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The first two hours passed quite slowly, math has never been particularly exciting. I tried writing down the most important things as well as possible, but eventually it became too much for my head to process. At least Changbin had written down most of it so he could send it to me.

After math, Changbin separated from me and went to Felix. On the other hand, Jisung, Minho and I came together.

"How was math?", Jisung asked as he rummaged through his locker. "Did you also have to listen to a long lecture about all the stuff we know since high school?"

I chuckled. "No, we discussed quite a few things that we'll work on this year."

"Lucky you. I almost fell asleep during the lecture."

"Liar." Minho slammed his locker shut. "You annoyed me the whole time because you didn't pay attention at all!"

"Yes, because I almost fell asleep! It was so boring, you couldn't pay attention even if you wanted to!" Jisung pouted and clung to Minho's arm. "Pleasee, don't be mad at me. Next time I'll pay better attention. Promise."

Minho rolled his eyes and slowly pushed Jisung away. "You say that every time."

"Okay guys, before you start arguing, maybe we should go", I interrupted. Both looked at me and nodded in agreement.

"Do we have to go to the music room?" Jisung looked around.

"Obviously. It's music after all", I answered and went around the corner to the east wing of the college. The art, music and geography rooms were there.

"By the way, have you eaten anything yet, Chan?" Minho looked at me.

I shook my head. "No, not yet. I will eat later."

We entered the music room. It was still empty except for one person sitting in the back.

"Didn't Changbin talk about him? He's Hyunjin, right?", Minho whispered, sitting down with Jisung next to him.

The boy at the back looked up at us briefly before dropping his gaze again. He was wearing all black and a cap covered his light brown hair. Also, he wore big round glasses. Looking lonely somehow.

"He is, but I don't know why everyone kept talking about him last year. As if he was famo- Ouch!"

I hit Jisung in the back of his head and sat down behind him and Minho.

"What the hell, Chan?!" He turned around and looked at me annoyed, scratching the spot I just hit.

"Don't talk about other people like that. Especially not when they're around."

I looked up to see if Hyunjin might have noticed, but he kept looking at his book. Then I realized that he was wearing earphones.

"He doesn't care anyway, otherwise he would have done something about it last year."

Hyunjin sighed and removed his earphones. He took a pen in his hand and started scribbling inside his book.

After a few seconds of watching him, I took out my iPad and the music book. I flipped through the first few pages to get an impression. It seemed mostly like repetition, so I closed it and took a look into my old music folder on my iPad. Luckily I hadn't deleted the old stuff yet.

Later more students entered the room and finally the professor. He introduced himself as Mr. Park and went through the list of people who should be in this music class.

"Chris Bang?"

I held up my hand. "Chan, please."

I heard some girls talking behind me. The same as every year. "He's quite cute." "I would love to date him." "Do you think he's single?" I held back a chuckle.

"Oh, so are you one of the two Australian students at this college?", Mr. Park asked and looked up from his list.

"Yes, sir."

He smiled at me and continued.

"Hwang Hyunjin."

Hyunjin held his hand up.

"Oh, right." Mr. Park took some papers from his folder and had Hyunjin pick them up. The boy looked at them briefly, nodded and sat down again.

There was whispering again, but no one else seemed to question it further. Nobody but me. I wasn't interested in Hyunjin himself, but rather in the reason why there was so much talking going on, about him and all this. Whatever happened last year, I didn't hear about it. I was never the type to gossip around, but that seemed to be a little more than just gossip.

The rest of the hour passed remarkably quickly. I was hoping that I would have more time to think about what was going on. Thanks to the repetition of old topics, I didn't need to pay much attention.

"So, to everyone who's got art classes now, just go to the room right on the other side of this one. To everyone else, go to your main rooms. And please don't forget to go through everything I talked about once again. It will help you to get along with our first topic."

I packed my things and got up. So did Jisung and Minho, who had been strangely silent during the past hour.

"So, you've got art class now, right Chan?", Minho asked.

I nodded.

"Well then, we'll see you after."

He waved to me and pulled Jisung with him, who stared in confusion at a piece of paper he was holding. "I didn't understand anything again! What the hell?"

I patted his shoulder encouragingly and left the room before them. There weren't many people inside the art room as well, and the first person I noticed here was Hyunjin. He was wearing his earphones again.

Nobody was sitting next to him, so I took that as an opportunity and sat down on his right.

𝐋𝐮𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐚 𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐡𝐲𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐬 ʰʸᵘᶰᶜʰᵃᶰWhere stories live. Discover now