Chapter 2

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"I'm so sorry had to be're father said I had to choose between him or you...." My mom sobbed silently.

Fuck her. Fuck dad. Fuck everything.

"I can't leave Cole." If I left Cole by himself he would be attacked by our dad, with me there I could keep my dad from doing anything.

"Aidan you don't have a choice." My mother stated.

"I'm not leaving this car!" I snapped, glaring daggers at her. Fuck that bitch. Fuck everyone.

"You're dad gave them permission to use force..." She whispered, turning to look out the window when two guards came over to the car.

I gasped, "you're going to let them put their hands on me?!"

She nodded, smiling slightly and turns to look back at me "I mean you like it when men touch you.." I growled, glaring at her even more.

"Fuck you!" I jumped out of the car taking off down the road, I heard the guards yelling at me to stop and their footsteps following but I didn't listen and kept on running.

One of the guards slammed into me, sending me face first into the asphalt. I groaned and he pulled my arms behind my back, cuffing them before yanking me up.

"Fuck you! Get off of me!" I shout, thrashing around his the guards hold. He grunted when I elbowed him in the gut, "seems like we have a hard case on our hands" I look up and see a man who looks to be in his 30's.

I squint my eyes to get a better look, he's not bad looking; tall, blonde hair, brown eyes. But not my type.

I did like to go for older guys though.

I growled, thrashing harder to get away. "Don't sedate him, bring him to my office, I'll be waiting to have a word with him." The man smirked and walked away, nodding curtly to my mother.

The guard grabbed my neck, yanking my hand back and pushing me towards the entrance of this horrible place, I started to sob, "mommy please don't let them take me!"

I begged and tried to get to her but she ignored me which caused me to sob harder.

"I want Cole! Don't let dad hurt him!" I cried harder, my whole world was breaking and I couldn't do anything about it, especially when they pushed me trough the entrance of the camp, the large gates closed behind us and I realized there was no way of getting out of this.

I looked around as the guards pushed me through the yard, it looked nice but looks can be deceiving. They had flowers everywhere, trees to sit under, gardens, benches and other things. Boys were scattered throughout the yard, doing various things and most of them seemed to be looking my way.

I suddenly became very self-conscious.

When we entered the building I started to shiver, it was fucking cold in here!

"Strip." One of the guards said, pushing me into a room. "Hell no you pervert! Go find someone else to fuck!" I growled, crossing my arms over my chest.

The two guards laughed, shaking their head. "We don't want to look at you! It's the rule, you gotta be wearing gray sweatshirts and pants and or a gray t-shirt." The younger looking guard smirked.

I frowned and started to peel my clothes off slowly, then quickly pulled on the clothes I had to wear. surprisingly, they were soft and felt kinda nice.

"Let's get you to the doctor now." They grabbed my arms, dragging me to the 'doctor' like some animal.

When we got to the mans office he was waiting for me, sitting behind his desk with a huge smirk on his face.

"Put him in the chair, then leave us alone. I'll call you if I need you to sedate him." The man didn't take his eyes off me. The guards mumbled a yes sir then pushed me into a chair rather roughly before making their way out of the room.

"You can't use drugs on me!" I frowned, sitting back in the chair. "Oh but I can if I need to." The man chuckled, "I'm doctor Berger." I snorted. "It sounds like burger." The mans smirk disappeared and it was replaced by a glare.

"You will not disrespect me!" He stood up and took two long strides towards me before back handing me across the face. I cried out, still in pain from my fathers beating.

"Fuck. You." I seethed, challenging him to do it again.

"I see we have a tough one, tougher than usual." I smirked, that's right. I don't let anyone push me around.

"I know just who you need for a roommate." Roommate? I have to share a room? That's fantastic! Note the sarcasim.

The older man snickered before sitting behind his desk again, "he loves to break the tough ones." I frowned, " I thought this was like...anti gay camp?" I asked confused.

"Oh it is, I'm not talking about breaking you sexually, you dirty minded faggot. There will be none of that and if there is, you will be punished." I laughed, it was probably the worst thing to do but god I couldn't help it! The way he was talking to me was just comical.

He glared at me again before calling his guards in to escort me to my assigned room.

We traveled down a long hallway, I kept stealing glances in other rooms as we walked by, I didn't see any boys around. "Where is everyone?" I asked the guard, who completely ignored me.

"I said, where is everyone!?" I asked again, getting slightly annoyed.

"At activities." He mumbled before stoping at a room and throwing me inside. I grumbled and stretched out my limbs. They did not like to be treated that way.

"Enjoy your stay, you are not allowed to leave this room until dinner tonight." The guard walked away. I scoffed, I'll leave when ever I goddamn want to leave.

I looked around my room and it was pretty much a square, two beds, two desks, two closets and a gray carpet and a gray wallpaper.

Talk about boring. I sighed, one side of the room already looked as if it was in use so I decided to use the side that didn't, which was closest to the door.

I laid on my bed and exhaustion finally took over, I closed my eyes and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


A while later I woke up to screaming, I groaned and rolled over, covering my ears to block out the sound.

"That won't help." A voice muttered from across the room. I jolted upright and spun around to face the guy who spoke. The man was tall, freakishly tall, skinny; like very skinny. He had dark blonde hair and enticing green eyes that shined like emeralds. He was deathly pale though, dark circles under his beautiful eyes.

I blushed, he was hot and definitely my type. "Who're you...?" I mumbled, standing up.

"Kip." It was barely above a whisper.

I couldn't help myself, I snorted and looked at him, "Kip? You're serious? Like kipper the dog?" I laughed and the guy just continued to stare at me.

"I'm not kidding, my name is kip." I immediately stopped laughed. "I'm sorry..I didn't mean to upset you or anything.." I muttered, looking down. "It's fine, what is your name?"

"Aidan." I smiled and leaned back on my bed.

"Mhm..why're you here, Aidan?"

"Got caught making out with some boy from church and was thrown in here for being a faggot, you?"

"I want to get better, I sinned and I went to bed with another man. The priest sent me here and gave me a blessing." He smiled slightly.

"Being gay isn't wrong." I frowned. "It's very wrong, so I'd advise you to try to get better also." Kip stood up and grabbed a sweater. "It's dinner time, let's go."

I mutely stood up and followed him to the cafeteria.

So my roommate is anti-gay? And I want to get in his pants? Well, looks like we gotta break the little Christian boy. I smirked. So much for faking straight.

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