Chapter 13 - Livesos...

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Tiffany's POV

"Thats the last of them" I said as i sighed in relief. Me and Justin had wrote 30 invites each, it was exhausting. I got up and picked all 60 up and walked outside where i put them in the postbox. It was handy having a postbox right outside the house, saved me walking. Also, i was too lazy to go all the way up to Tesco, typical me.

As soon as i got inside, Justin insisted we go shopping.
"Come on, its 3 days untill christmas and we haven't gone shopping yet." Justin pouted at me as he held my waist and looked down at me.
"Fine" I said as i rolled my eye at him.
He kissed me before walking over to put on his shoes. I followed, grabbing my coat as i already had my shoes on from when i posted the invites. I grabbed my bag and then walked out to the car.


Justin's POV
I parked the car in the East Kilbride shopping mall and got out, locking the car behind me. East Kilbride was one of the biggest malls in Scotland so we might aswell do our christmas shopping here. As soon as we walked inside, it was packed. We had to push past people to get through to the main bit, i don't know why we didn't do our shopping earlier but me and Tiff were both busy with moving in.

I wanted to go in HMV to get one of Tiffs presents so i pushed people out the way so i could get inside. I didnt want Tiffany to see what i was going to get her so i told her to get 'The fault in our stars book' for my mum. She nodded and headed off toward the back of the shop where all the books were.

As soon as i couldn't see Tiffany any more, I quickly grabbed the album she wanted the most. 'Livesos' was the newly released album from her favourite band, 5 seconds of summer. I was going to regret getting this for her because she would constantly play it around the house. It would get on my nerves but i love her so i would have to listen to it even if it kills me. I payed for it and met Tiffany in the book section where she was searching for TFIOS book that i asked her to get.

"Here it is" She said as she grabbed it and and gave it to me.
"Whats that?" She questioned me, pointing to the bag i had in my hand.
"Nothing" I said as i quickly hid the bag behind my back. I didn't want Tiff to see the album so i quickly walked over to the till where i payed for the book.

Sorry its short, i haven't had time to write a really long one. Merry christmas to you all 🎄🎁❤️
MrsAll5sauce xxxxox

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