Chapter 24: Preparing for Battle!

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     Cerise and Ramona walked into their parents cottage. "Mom! Dad!" Ramona called. Little Red Riding Hood walked down the steps. "Darlings, I am thrilled to see you both." Red greeted. "Great to see you too, mom." Cerise greeted. "Where's dad?" Ramona asked. "He went to confront his life long enemy." Red replied. "What did Melissa do this time?" Cerise asked as she took off the cloak that was given to her by her mother. "Just normal things. Your father is on his way to act out his latest revenge against her." Red replied. Ramona sighed and shook her head as she took off her jacket. "Their feud is so childish and stupid." Ramona commented as her brown hair waved from its ponytail. "How so?" Red asked. "They're being ridiculous, dad included. They need to grow up and just stop it." Ramona replied. "But they hate each other." Cerise told her. "Hate only destroys the person that's hating, so they are basically destroying themselves.... If they really hate one another, they should just keep far away." Ramona told them and Cerise laughed. "But that would make things too rational." Cerise told her and Ramona laughed. "True." Ramona agreed. "Melissa is viscous and ruthless. So, beware." Red told them as she walked into the other room. "We will, mom." Ramona agreed.
      Cerise finished getting dressed for her date with Ralph. "Aren't you going to dress a bit more.... Fancy? Formal, at the least?" Ramona asked. "But that's not who I am, R. I'm not going to change for some boy, not even Ralph." Cerise told her and Ramona smiled. "Good for you." Ramona commented and Cerise laughed. There was a knock on the door and Cerise opened it, giving Ralph a smile. "You look amazing, Cerise." Ralph commented. Cerise blushed, which she's never done before. "Thank you, so do you." Cerise agreed. "Have fun!" Ramona called to them as they left. "So, where to?" Cerise asked. To the Hocus Latee, and than maybe the Hex Theater for a movie." Ralph replied and Cerise grinned. "I'm in." Cerise replied. She took his hand as they walked down the hall.

Real World!
     Lily picked up the hobby horse and examined it. "How can you carry that?" Gilda asked. "Magic." Lily replied and Gilda nodded. "Of course." Gilda commented. "So, you all just have these weapons?" Sam asked. "Pretty much." Kelly replied with a smirk and he smiled at her. "These are special Wonderland weapons. They all go together and choose whom they deem worthy to wield them." Alan told them. "And they chose you?" Tatum asked. "Yep, when we were only fourteen years of age." Michael replied. "Do you have any spare weapons for us?" Ruby asked and everyone looked at Lily. She looked up and noticed the stares. "Why all you all looking at me?" Lily asked and her friends laughed. "Because you have a weapons room." Timmy replied. "You have an actual weapons room?" Leo asked. "I don't call it that. I call it my weapons vault. It sounds cooler." Lily told them.
    They walked downstairs, into the basement. There were weapons everywhere. Hung up on the wall. On shelves. In chests. On tables. They're not all combat weapons, such as swords and daggers. There are potion ingredients and spell books. This is where she practices her magic. "Wow. I've never seen something like this." Gilda commented. "I've never seen so much magic in one place, and I'm friends with Gilda and Emerald." Leo added. "You can choose your weapon. Just make sure I get them back." Lily told them. "You will." Sam agreed. Leo picked up a sword and admired the blade. Ruby grabbed a dagger and smiled. Zack picked up a sword as well. Tatum picked up a dagger too. Tina walked up to Gilda. "Aren't you going to grab one?" Tina asked. "I have my magic." Gilda replied. "A lot of us do. Brenda can transform into a bunny while Darla can transform into a mouse. Charlotte and Lily have more magical abilities that can help in a fight, but they still have weapons, on the safe side." Tina told her. Gilda nodded and looked around. She grabbed some throwing stars and pocketed them. Sam picked up a gun and looked at it. "What is this contraption?" Sam asked. Kitty laughed as she walked up to him. "That is a gun. A popular fighting tool in this Realm, and can be used at a farther distance then a sword can." Kelly told them. "How do you use it?" Sam asked. "You aim and hit the button, which is the trigger." Kelly replied as she showed him. She handed it back and he smiled as he put it in his holster. "I like it." Sam told her. 

      One year later, Cerise and Ralph's relationship was still going strong and they were as happy as happy can be. They had both graduated from college and now have jobs. Cerise is interning as a doctor and Ralph is an assistant at a big company. Cerise and Ralph met up at Hocus Latee, where they had their first date at, and several dates since, both having a request from the other. But they're both straight forward people. "Wanna move in?" Cerise asked. It took him off guard, but than he smiled. "On one condition, we meet each other's parents." Ralph replied. That took her off guard, but than she smiled. "Deal." Cerise agreed as they shook hands. They both grinned and laughed before hugging and than kissing.
       Ralph took Cerise's hand as they walked inside his parents house. "Ralph, my boy!" Mark exclaimed as Melissa walked down the steps. "Mom. Dad. I would like you to officially meet my girlfriend, Cerise." Ralph introduced. "It is nice to meet you, Cerise. We've heard great things." Melissa greeted as she shook her hand. "Likewise." Cerise agreed. "This is the lucky girl." Mark commented and Ralph nodded. "Definitely." Ralph agreed as he looked at her and she smiled. "How long have you been dating this gem?" Melissa asked. "A year." Ralph replied. "And we're just now meeting her, son?" Mark asked. "I wanted to make sure it was the real thing before I go through the embarrassment of the parent introduction." Ralph replied and Cerise laughed. "Will you stay for dinner?" Melissa asked. "I'm happy to." Cerise agreed. "Bookball is about to start!" Mark exclaimed as Ralph joined his father on the couch. "I love Bookball." Cerise commented as she sat next to them. "She's a keeper." Mark told his son and he smiled. "She sure is." Ralph agreed.

Real World!
       Lily walked into her daughters room. It was getting late and she was asleep. Daniel walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed the top of her head and she smiled. She turned around and faced him. "I love you." Lily told him. "I love you too." Daniel told her. They leaned in and kissed. "I know you can take care of yourself, Lil." Daniel told her. "But?" Lily asked. "I want to be out there with you. I understand why you didn't want me to be there during the battle with Courtly, because it was personal.... But we're supposed to be partners and I want to be there by your side when you fight these enemies." Daniel replied. "We are partners, and I would love nothing more than having you by my side. You might be the only one that can keep me from going over the edge. But that's not the only reason. I feel safer and happier around you." Lily explained. "What are you saying?" Daniel asked. "I would love if you fought by my side." Lily replied and he smiled. "Yeah?" Daniel asked. "Yeah." Lily replied. "I'll call for a sitter." Daniel told her. He kissed her forehead and walked off.
      Darla walked up to Madison. "Hey, Mads." Darla greeted. "Hi, girl." Madison greeted. "So, you and Ron?" Darla asked. "How'd you know?" Madison asked as she turned to face one of her best friends. "I might have seen you two." Darla replied. "You spied on me?" Madison asked. "Now you know that's not me, Mads. I was heading that direction and saw the kiss. I didn't even hear the conversation before hand, I swear." Darla told her and the Hatter laughed. "I know, I was just messing with you." Madison told her and Darla smiled. "Of course." Darla agreed. "I forgive Ron. I truly do." Madison told her. "Good." Darla commented. "Are you okay with this?" Madison asked and Darla frowned. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" Darla asked. Madison shrugged. "Because of what happened with Lexvin." Madison replied. Darla sighed and stepped closer to her, taking her hands. "I am happy for you, Mads. Really and truly. I don't care about Lexvin. I care about you, and my other friends. As long you're all happy, I'm happy too." Darla told her. "You will find your happy ending, Darla. I know you will." Madison told her. They both smiled and hugged. 

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