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I blinked twice trying to adjust to the faint noises I'm hearing in my room. I wonder who's here to disturb my sleep this morning though. I rubbed my eyes removing traces of sleep from them that's when I realized I wasn't in my room. Holy mangoes! where could I possibly be? Then it hits me, like cold water was dumped on me and all the sleep vanished, I was thrown out of the only place I call a home, almost raped but someone saved me...

"Masha Allah you are awake." beautiful woman probably in her late forties said bringing me out of my chain of thoughts.

"Umm yeah" I managed to say with a smile because of how itchy my throat feels and unsure of the right words to use.

"I need water please" I said to which she nodded and called someone to bring it.

Moments later a tall looking adonis walked in gracefully holding a tray, no doubts he is her son because of the striking resemblance between them but with a manly look.

He walked towards me and kept the tray containing a Jug of water and a mouthwatering looking pancake with a steaming cup of tea on the bedside table before dragging a stool and sat down.

"Hello I'm Jawar, the guy who saved you yesterday" he said in his manly rich voice.

"Thank you so much I owe you one" I replied with a smile after gulping a whole glass of water.

"Don't mention. Here, your medicine you fainted due to shock yesterday but you will be fine after taking this In Sha Allah." He passed me a pack of medicine to which I scrunched my noise yeah I hate medicines urghh!

I remember those days mama would get angry with me and force me to take my medicine. She wouldn't let me be even if I would vomit the whole medicine unless if Abbi is there to save me. Oh good days.

They both laughed at my expression and urged me to take it to which I did after much attempts.

"So what's your name and what's your story?" The woman asked. And all the emotions I tried buckling up came rushing I quickly wiped the lone tear that fell from my eyes but I guess I was late because the Jawar guy said

"I'm sorry if what she said offended you, you don't really have to tell us if you don't want to" And his mom simply nodded indicating she agree with him.

"No its fine really" I quickly replied with a weak smile.

Well here goes nothing I sighed.

"So for starters I'm Fatima Aliyu Ardo but I'm mostly known as Mahnoor."

We were once a happy family of four consisting of My Dad, Mallam Aliyu Ardo. He was a simple fulani man who was into clothing business, my dad wasn't really rich but Alhamdulillah we were happy, he made sure we had the best ranging from education, clothes, food, shelter and all the necessities of life. We had no room to complain.

My Mom, Hajiya Amina Nadabo was a beautiful fulani woman from Adamawa. She is the most loving and caring woman I've ever known, she made sure to take care of everyone in the most loving way ever. She was an only child to her late parents.

Then my elder brother, Hamma Habib. He loved me so much and make sure to share everything he gets with me, he was not just my elder brother, but my bestfriend and confidant, even though he is strict when the need arises but I still adore him nevertheless.

Indeed we were a beautiful family not until death strikes. I said pausing to stabilize my breath it has always been a hard spot talking about my parents death.

My parents died in a car accident on their way to Adamawa to visit my paternal relatives. He finally decides to visit after their endless complain about him not visiting. My Father's side of the family is just one hella complicated and for a reason I don't know my dad doesn't like visiting after the death of my grandma.

"So they set out on a Saturday morning for Adamawa. I had a bad feeling about it but just brushed it off. Hamma even teased me about being er auta because I didn't wanna let them go" I said with a sad smile.

I didn't know what was wrong with me but I was very sad after their departure. I had this nagging feeling that something was wrong but I just couldn't pin point out what it was.

I came back from Islamiyya and immediately I entered the house I knew something terrible has happened, I could sense it from the way Hamma hugged me so tight as though trying to find solace in me, and the different pair of eyes that I hardly see on normal occasions staring at me with something I decipher as pity. What could have actually gone wrong? I thought.

My father's sister and the only one who cares about us, Aunty Amina whom I refer to Anty min min came and hugged me telling me to have sabr(patience) whatever happened has already been writing since the beginning of creation. I was more than confused hearing that so my curious self asked what was wrong but the answer I got made me wished I didn't in the first place but the deed have already been done.

Have patience noori we lost them, we lost the two parents we have. Hamma's sad voice kept ringing in my ears, my brain froze. Blocking their voices out, for a moment I wished my ears were lying to me. I just wished it was a nightmare but I knew better._

That very day I cried like I never did. What's more painful than losing both parents the same day in a car accident? Absolutely nothing can be compared to that.

For three days I became numb, I shut everyone out. I knew I wasn't doing the right thing, I was hurting those that cared about me but I just wanted to be left alone.

On the fourth day Habibi and my aunt got tired of my behavior and succeeded to talk some sense into me and Alhamdulillah I got back to my normal self If I could call that normal.

I was just in Js2 when I lost my parents, while Hamma was in level 4 studying mechanical engineering. So it was decided I will stay with Aunty min.

Few years later Hamma graduated and decided to get married to his university sweetheart, Anty Safinah. She was this sweet lady with a nice personality I instantly fell in love with.

My brother requested I move back to stay with them some months after their wedding and I couldn't be happier, dont get me wrong I love staying with my aunt and really appreciate all her effort but I miss spending quality time with my Hamma.

Life have never been sweeter after moving in with them I have the best brother and sister in law or so I thought and made new amazing friends that I cherish a lot.

Everything was perfect in my life not until Ya Safinsh changed for the worst at first I thought I offended her so I decided to apologize but instead I got the insult of my life.

I endured everything she did and never for once told my brother for I never want to be the reason behind their fights.

And then yesterday she threw me out, well you must be wondering where my brother is. He actually travelled abroad and that gave her the right. I didn't have a phone because she broke it so I had no chance to contact him."

Well this is my story I said wiping my tears away.

"Ya Allah I cant believe this, someone is out there looking for a daughter or sister yet she had the right to throw you out" She said coming closer and hugged me in the most comfortable hug ever.

They told me soothing words and decided we report her to the police but I quickly objected. I can't afford to see the only person I love broken because of love, he loves his wife so much and I don't want to be the reason he wouldn't trust women anymore. I know my brother he would forever blame himself when he realize all what I've gone through. So I let karma to bite her.

I was both happy and sad when Ammi agree to take me in as her daughter, even tho I asked her to give me work as a househelp because I don't want to become a burden. I was happy for I get to meet this amazing people and sad for I lost my closet relative.


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