Chapter 6

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I was woken up by shouting, I sat up quickly realizing I wasn't in my own bed. I looked down at kip who was yawning sleepily. He smiled up at me, rubbing his eyes cutely.

I smiled back but before I could say anything I was yanked back and off the bed.

I let out a startled yelp, landing on my ass at someone's feet.

"You filthy disgrace!" I felt someone grab a handful of my hair, I whimpered, reaching up to pull this guys hand away.

Kip jumped off the bed. "Stop!" He was looking at the guy behind me frantically.

The guy grunted before yanking on my hair again, causing me to groan in pain.

"I will come back for you kip." I heard the man snarl. I looked up at kip, silently pleading for him to help me.

He gave a small shake of his head, telling me he couldn't. The man practically dragged me out of the room, me stumbling behind him.

He finally let go of my hair, he then pushed me into a dark room; slamming the door behind him.

"Sit." He ordered me when the lights came back on. I grimaced, adjusting to the sudden light. When my vision cleared I saw who this rude ass person was. It was that office guy. The one that forced Kip to do things he didn't want to do!

"You asshole!" I ran for him, he easily knocked me down, picking me up by my shirt and throwing me onto a chair. "Let go of me!" He reached for some rope and I started struggled against the restraints he was about to put on me.

He tied my hands and legs to the chair before stepping back and smirking. "Your a disgusting fag." He sneered. I glared at him. If looks could kill he would be dead right now.

He let out a deep laugh before composing himself. "I heard you skipped all your activities yesterday little boy." He grabbed something off a nearby table. "Yeah because their stupid! This whole place is bullshit!" I yelled. He walked towards me, I finally saw what he had in his hand and it was a needle.

"What're you doing with that!?" I panicked slightly, before glaring at it. "I don't like needles."

"Honestly I don't care about what you like and don't like, this is what happens to bad boys."

He leaned down, cleaning an area on my arm before inserting the needle slowly. I hissed in pain and tried to jerk away but the binds on my arms were too strong.

He smiled before stepping away and turning on a projector. He turned the lights out so I had a better view of whatever he was about to put on.

He pressed play and a scene of two man fucking came into my line of vision. I laughed, looking over at him.

"You want to show me porn? I watch porn all the time." I smirked at him until I saw he was smirking back at me with a devilish look in his eye.

"Just wait." He said. And I did.

I sat there for about another ten minutes before I started to get hard at the scene before me. That's when I started to feel nauseas. I felt the bile rising. I bit my lip to keep form throwing up but I couldn't hold it in and I ended up throwing up over myself.

I closed my eyes and groaned. "W-what did you do..?"

"It's a substance to make you throw up, throughout watching this porn you'll want to throw up and so when you think about two men together you will get the feeling of throwing up and it will help cure you." He smiled quite proudly.

"That's disgusting! And cruel!" I muttered before throwing up again.

He smirked, standing in front of me. "I'll come back in an hour." He started walking to the door and my eyes widened in fear.

"No! You can't leave me like this for an hour! Please I'll listen!" I whimpered, pleadingly.

"Goodbye." With that he walked out the door, leaving me alone with throw up and porn.


After head master took Aidan away I knew he would be as good as dead.

I actually wasn't that worried about him to be honest. I was wallowing in self pity and he honestly deserved whatever head master's punishment was.

It seemed like ages until head master came back for me. I was sitting on my bed praying to God to forgive me for the sin I had done the pervious night.

I had pressed my lips against another mans.

I had sinned. And now I had to pay for it.

When he entered my room I hurried to kneel in front of him. "Head master please forgive me I have sinned against you and The Lord."

I felt his hand on my head, rubbing small circles onto it. I took that as a sign of forgiveness and looked up. His other hand came down across my cheek swiftly and I cried out in surprise.

"Please...sir..." I mumbled weakly, tears forming in my eyes.

"Shut up."

I immediately shut up and looked up at him.

"I'm disappointed in you." He turned away before I could read his expression.

" I'm working so hard! I...I am sir!" I mumbled out quickly.

He held up his hand to shut me up.

"Enough Kip. I will just have to make your treatment harder, or let's say...upgrade it." He smiled slyly before walking out and slamming my door.

I sat there in the middle of the floor, tears falling freely down my face.

I was working so hard to get better and now it was ruined. All because of a stupid boy....

A stupid boy who had to pay.

And he was going to pay.

A/N: unedited and uninspired...
Sorry for crap quality

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