I had an idea of where this was going.

"When she gets back, she finds out I have a girlfriend and gives up! What do you think?"

Now, let me put this out there. I really don't like lying. Honesty has always been the best policy for me, and I would've told him to just talk to her and communicate if it weren't for the fact that he'd already tried it.

His topaz eyes begged me for help.

I was a kind soul, and having heard the woes of my blackmailer, I decided to do what kind souls do.

"Fine," I agreed. "So I'm just pretending to be your girlfriend for now? And once you get a real one—""

His face lapsed into confusion. "Wait, what?"


"What other girlfriend?" His confusion suddenly transformed into something playful as he leaned forward. "You're the only one for me."

That earned a scoff. "We can't keep lying forever, Carter."

"Why not?"

"Because," I started. "I'm an honorable person."

"I'm an ornery person, too." He said, a twinkle in his eye.

I couldn't remember if he was always like this, and decided I'd check my file once I got home. "You mean annoying."

Carter's honey eyes rolled. "How are you going to find me a girlfriend if we're trying to convince the school that you're my girlfriend?"

"You can meet someone from a different school!" I started, but Carter's expression showed resignation as he began to find interest in something else. "We can set up dates and--"

A mozzarella stick shoved into my mouth.

Not thinking about it too much, I took a bite. "What was that for?"

"It's part of the plan," he said, a crooked smile planting its way back on his face. I followed his gaze and skimmed the cafeteria, noting how many random people watched us.

"They're really flirting."

"He fed her! Oh my God! Do that to me!"

"I should've gotten mozzarella sticks instead of fries."

I only made out a few more responses before he took the half-eaten stick from my hand and popped the rest into his mouth. My eyebrows creased as I looked at him in disbelief, but he was shrugging his backpack on once again.

"I'll see ya later...babe," he said. Carter threw me an excessive wink before leaving me and my half-opened mouth alone.

♥ ♥ ♥

The next day went by without too many theatrics. Carter had said a couple things here and there during first hour, but it was our only class together. I knew I'd get used to it eventually.

After all, I had agreed to be his girlfriend.

Since it was after school, I hung back and made myself comfortable on the pool bleachers. The sounds of splashes and whistles echoed against the room, and the crinkled water outlines shone against the curved white ceiling.

Since Seidon was the swim captain, he spent a lot of his time here. It was boring being alone in the dorm all the time, so I'd hang out, too. It was also a good chance for me to get information on the guys. I'd watch how they interacted with each other, or if there were any who were rude or obnoxious, and write it down in my files.

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