Chapter 2 - The new house

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Tiffanys POV
As me and Justin entered the small house, i instantly knew i could call this a home. It was very cozy and warm inside, i could see mine and Justin's future in this house. Justin held my hand, telling me it was the one.

We had signed the contract and we would be able to move in within 3 weeks. I was really excited, i couldn't wait. We got back to the house and i started to but my stuff in boxes, ready for when we was going to move in. I heard a knock at the door, shouting for who ever it was to come in.

"Tiffany, how was it?" I turned around and it was mum.
"Oh hi mum, yeh it was good. The house is really cozy and homely" I said, smiling.
"Thats good, im glad you two have found somewhere that you both love. I will miss you when you leave." She said, looking down. I walked over and gave her a hug.
"My little girl has grown up" She laughed, squeezing me tightly.

Justin's POV
The next day, me and Tiffany were going to send out invites for our moving in party. We sat at the dining table and wrote out the invites. We invited our friends and family, including my friends from my previous school. I even invited mum because i knew she wanted to come and see us even though she hasn't met Tiff before. I want to give her the invitation my self so me and Tiffany were going to visit her later, without dad and Leo. While we were waiting till 5, we just talked.

"So, how good am i?" I smirked, showing her the invitation i wrote.
She laughed, taking the invite from me and reading it.
"You cant send that, thats rude" she laughed, smacking him on the arm. It was for my old best friend, Tony, we had always joked about rude things and i wanted to make sure he still remembered our old times so i wrote it in his invite.
"Dont worry, me and Tony used to joke around" I smiled and snatched it back, putting it in the envelope and sticking a stamp on it. She just tutted and went back to her invites.

"See you later" I shouted to leo and dad, as me and Tiff got into my car. I had luckily passed my test just after my 19th birthday which was 4 months ago. Tiffany was still doing hers, no wonder they say that men are better drivers. I laughed to myself, putting my seatbelt on. I started it up, and looked at Tiffany who was freaking out.

"You ok?" I asked her, pulling off the drive.
"I hate your driving" She whispered and and just stared that the window.
"Oi, your driving is much worse, you haven't even passed yet" I laughed as i drove to mums new house. She has gotten a new house and is starting to pick up her life again. She has even gotten a job and started to talk to new people. Im proud of her.

About 20 minutes later, we arrived at galls road, where mum lives. I haven't visited her yet and i was wondering what it would be like inside. It would be nice to catch up.
I knocked on the door and instantly, she opened it with a big smile showing. She looked much better than she was before in the clinic.

"Hello Justin" She said, giving me a hug. I returned the hi and introduced Tiffany.
"Ahh, your much prettier than Justin described to me" She said to Tiffany, hugging her and kissing her on the cheek like all women do. I don't see the point really.

We walked to the living room and sat down, looking around.
"Any drinks?" She offered us, smiling.
"Umm yes please, could i have a tea" Tiffany said shyly.
"Course, you don't have to be shy, soon we will be family" She laughed, making Tiffany laugh with her.
"Same mum" I said, rolling my eyes at her. As she left, Tiffany turnt to me and started to talk.

"Shes really nice Justin" Tiff smiled.
"Yh, shes much better now" I smiled back just as she came back, with out teas and one for her self.

"So i hear you've moved in together" She asked us, sipping her tea.
"Well not yet. We've bought a house and were moving in 3 weeks" Tiffany said, being more confident. I was just listening really.

"Well, I've got something to tell you both..."

Sorry its short, i was really busy with homework so I've tried my best to write the chapter as best as i can. Hopefully, it will be longer tomorrow but i cant guarantee anything. I have some good upcoming events in the future so get ready for some drama :)


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