Chapter 6

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Completely black and white with the air distorting around him, Izuku turned to the other two sending shivers down their spine.

Toga shook as she watched the happy bubbly boy she saw a minute ago get replaced by a bone chilling one with a smile that sent her knees weak.

"Touya can you lie her straight on the floor?" he commanded and the scarred boy nodded before he gently lay the woman down.

"Toga right? Can you get me a knife?"

"Y-Yes!!" she shrieked before running into the kitchen and returning with the sharpest knife they had.

They watched as Izuku disinfected the knife in the flame before cooling it with ice and expertly sanitized and iced the area numb above the infected kidney.

A small shiver ran up them as Izuku cut into the skin and precisely slit open a neat line, casually wiping the blood away as he put down the knife and with his clean hands, parted the flesh and exposed the kidney.

He pulled and cut and sliced around the organ before removing it while blood dripped down his arm.

With a grin that terrified the two watching, he licked up the trail of blood that flowed down before lifting the organ to his mouth and let it slither in with a squelch.

Toga felt like throwing up as Izuku closed the wound as she watched him clean the blood off the knife by licking it.

Is this what others see when I drink blood from birdies?

"Right, I'm done."

Touya didn't know how to feel as he looked from the blood trickling down Izuku's mouth to the perfect surgery a four year old just performed. He got up to grab a towel as the monochrome boy slowly changed back and colour filled his body again.

"She'll be up in about another five hours or so... let's clean up."

They picked Toga's mother up and heaved her to the sofa as Izuku looked at the sewn up wound his other self created..

"Were you guys okay with Izuku?" he asked and the other two looked a little weirded out.

"We... really need a name for you both or else we'll get confused super quickly..." Toga started and Izuku nodded.

"That's true... I'm use to calling my quirk Izuku though..."

"Do you have another name for yourself?"

Izuku thought about it before shrugging. "Well... I was called Deku before... My friend Kacchan called me that." he thought about it before nodding. "yeah, call me Deku."

Touya nodded before replying, "I should change mine too since I'm hiding." he thought for a moment because answering, "Just call me Dabi from now on."

"Okay then!" Toga giggled as she rose a hand. "Introduction time! I'm Himiko Toga! I like drinking blood as aside effect of my quirk. My quirk is called Transform so I can transform into anyone I want if I drink their blood!"

"Woah so you're like super good at hiding then" Dabi nodded.

"Okay then, I'm Dabi. Just Dabi and my quirk is... Cremation. Not really, but it's blue flames that can burn anything up. I'm changing the name or else I could be tracked."

They nodded before turning to Deku.

"And I'm Deku! My quirk is called..... Hmm... Monochrome..... Glitch?"

"Oh I like that! That's perfect Deku!"

He nodded before continuing. "I'm Deku and my quirk is called Monochrome Glitch and he's a separate person from me. I can switch between us two so just call him Izuku."

He then switched with Izuku who took over the explanation.

"I'm Izuku and I think I can do anything as long as it means I can eat coloured organs because we only see in black and white."

"wait, does that mean you can't see colour?" Toga asked and Izuku nodded.

"So far, I know I can perfectly perform surgery as well as teleport because those two skills helped me get coloured organs. Because I seem to be able to do anything, I think I'm a glitch among quirks"

Dabi nodded and Deku returned.

They all smiled before Deku frowned at the house.

"Umm... I know this is weird but can we clean? I hate messes...." he didn't know what was illegal or not but at this point, he just felt uncomfortable with the messy state because his memory of Inko saying 'a clean house is a happy one' was still in his mind.

Toga didn't know what to say so she just nodded and just like that, the three of them started to clean the house.

It was late afternoon when Toga's mother finally woke up and her first reaction was to look down and immediately check her lower stomach. Her eyes widen as she felt the neat stitch and she felt barely any pain at all. It was then when she looked around her surroundings and something in her stirred as she saw a much cleaner house than the one she fell asleep in. Sure the illegal stuff her husband brought home was still there but it was properly piled together in neat piles.

Deku walked in at that moment with another bag of trash which consisted of takeout boxes and empty packets of other things.

"Why?" she asked the young boy.

"Oh good afternoon! I just don't like mess so I cleaned up while you were asleep!".

"I see..."

Deku threw out the bag into a pile of other bags outside before washing his hands.

"Well, we have stayed here long enough. Dabi and I will not intrude any longer."

He called Dabi who was upstairs as the mother got up shakily and stopped him.


She held onto Deku's arm and the boy turned to see what's wrong.

"You kids... Do you want to stay and eat?"

"Huh?" Deku looked bewildered as Dabi and Toga came down to join them.

"My life will probably be longer because you removed that kidney, take it as thanks please." Her voice was crackly as if she hasn't spoken normally for a while and Deku patted there hand soothingly.

"Okay then! We'll stay."

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