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10 days after the accident


It's been quite some time now. I tried figuring out what happend the first week I wasn't in college and actually, I had to take in a lot. I got scolded for so many things, even though it wasn't actually my fault. Changbin started explaining after I told him to. Everyone was mad at me, but to be honest, that was totally fine. I didn't talk to anyone for a whole week and everything just happened so fast. I never would have thought that just a week could destroy a group of friends as bad as the past week did.

And the biggest problem was, that it almost seemed hopeless. The group might split and nothing we could think of would've been able to help.

"Chan ... are you here?"

I noticed a soft voice calling for me, taking out the earphones to see if it was actually there or just imaginary. A second later Changbin appeared between the book shelves in front of me.

"Ah, here you are", he sighed, walking closer. He seemed stressed out, but who could have blamed him? He didn't get to sleep much lately, especially because his head was filled with thoughts about Felix. Felix here, Felix there. He was all Changbin could think of. I felt deeply sorry for him. I mean, I knew what it's like not to be able to get that one person out of your head. He looked tired, standing there in front of me.

"Felix is looking for you. I think he wants to talk about something important."

"How do you know?" That sounded a lot harsher, coming from me, than intended. But I wondered how he was able to know when Felix didn't talk to him at all.

"He's sitting in the hallway so I asked him why he's sitting there. He looked like he was about to cry. He asked if I've seen you around", Changbin explained, making me frown.

"Oh, okay. Thanks for telling me, though." I immediately got up and put back the book I was reading. It was for studies, even though I actually came to the library to start reading a new book, I stumbled upon one with the title luscinia megarhynchos, and it made me stop searching for a new book right away.

The information I got from it was very interesting and one thing actually explained a lot. It said that the chirping of the birds is a sound similar to the sound of a dog whistle to humans. People can hear the chirps clearly but deaf people would be able to hear them as well because of the special tone, the birds use. I thought that, maybe, Hyunjin kept all those nightingales because he may have been able to hear them. Maybe that's why he kept drawing them all the time and that's why he had a whole greenhouse full of them.

"And, by the way Chan, if you're done talking to him you might as well talk to Minho or Jisung. You know they only have two days left ... it's exhausting for both of them. Especially Minho."

I looked down. 

Minho ...

He was the one I worried about the most.

He's always been rather cold, but very soft when Jisung was around. He was very lovable, even though he seemed so cold at times. But that was just his personality, and everyone liked him the way he was. But lately he just seemed cold. Only cold, not warmhearted at all. As if he was dead inside. And he most likely was.

I left the library and immediately bumped into Felix. He was about to enter the room when I just left.

"Oh ... you're here", he said - more like mumbled. It was the first thing I heard coming from him that was directed at me after he stormed off the day I came back to college.

"Changbin said you wanted to talk."

He twitched slightly as the name left my lips.

"Yeah ... um ..." He looked around, avoiding my eyes. "Can we maybe talk later at your place?"

I looked at his eyes. They were glassy, filled with tears but they didn't seem to be close to dropping down his cheeks just yet, however they made him look unbelievably sad. He just seemed so ... broken.

"Felix, if it's that important we can go home right away. I don't want you to sit in classes with a blurred sight, y'know?" I put a hand on his shoulder to give him a feeling of being safe with me. I used to do that all the time when he was sad.

He turned his head, now looking at me. It made more tears stream into his eyes, welling up so much that some of them started falling. He sniffled, leaning forward with a nod. "Yes please." His voice broke with the tears leaving his eyes. He wrapped his arms around me in an instant and I felt my shoulder getting a bit damp from his tears.

I placed my hand on his back, softly stroking up and down, hushing him. "Okay, let's go then, shall we?"

He nodded again, still clinging onto me as if his life depended on it. Somehow it made me feel very happy and very calm. Not because he was crying, but because it was like the old times. He wasn't mad at me anymore and I felt like I finally did something right for once. It felt good, holding him in my arms like I used to.

So we went to my apartment, he stopped crying on our way. Still, he kept sniffling every now and then but I didn't mind. Of course I didn't. Felix wasn't really able to talk, so our way was quiet. It was actually a bit weird, not talking at all, but I felt like the fresh air and the silence were perfect for Felix to calm down a bit.

"Now tell me ... what happened?" I placed a cup of hot chocolate on the table, slowly pushing it in front of Felix before sitting down on the couch next to him. I held my own cup in my hands, looking at it for a while. It was still steaming a bit, the warmth hitting my face. The smell filled the room.

Nothing came out of Felix's mouth. He just stared at the cup in front of him. He seemed like thinking about where to start.

"Was it about Changbin?", I asked carefully, not wanting to somehow hurt him with my words.

"No", he answered, shaking his head. Then he sighed, taking the cup and placing his lips to the rim to take a small sip. "My parents are having a hard time right now and they blame me for everything that happened."

I frowned, placing my cup on the table, then leaning back while looking at Felix. "What do you mean? I heard your parents just got divorced, right?"

Felix nodded, staring at the cup in his hands again. "Right after Changbin broke up with me, Mom came home, crying. Her and Dad went out, I thought they might have had dinner but apparently they just signed the papers that evening." He spoke slowly, his voice quiet enough so he wouldn't start crying right away.

"But why, all of a sudden?"

"Chan, seriously, do I look like I know?" He turned to me, the look on his face just as confused as mine. "Mom came home so I asked what was wrong. But she just screamed at me, saying that it's all my fault and that we're gonna have a lot of money problems in the future and that Dad's gonna move out."

I looked down, not knowing what to say.

"And as if that's not enough, she told me that he's not ever gonna come back and that he doesn't want to see her or me ever again!"

𝐋𝐮𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐚 𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐡𝐲𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐬 ʰʸᵘᶰᶜʰᵃᶰ ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt