chapter 01

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note: i originally had six chapters that followed a different plot line, but that story was really boring and not fun to write /: so i changed it up and this is the beginning of the revised version!! hope that clears things up!

Imagine something like this.

You're a high schooler who just wants to experience that wonderful feeling of love. But how do you find the perfect match? I mean, there are tons and tons of options at the school, so how are you supposed to do it on your own?

I have the answer to all your hypothetical problems.

A form.

Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking. How is a form going to fix my love life?

It's special. First, you write your type down: anything from hair color to age to personality to whatever. Then I, the make-shift goddess of love for teenagers, will look in my magic database and send you some matches. You can reject them or approve, and if they approve of you, too, I'll set up a date!

Easy, right? That's my job as the Maker.

♥ ♥ ♥

"I'm handing them back now," Mrs. Arian said, her glasses sliding down the bridge of her nose. Excited murmurs erupted in the room, mostly from girls, as they giggled amongst themselves. Some of the boys tried to look cool by laughing at it, though their eyes would glance back when no one was looking.

I didn't bother filling mine out, mostly because I didn't need to.

I was the Maker, after all. Being named after Aphrodite came with a certain responsibility, and as someone who loved love stories, I was more than happy to help...just not when it came to my own love life.

Dite Everson's file was blank.

And as I let my gaze shift to the desk next to mine, I realized that Carter Rivera's file was also blank.

Just like his form.

"Aren't you going to fill that out?" I asked.

His head tore away from the phone in his hands as he gave the paper a quick look-over. Carter was someone I'd seen around for years. Since he was funny, attractive, and generally well-liked, I'd get requests for him all the time, but he'd never, ever accept.

It was frustrating.

"Oh?" He grinned, his curly coffee-colored hair shining as he faced me. "Are you curious about my type?"

Suddenly his eyes widened and he feigned a ridiculously over-the-top gasp. "Oh my God, are you interested in me?!"

This time it was my turn to gasp. "What?" I almost shouted. With a glance around the room, I tried to keep my voice quiet. "No! Are you crazy? The Maker works with student council and my brother is the president, so I'm just trying to help."

"Hmm," he responded, but the flash in his eyes made it obvious he wasn't fully convinced.

A puff blew from my lips.

It wasn't like I needed to convince him, anyway.

A few more minutes passed and my annoyance faded away. The boys who had scoffed at the forms now furiously scribbled them in and the corners of my lips rose. Sure, it was a lot of work, but I was excited to see what matches I would make this year.

"Okay, time to hand them back," our teacher said.

I let myself peek once more at the desk next to mine. The form was now all filled out and as Carter handed it up, his honey eyes caught mine with a wink.

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