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"It was really raining hard.", I suddenly exclaimed while looking at Chrollo.

The parking lot is a little bit farther from where we are standing right now and we have no protection, umbrellas, or jackets on hand. But the police and other mafia personnel are still rummaging around the auction hall, with phones on their ears and some civilians are even eavesdropping on the scene. It feels like they don't mind the cold, hard pouring rain, making me shiver.

"I guess we have to run."

"While you're carrying Rina? You sure you can?"

Why am I even worried?

"I can, Y/N." He looked at me, giving me a reassuring smile. It was so genuine that it made my heart skip a beat.

"I-If you say so..."

On the count of three, Chrollo caught my hand before we both ran under the rain. As if on cue, even though droplets are pouring on my eyes making it hard to see my surroundings, I watched the man holding my hand while running and it feels like everything turned into slow motion. His face, his eyes, his background is even blurring.

I'm only focused on him. On Chrollo.

His hand on mine, my heart beating for him, my mind on a total maze, and more. We're in a middle of a mission but why am I thinking about him? The way his hair moves along with air blowing it, it's so beautiful. He's so beautiful. Like an art moving.

No, he really is an art.

What if I didn't push him away? If I let him explain on that night? Will everything change? Will it change something? Deep, deep, deep down, I know I'm still in love with Chrollo. He's still the one for me. But there are so many obstacles on my way to him and it feels like I won't reach him anymore. Things became more complicated than the last time. I can't turn back anymore.

Mindlessly, my tears fell from my face but it's not that noticeable because it's raining.

I will miss him so much...

𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 * ˚ ✦ 𝑪. 𝑳𝑼𝑪𝑰𝑳𝑭𝑬𝑹Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora