Pocatello, ID
When Jared woke again, it was pitch black outside. It was quiet except for the constant moaning and growling, along with the occasional gunshot. Jared sat up and looked around. Casey was asleep beside him, and Ella and Tom were just a few feet away. He looked at his leg and pulled up the pant leg, getting a closer look at his cut. It was bandaged over and had a little red spot that had almost soaked through, but besides that it looked fine. He stood up slowly, careful not to wake Casey, and tested it out, then walked around in small circles. It hurt, but not as bad as it was earlier that day. Earlier that day. Jared sighed as he thought about it. The crash, the people outside, the shooter...
He tried to drag his mind away from it, to think about something else. Just trying to remember and figure out the events of the day were making his head hurt. Looking down at his clothes, he realized that they were covered in his blood. He hadn't noticed before, but then again he had barely been conscious. Good thing they were in a clothes store. He searched around and found a pair of jeans and a black shirt that was about two sizes too big for him, but it was better than his bloodied shirt and he was too tired to pick out a perfect fit.
He walked around some more, but the store was small, so there wasn't much to see. Finally he walked over to where Tom and Ella were sleeping and crouched by the radio. Tom was laying on the floor instead of the 'bed' of clothes, and one of his hands was resting on the radio, which looked like a CB. He must have fallen asleep working on it. Jared carefully picked it up and walked to a far corner, then sat down and turned the radio on. He knew he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep, so he might as well test it out. He was greeted by static. He talked into the mouthpiece, thinking maybe someone might be on the other end. Nothing. He sighed and then switched to another channel and tried again. Again, nothing. He tried this until he reached channel 21. This time, it was someone else who was talking.
"-anyone there? Anyone? Please, we need help!" It was a man's voice, and Jared had to turn down the radio to avoid waking the others before answering.
"Hey, I'm here! Who is this? Are there others with you?"
He heard a sigh of relief, then, "Wow, it's great to hear someone else on here. My name's Joe. There's about 20 other people here. What about you? Have you heard anything from anyone?"
Jared hesitated before replying. "I'm Jared. There's three others here. And no, you're the first people we've heard from." Suddenly he remembered the people outside. "What's going on? What's wrong with those people? The ones attacking others? Are they sick or something?"
"I'm not too sure myself. I've only had a glimpse of 'em. But there's other people here that say they've had a closer look. I saw one of them, and it's like it wasn't even human. It attacked this guy across the street from it, and the thing practically flew at him, jumping over cars and everything. Then it started eating him. The guy had a gun and shot it, and I was going over to help him when he started seizing up, and then he changed."
"Changed?" Jared interrupted, "What do you mean? How did he change?"
"I'm not even sure, really." Joe answered, "I just know that one minute he was panicking over his wounds, and they next he was attacking other people."
It was quiet for the next few seconds. Finally Jared said, "Where are you guys?"
"We're at the airport." he replied quickly. "What about you? You're in Pocatello, right?"
"Yeah, and we're in a clothes store, but I don't know where. I don't really know where the airport is, either. One of my friends do, though, probably."
"Well if you think you can drag your guys over here, you might want to bring them over tomorrow. It's too dark out now, and if it was dangerous out there before, it's a lot worse now. Those things might as well have night vision. I honestly thought they did at first, but Miles said he saw one run head-on into a wall, so who knows?"
"Yeah, I'll talk to them tomorrow."
"Alright, well I'm gonna turn in for tonight. Nice meetin' ya. Oh, and don't die, if you can help it."
"Yeah." Jared replied quietly, then sat back against the wall. The next morning he would tell the others, and they could go to the airport.*******************
By the way, I don't think I'm really spot on with my geography, I don't know if there's a clothes store close to the Pocatello airport, so if I get something wrong then please ignore it! Thanks for reading! Also some criticism would be helpful!

We're Still Alive(Book1)BEING REWRITTEN
ActionThis book follows four teenagers from four different parts of the U.S. when their lives are dramatically changed one day. When zombies become real and more than just horror movies and scary books, they're forced to fight to stay alive. What they do...