Vigilante AU

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Vigilante au suggested by @sneezychips Gracias amigo

I'm gonna try to make this one kinda fluffy; I've been writing too much angst recently(there's even some I haven't finished/published). 

I looked over the city from my space on the tall building, the lights sparkled in the darkness. I had perched myself on the ledge. Suddenly I felt what seemed to be some sort of presence behind me. I quickly whipped my head around; yes I'm aware it could easily have been paranoia, a simple trick of the mind, but it never hurt to check. Usually when I had this sort of "feeling" or "sense" I was wrong, and nobody was there. It was just all the running and hiding I had to do that had made me remarkably vigilant, which led to hypervigilance. 

But this time I turned around, and somebody was there. I immediately went tense and held my breath. The face was lightly illuminated from the city lights, distant as they might be, there were a lot of them. Even with the light, I couldn't quite make out who it was. What are they doing here? Who is that? I back up a little, a bad idea seeing as I was on a ledge. I luckily didn't fall, but this didn't help the state of anxiety. I could feel my heartbeat in my neck and I was sweating like hell. The stranger seemed to be just standing there, watching me. I wonder how long they'd been there. I suddenly became unsure of whether they were real at all. Surely I wasn't hallucinating? Dreaming? No, no I knew there was somebody... right? 

"Hi." A familiar voice said. Though I couldn't quite pinpoint who's voice it was. 

"Who are you?" I asked firmly. 

They stepped closer to me, scaring me but also giving me a better view of their face. The spiky blonde hair was instantly recognizable and I could feel my eyebrows raised. I(almost involuntarily) hopped off the ledge, landing safely on the rooftop. "Bakugou?!"

I hadn't seen him in what felt like forever. It had basically been forever. 

We walked into his house, he gave a dismissive hello to his parents, taking my hand and dragging me upstairs. He had said he wanted to tell me something after school that day, so here we were. He locked his door. 

Taking a deep breath, he sits down on his bed. "I am going to tell you something. But ONLY if you promise to not tell anyone. And I don't care what you decide to think about the idea, if you wanna break up with me or cut me off, okay. But you have to promise you aren't gonna tell a soul." 

I let out a nervous laugh. This was instantly way more serious than I thought it would be. If he was this serious, he's probably been thinking about this for a long time. "Ahaha okay. I promise not to tell. I don't know what you could say to make me wanna break up-"

"I wanna be a vigilante."

Silence. A sort of tension filled the air, an impatient sort of silence we rarely shared. My mind fills with so many thoughts and emotions I couldn't even begin to describe them. Yet I couldn't think of a single word to say for roughly two minutes. Then suddenly the idea came to me to ask, "Why?"

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