Chapter 9

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(Warning: the abuse that take place in this chapter really happened at a gay camp. Young boys are abused everyday at these camps and tortured.)


The room I was taken to wasn't the same room as before, which relieved me but also scared me.

What would they do to me this time? Are they gonna do anything to Kip?

It was my fault. I kissed him, not the other way around.

The guards threw me onto a cot and left the room, leaving me in totally darkness.

So it's just me...and my thoughts. Great.

I chuckled to myself and picked at my sweatpants. This place was driving me crazy.

I wanted to go home and go back to my normal life. But even if I did go back home nothing would be the same.

Maybe I could get a job and save up enough money to take Cole away, raise him myself and away from my asshole parents.

I wonder how he's doing without me. If my father laid a hand on him I would kill him.

I sat in the room for what felt like hours when the door finally opened, revealing a pastor.

I frowned in confusion. "Hello? Who are you?" I whispered quietly.

The door closed again, leaving me in totally darkness once again. I sighed, closing my eyes until I felt a hand touch my shoulder.

I literally jumped out like two feet in the air. "Shh my boy. I'm here to heal your soul." I frowned. "Sir, I don't not need healing."

He gave a small laugh, ruffling my hair. "Oh but you do."

I glared in the direction of his voice. "I don't! God loves me no matter what! I suck dick! It's not difference then me sucking pussy!" I yelled angrily.

I felt the pain before I saw it coming. His bible came flying across my face, sending me to the ground. I was too numb to cry.

"Don't you dare speak like that!" He roared, grabbing my shirt. "Gentlemen, please tie up Aidan."

I felt someone's hands grab me and yank me up from the floor. "Get off me!" I growled, struggling against them.

I felt one of them lean close to me, whispering into my ear, "Long ago, you were the Golden Child. But, somehow, that Golden Child was hurt, and you put up a wall to protect yourself." He then tied me up to a chair.

"What? What does that mean!?" I looked at him in confusion. What the hell did he just tell me.

He smirked, yanking down my pants. I shrieked and kicked at him. "Don't fucking touch me! Pervert!"

"Oh young one, we have to do this to help you." The pastor smiled sweetly at me. I glared at him.

"How is taking my pants off helping me exactly!?" I struggled against the rope that tied me to the chair.

The guy yanked my boxers down, leaving me completely open for everyone to see. I gasped and tried to cross my legs but couldn't, the other guy holding my legs open.

"Don't worry. Stop struggling." The pastor whispered softly.

I felt him attach something to my member, cold against my skin. I looked down and saw what looked like an electrical pad attached to my member. He added another one on the tip of my member.

I looked up at him in fear. "What're they for?" He smiled, nodding to one of his helpers.

I felt one grab a hold of my penis, giving it gentle strokes until it got hard.

"Stop touching me!" I whimpered, trying to close my legs again.

I felt a zap, sending my body convulsing. I cried out as my body shook and shuddered, twitching slightly as well.

"W-what...was that..?" I choked out.

"If you get hard, those pads send a message to this machine, shocking you. You will watch gay porn...this will help cure you."

Small whimpers escaped my mouth, shaking my head. "Please no.."

"I'm sorry son, but you must go through this to be healed."

I shook my head harder, holding back my sobs.

He put on the porn and I kept telling myself not to get hard. I tried closing my eyes but they wouldn't let me.

I couldn't help it and I felt my member get harder. I cried out as my body shook with unimaginable pain.

I sobbed as the zaps kept coming. I tried thinking of old grannies and boobs and vaginas but the only thing my mind saw was two hot as fuck boys fucking each other.

I sobbed pathetically, calling out for my mom and whomever's name I could think of.

The shocks kept coming, not stoping and I swear they turned the power up on the zaps.

Once my hard on went away and the zaps finally stopped, I sat in the chair with silent tears coming down my cheeks.

I looked around the room numbly, I didn't feel anything.

"Untie him boys, he's had enough for today. We'll try start up again."

I felt the helpers hands on my, pulling me out of the chair. I passed out before they put me on the cot.


"Stop it!" I cried out desperately. "Why're you doing this to him!? I kissed him!" I turned to head master furious.

Head master smirked, quite pleased at what he was doing.

I had to watch my poor Aidan being tortured.. It broke my heart. I never had to go through that stuff here.

"I want to watch him die" head master mumbled. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I shouted.

"He touched you! He's taking you away from me!" He screamed, standing up.

I took a step back from him. He's fucking crazy.

I nodded holding my hands up. "Okay...sorry, I'm going to go now okay?" He nodded and pointed to the door.

"Go. Now. Please." He said through gritted teeth.

I rushed out the door, eager to leave the room.

I had to get rid of this man. I had to stop whatever was going on in this camp. I had to save Aidan.

I had to do something before something bad really happened to him.

I had to.


A/N: this chapter was hard to write and I hate it but it had to be done I'm sorry >.< next chapters should be getting happier! yay anyway check out my other books! I'm not sure if I should continue this book because nobody likes it but idk. Bye until next time lovelies ~

Pic to the right is how I see Aidan (kind of)

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