Chapter 4

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(dedicated to the lovely jenniferbirt, go check out her stories!) 


The next morning I was awoken by an alarm, I sat upright and groaned, rubbing my eyes to get rid of sleepies. "Finally, I've been trying to get you up for ages now." Kip said from across the room, he was fully dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"What time is it?" I pouted, looking around the room. "6:00am."

"What!?" I snapped my head towards him and groaned, whiplash.

"It's the time we get up everyday." He chuckled and started walking towards the door. "C'mon, it's time to start our daily activities." I glared at him. "No way am I getting up this early."

"Fine, I'll let the guards come and get you, send you to head master and let you receive punishment for skipping." He gave me a little wave of goodbye and turned to leave again.

"Wait!" I didn't want to get punished, okay?

"Thought so." I could hear the smirk in his voice and I just wanted to throw something at him.

I grumbled and slowly climbed out of bed. I pulled on the clothes I had. "When can I get more clothes?"

"You dont, you use the same clothes everyday. I mean they give you one or two other pairs but that's about it."

I groaned and threw my head back. "Buuuuuut, I need more clothes than this."

Kip chuckled and motioned for me to come, "hurry up, brat." I glared at him. "Is that your new nickname for me?" He nodded and smiled before turning and walking down the hall.

I hurrided after him and walked beside him, I made sure to brush our arms once or twice.

I followed him down the hall to a room that was completely empty, "what is this place?" I whispered, looking around. The lightin was so dimmed and the walls were white. This place was so depressing.

"Prayer room, we get in groups and we pray to God that we can be cured and there is usually one in the middle, his chest against the leaders. He gets rid of the demons that take over our mind." Kip whispered back, doing the sign of the cross.

"But there is nothing wrong with us, Kip. We like who we like and people, sick people, think it's okay to lock us up here and try to 'cure' us." I whispered back angerily.

"They want to help us!" Kip yelled, everyone in the room looked up at us, I blushed an pushed Kip back into the hall.

"That's not true Kip." I scowled.

He frowned at me, "you really are a brat." He pulled away from me and stormed back into the prayer room.

I frowned, I'm not a brat..


I was pissed off, no more than pissed off! How dare he say those things! He's just some bratty kid who doesn't know what he's talking about.

I can be helped, I do have a choice. Never again am I going to let him be my friend, I don't even think he was that. More like...I was friendly with him and he was friendly with me.

Yeah, that's what it was.

I walked in and prayer had started, I hurried over to a circle and sat down, sighing in relief. Forget the brat, he can get punished for all I care.

Our leader of our group started to whisper into a boys ear, he was the chosen one to sit in the middle of the circle. I don't recognize him so he must be new.

He was shaking and trying to squirm away, I rested a hand on his knee. "Calm down it'll be okay."

The counselor was whispering comforting words into the boys ear. He was telling him the wonders of being straight.

I loved being the middle! I felt like it helped me each time I was.

I closed my eyes and relaxed, prayer time was the best, you got to relax, listen to comforting music. It was just an aaaaaah moment.

I began reciting prayers in my head. I was doing that for about ten minutes when the alarm went off.

Everyone dropped to their stomached and covered their head. Fuck, another drill?

We had these just in case a patient went crazy and tried hurting themselves or other patients, it's happened once before while I was here and this kid stabbed an officer with a knife.

It was scary.

I closed my eyes and wanted for the drill to end until I heard a blood curling scream. I froze. Is this the real thing?

I left Aidan out in the himself...where the scream came from.

I shook my head. I'm not worried about that kid. He can fend for himself and I'm tired of him anyway. I'll take a new roomate.

Finally I heard the alarm stop and the room was filled with moans. I looked around and my eyes settled on two men fucking in a corner. I realized they were the counselor and middle of our group. I sighed, looking away.

I haven't felt a mans touch in a while. I haven't had sex in a while. I haven't jacked off in a while either.

Thinking about all of those got me hard and I winced.

I quickly stood and made my way out of the room and headed to the bathroom, where I locked myself in a stall.

I looked down at the erection in my sweatpants, it was quite obvious.

I bit my lip and closed my eyes. Think of nasty things and it'll go away.

I started thinking of Aidan and his adorable laugh. He always seemed happy and I imagined him on top of me, laughing and thrust-.

I groaned and realized I was dripping pre-cum and staining the front of my sweats.

I heard the bathroom door open and close, I squeezed my eyes shut and hoped they would leave soon. "Kip?" I heard one of the counselor say.

I silently cursed. "Yeah?"

"I saw you come in here a while ago, are you okay?"

"Yeah, just my stomach isn't feeling so well."

The need for release was so bad and my hand kept itching to touch myself.

"Do you want me to call the nurse?" I heard the counselor ask in worry.

I quickly shook my head even tho he couldn't see me, "no it's okay!"

I couldn't take it anymore, I reached in my sweats and moaned when my hand made contact with my soaking member.

"Are you sure..?" I saw his feet outside the door.

"Just go away!" I finally snapped, I just wanted to be alone.

"I'm getting the nurse." He finally left and I quickly stroke my member.

I moaned and threw my head back. I quickened my pace until I finally came.

The last thought I had before I reached my release was Aidan and it scared me...I might be falling for the brat.

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