had barely been able to talk to Keith, and kept having tests or extra homework. I was still texting Keith "I love you" every morning and night, but he had stopped responding. But I wasn't worried about it. Knowing him, he had probably forgotten to charge it, or had lost it somewhere in the house or shack house in the dessert. But luckily, I'd get to tell him in person today. It was October 23, his birthday,  and today, me and Adam were going to see Keith. Finally, after getting close to two months, I'd get to see him again.

"Hey James! You ready to go?" Adam asked, popping into the doorway of my room. I smiled and stood "Fuck yes." We left the Garrison, got in the truck, and headed to their house. I was almost bouncing with excitement in my seat. I really missed Keith. This had been the longest few weeks of my life. When we pulled up to the house I ran to the door. I went to knock, then noticed that it was unlocked. Huh, that's odd. I thought but I brushed it off. Keith had probably just forgotten to lock the door. I went inside and saw a decent sized layer of  dust on everything. I shook my head. Keith was never the neatest person. "Keith! We're back!" I called. No response. Maybe he was asleep? I headed to his room, expecting to see a lump of blanket, but there was nothing. "Keith?" I Called, now concerned. Maybe he was in the garage. Or out for a ride. "I went to the living room ,and Ada m shook his head. "He's not here. And the bike's gone too. Do you have any idea where he might be?' He asked. "Uh, yeah. He found this house in the dessert. Maybe he's there." I said, heading back outside. "Really? Well he must be staying there, because I don't see any food or trash in here. It looks abandoned." My eyes widened and I ran outside. I ran in what I thought was the direction of the shack, never once stopping.

Please please please be there. Come on Keith, where are you? I thought. I finally saw the shack, and almost let out a sigh of relief. As I got closer, I realized that his bike wasn't there. I threw open the door, and began searching the house, calling Keith's name. "Keith? Keith! Come on, this isn't funny. Keith?" I called, looking in each of the rooms. No one was there. "James? James!" I heard someone call. "Keith?" I asked, whipping my head around. Maybe he was here. But instead, Adam appeared. "Sorry, its just me. Is he here?" I shook my head, shoulders slumping. "No. And his bike's gone too. Where else could he be?" Adam sighed. "I don't know. When's the last time you talked to him?" He asked. I shrugged. "I don't know. A week or so ago? I've had a lot to do lately. What if he thought I forgot about his birthday? Or him? Maybe he went into town to get something! Let's go check!" I suggested, moving to go out the door. But Adam stopped me, grabbing my upper arm. "James, if he's not here, and he wasn't home, he might be missing. We need to call the authorities." I shook my head. "Wha-what? No, he's not missing. He's probably just out for a ride or something. He'll be back soon. I know it." Adam smiled softly. "James, I want to believe that too, I really do. But you said it yourself, it's been weeks since you heard from him. And it looks like no one's been here for a while. We need to call the cops." "What? No! I'm sure he's fine. He'll show up any minute now, just watch." I protested. Keith can't be gone. This isn't happening. "James, I'm sorry, but he's gone." "No no no no no." I muttered. "No no no no no no no NO! He can't be gone!" I cried. I sat down on the edge of something. and the room started spinning. Everything started getting blurry, and I couldn't breathe. "James! James! You need to calm dow-" And everything went black.

I woke up, groaning. A pair of arms wrapped around me. "Oh, thank god you're okay." They said. "What?" What did they mean? Of course I was okay. They pulled back and I saw their face. It was Adam, and he had what looked like tear streaks running down his face. "Adam? What's wrong?" "James, Keith's missing." I felt like I had just been hit by a bullet train. Keith was... gone? "What?" I asked in disbelief. "James, Keith is missing. So is Pidge, Hunk and Lance. The Garrison is having an entire investigation." "Wha- Keith?" I asked. I could barely hear my own voice. I looked around and saw flashing lights and a bunch of Garrison vehicles. "Quadrant 5, clear. No sign of cadets." "8 clear. no sign of human life." "Keep searching. Those three cadets families want answers." Iverson said into a radio. "No no no no no no no no no." I muttered. My Keith? My Kitten? He was gone? I felt my shoulders start t shake, and hot tears started streaming down my face. He was really gone. For real. It wasn't a joke. He'd gone for a ride and never come back. My Keith was gone. I started sobbing, and felt Adam's arms wrap around me. "I know James. I know." He muttered, rubbing my back. 

"I know."

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