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Ahh, my last chapter. Gosh, its gone fast. I have really enjoyed writing this and my first book. Hopefully you will like what is written in this epilogue, if not, im sorry. I want to make everyone happy :) Thank you for so many views on my both Jiffany stories, it means a lot that you read my chapters, even if they are crap lol. Thank you for the comments and votes as well as being awesome readers. Fair well everyone...

MrsAll5sauce xxxox

Tiffanys POV

"Wheres floyd" i said as i panicked, looking around for him.
"Im here" He said as he came up behind me, tapping me on the shoulder.

"Stop worrying, you look beautiful" My mum said as she handed me my bouquet of pink and white flowers. I was currently standing outside st Marys church with my mum, floyd and holly. I took a deep breath and linked arms with floyd who was giving me a way while Holly was in front as a brides maid. Mum was my maid of honour but she was also in front next to Holly. I looked down at my white wedding dress and smiled. I couldnt believe i was getting married to (zach... jks) Justin, my love of my life. I would soon be Tiffany Fitzgerald...

As i walked into the church with Floyd, i instanly locked eyes with Justin and smiled. He smiled back, i could tell he was nervous but to be honest, so was i. We walked down the isle until i reached Justin who was in a smart black suit. I let go of Floyd and held Justins hand, turning towards the victor who was ready for us. I cant believe i will soon be married at 19...


"I now prounce you, husband and wife" I said to my 6 year old daughter, Jordan, in a mans voice who giggled as i picked her up and span her around. I was currently acting out my wedding from 6 years ago because shes very interested.

Jordan had been born 8 months after our wedding and yes it was a suprise for Justin. I didnt tell him about my pregnancy untill our honeymoon because i wanted it to be like a present. In them 6 years of her growing up, she has been interested in mine and her dad's life. About how my mum and his dad are married and that how we are now fully step brother and sister but we are not, we are in fact husband and wife so it doesn't count. Does it? Oh well, not everyone plays by the rules.

So after our wedding, mum and Vaughan got married, I had Jordan and then 4 years later, I had Elliot Fitzgerald. He's an angel, Justin was very happy when he found out he would have a son but then again, what father doesn't want a son. That basically sums up our past 6 years of our life.

Oh, you wanna know what know what happened to Floyd and leo, well i can tell you that they are both very happy. Floyd and Linsey are still together but not married. Linsey preferred not to because of Amy. If you're wondering, Amy is there 4 year old daughter. Amy and Elliot are best of friends but somehow i can see them in the future as more than that if you know what i mean.

Anyway, Leo and Kaitlin have moved to London because of work but they come down and see us often. They are very happy together and that makes Justin happy as he is very protective over him, even when hes 26 years old.

Me and Justin are very happy to have a family that we care about so much. After Jordan, we moved into a bigger house and we are now currently living here now. I love my kids and my husband... Now lets see what happens in the future.

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