A little meet the author thing while I struggle

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Ok I have a few stories I started but this is just for fun in the mean time. Feel free to skip it lol. 


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Ok so feel free to say comment your answers, experiences, or opinion on what I said. I genuinely enjoy reading that so it'd be cool. Even if your opinion is negative that's cool too, I can take criticism. 


1. Five ways to win your heart-

Be a decent person, be understanding, I don't know really. I'm emotionally unavailable, do not try to win my heart. 

2. Something you feel strongly about-

K-pop. I could talk about it for days. Also character writing, I've gone on many hour long rants about why I love Bakugou's writing so much. Also mental health awareness because if I hear one more person say someone is bipolar because they were being "moody" I'm gonna snap a neck. 

3. A book you love-

I really liked Gerald's Game by Stephen King. And I'm reading IT now and it's a good book too. 

4. Bullet your whole day-

Assuming it's a school day:

-8am, go to school

-12pm, eat lunch

-3:30pm-5pm, go downstairs and play with the stray cat in our basement(we have other cats who don't like him so as of now we can't let him roam around)

-5pm, eat dinner

-After dinner to around 1-3am, I go to sleep. 

5. Things you want to say to an ex-

Lol thanks for fucking with me and lying to me. But like why tho. Also please stop talking to my best friend, he doesn't like you either, he's just afraid to say anything. :)

6. Your views on mainstream music-

I don't really like a lot of it but I'm not gonna judge people who do. 

7. Five pet peeves-

Talking slow, jaywalking, people judging others for what they like, my cat sitting on my stuff when I'm using it, my friend popping their knuckles every 5 seconds. 

8. What you ate today-

Chili, popcorn, fruit snacks, potato soup, Reese's peanut butter cup. 

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