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Here's a little torment to start off your day because I can't handle crushes well and I want to make others suffer(that sounds worse than I meant it to-)

Bakugou POV

I trudged into class as usual. Today was going to be hell, just like every other day. I let out a loud sigh and sat down in my seat, leaning back and putting my feet on my desk.

I knew Shitty Hair had a crush on me. I was beyond aware. It all started when 2 weeks ago he mentioned something about a crush on his Instagram story. And obviously I messaged him, pressing him to tell me. But he wouldn't budge saying that I'd be mad at him or something. Not to mention his stupid friends always trying to give us alone time.

"Oh the squad met up for the 5th time this week, and for the 5th time this week, Kaminari, Sero, Jirou, and I forgot we have plans! Later!"

Every. Damn. Time.

So you may be asking "Well Bakugou what's the issue? Don't you like Kirishima back?" Yes. Yes I do.

But I could never tell him that. Imagine how embarrassing that would be! I probably wouldn't be a good boyfriend anyways. What if I'm a bad kisser and I don't know? What if he has some fantastical idea of me in his head that I simply cannot live up to?

He probably doesn't really like me anyways. It's probably just a small crush that will fade. Or maybe since he knows I'm the only gay around he convinced himself that he likes me out of loneliness. Something like that.

So what if every time I see him I wanna hold his hand. And kiss his cheek. And call him by his first name. So what if I fantasize about us dating all day. So what if I've planned out how I would tell my family. So what if everytime I see him upset I just want him to know I'm a shoulder to cry on.

It's stupid anyways. All of it. It's all so fucking stupid.

Staying friends is good. It's safe.

Dating sounds like so much work. I'd have to keep up my grades while dating? That's...a lot.

If I could just somehow let him know I liked him back... I just want him to know. But he's probably too dense to realize anything I throw at him.

I hate this all so much. I wish I could just forget about it. It's all so sickening.

I was so preoccupied with my own thoughts that I didn't notice Kirishima and the "Bakusquad"(a name not approved by me) all gathered around my desk.

"Do you think he's breathing?" Pinky asks.

"I dunno. What do you think he's thinking about? Must be something real intense," Tape-Face comments.

Kiri is so close he's practically breathing down my neck. He waves his hand in front of my face while saying "Bakubro?"

I blush at how close he was but decide to brush it off with anger. "H-How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that!!" I yell, pushing his face away with my hand.

He simply laughs in response. "Sorry bro!" That familiar shark-tooth grin appears on his face. I feel myself blush just a little and my heart starts pounding on sight. Once again I am reminded how much I hate this...

That epic bruh moment when you know somebody likes you back but you're a pussy.

Yeah sorry about how disappointing and sad this chapter is. This is pretty much how I'm feeling rn and they say to write what you know. You probably won't get a part 2 to this unless miraculously I start dating my crush so you won't be getting a part 2 ✌😘✌

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