Kate took a deep breath in, allowing that icy cold breath to fill her lungs before walking into the room

Her eyes immediately landed on May and another person sitting on a tall stood in front of a brown table filled with paperwork and fruits

The room was wide enough, almost bigger than her apartment combined. Kate's eyes glanced around and noticed the walls were all green. Perhaps it was a green screen room.

Plants were placed on each end of the room, all four corners were gathered by green leaves. Behind May and the man stood a video camera placed on a tripod. A short woman stood behind it with a notepad, Kate assumed it was their assistant for the day. She walked to the front of the room where a black stool was placed

"Hi I'm Kate and I will be auditioning for the part of Daisy" She smiled

May grabbed a pen and started to write down the information, she tried to remain as professional as possible but she couldn't help but give the girl a small thumbs up when her Co worker wasn't looking

"We've provided a script" the man said as he motioned to the assistant approaching Kate with a few papers in her hands

"Thank you" Kate smiled before her eyes glanced to the words

"Start from paragraph 3 and finish at 5" May smiled

Kate nodded and gripped the paper in her hands, her eyes ran through the words, quickly memorizing it. It was something she learnt to do by a teacher back in drama class, something to impress sculters.

"You are my sunshine and so it is always light in my world, there is the sweet velvety night, there is even inky and perfect black" Kate said with a bright smile

"but your friendship is a light to me that somehow grows inside my soul and shines through my own eyes. That is what a best friend can do, one who loves you" She said in a more deeper voice

"In the push and pull between the primitive drive and higher-order social mind, I resent and then love you, my friend. I am well schooled in what love is, what love is not" Kate's voice went even deeper, tears filled the rim of her eyes

May glanced at her Co worker who paid all his attention to the girl, he even look off his glaces and furrowed his brows looking at the brunette

"When the primitive drive takes the wheel it's hard to fight it, to stay what a friend should be. If I wait for the panic to subside, to feel the sadness that lives beneath my anger, to let the fear be acknowledged... then I'm in control" She said, her voice starting to crack as the salty release finally fell from her eyes

Each new drop waved a hot trail of agony as slim, bare shoulders shook in each rake of emotion through her frame. Fire of shame and anger burned just under her skin and a deep emptiness filled her heart as the sentiments brewed over and boiled past the seams she could no longer hold together.

"Sometimes, when I am not feeling good, just the thought of your name lightens my mood. I just feel content that you are there to protect me, to save me, to guard me, from any harm that will befalls me. I know you will always be there for me, to lift me up when I fall" Kate mumbled, there was an obvious pain in her voice

A pain that yearned to be heard, a pain of a grieving girl who wanted nothing more but the attention and love of her bestfriend

"Soon the feelings of love come back and I want to hold you so close. In truth, whenever the wintry rain sets in I want to run to you. Only you. Every time. Every DAMN time" She hissed, the tears ran down her cheek while her anger became more visible

There was a light in her eyes, something that burned a fuel of anger. Out of nowhere, she started to laugh hysterically. Almost as if her own body couldn't take control of the emotions she was feeling. All packed together and losing itself.

May bit her bottom lip as she tried to contain her own tears from falling from the rim of her eyes. She barely glanced at her Co worker as saw him clenching his fists, his cheeks were stained red as soft sniffles were heard. He quickly wiped her eyes with the tip of his blazer as he turned his attention to the notepad on the table, writing a few notes.

May couldn't help but smile before returning her gaze to the girl, she was more than impressed by the girl's acting but the final nail in the coffin was the fact that Kate wasn't using the script, she had memorized the words in less than 15 seconds.

"Maybe one day that'll actually happen, or perhaps you'll run to me. Either way, regardless of outward appearances, you're the only one my heart has let in" Kate finished

Her eyes then met the two directors once again, her tears stained her cheek but she held a small smile on her face as she wiped them away

The room was silent. Dead silent. The silence caressed her skin like a cool summer breeze, smoothing her soul, taking away her jagged edges. It had been one hell of a day. She could only hope that she did a good job to impress them

"That... That was... Amazing" the man said, A smile stretched across Kate's lips

"Thank you" she giggled

The man furrowed his brows and glanced at his notebook, something about his uneasiness made Kate nervous, he seemed like he had sawn a ghost

"How many more do we have?" He whispered to May

"186 more outside" She said, the man headed and glanced back at Kate

"I think you should be proud of what you've done today, we'll give you a call if anything happens" he smiled

"Thank you, thank you so much" Kate grinned

The girl stood to her feet and gave a small glance at May, mentally giving his a 'thank you' with her eyes. May smiled and nodded politely before turning back to her co worker

Happy. The one word to describe Kate's feelings right now. Happy was something that elevated the spirit, lifted one from the mire of whatever was normal.

Kate's hands gripped the doorknob for the brown door, slightly pulling it open, ready to leave the room

She had an inner happiness, one utterly independent of the outside world. She smiled like it burst from within instead of being worn like an obligation in the way others did. For she knew she had nailed it. There was nothing that was going to take away her happiness

Well the girl spoke too soon because that bright smile she had, faded into the most disgusted look the second she saw who was standing on the other end of that door.

The person on the other end didn't seem too happy to see her either, both their jaws dropped and their lips moved to speak the same words


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