Chapter 14: Fire!

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     Ruby and Tatum were exploring the mysterious house that was hidden in the force feild. They walked down the hall as thet linked arms, and they both were grinning. "This place is like a maze." Tatum commented and Ruby laughed. "But mazes are fun." Ruby commented and Tatum laughed. "Fair enough." Tatum agreed. They stopped walking when they saw Leo and Gilda kissing. Tatum frowned and Ruby looked at her friend, concerned. "Are you alright?" Ruby asked and Tatum put on a fake smile. "Yeah, I'm fine." Tatum replied. "You wanna look at the backyard?" Ruby asked and Tatum nodded. "Sure." Tatum replied. They walked around the two. "Are you sure you're okay, T?" Ruby asked and Tatum sighed. "No, I'm not. But I will be." Tatum replied. "I love you." Ruby told her as she playfully nudged her and Tatum smiled. "I love you too." Tatum agreed as they kept walking toward the back door.
     Gilda and Leo pulled away from the kiss when Kitty walked over to them. "Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt." Kitty apologized. "It's fine, Kitty." Gilda told her. "Have you guys seen Sam?" Kitty asked. "No." Gilda replied. "I have. He was preparing some tooms for everyone on the top floor." Leo told her and she smiled. "Thank you, Leo." Kitty commented and she ran upstairs. Gilda and Leo faced one another again. "I wonder how Sam's dad found this place." Gilda commented and Leo shrugged. "It could be anything." Leo agreed. "At least we're safe from Willow for now." Gilda commented and Leo nodded. "Which is what we need.... But now we need to figure out what to do next." Leo told her. "Like?" Gilda asked and Leo sighed and shook his head. "I don't know. But it's up to us to save Oz, just like it was up to our parents." Leo replied and Gilda nodded. "Then I hope we do as well as they did." Gilda commented and Leo smiled. "I know we will." Leo told her and they hugged.

Real World!
     "So, first things first. We need to get back into the mirror realm to get the artifacts." Gilda commented. "I think Kelly and I should. The rest of you can get ready to head to Tina and Tommy's house." Ruby suggested and Kelly nodded. "I'm good with that." Kelly agreed. Darla walked up to Kelly. "Be careful." Darla commented and Kelly smiled. "I will." Kelly agreed. "How do you go back in there anyways?" Brenda asked. "I know. We can use that mirror Snow White was going to capture the Evil Queen with once she was released." Charolette replied. "But Snow White didn't come with the curse." Alan commented. "No, but Mira did and she's on our side now. It might be in Ms. Gold's shop, everything's there." Charolette replied. "You and I can go get it while they prepare." Michael suggested and Charolette nodded. "Okay." Charolette agreed. Charolette and Michael flew on a cloud she made as they went to Ms. Gold's shop. They walked in and she sighed. "What do you want?" Ms. Gold asked. "The mirror that locked Mira back into the mirror realm." Charolette replied and Ms. Gold laughed. "You think I have it?" Ms. Gold replied. "We know you do  you wouldn't let something that powerful and dangerous out of your sight." Michael replied. Ms. Gold nodded and held it up. "Now, why do you want this?" Ms. Gold asked. "To get something from that realm." Michael replied. "So, you're going in there willingly?" Ms. Gold asked. "Yes." Charolette replied. "Will I get this back?" Ms. Gold asked. "Yes." Charolette replied and Ms. Gold sighed. "I better." Ms. Gold commanded and she handed it to Michael.
     Michael held the mirror up to Kelly and Ruby. "Capture Kelly and Ruby." Michael commented and they were sucked into the mirror. "It shouldn't take long, we'll give them ten minutes." Charolette commented and Michael nodded. Kelly sighed as she stood up. She looked around at all of the mirrors as Ruby stood up. "Are you okay, Kelly?" Ruby asked and Kelly nodded. "Yeah, you?" Kelly asked. "Same." Ruby replied. "How big is this place?" Ruby asked. "I don't know, no one knows." Kelly replied. Ruby started walking amd Kelly sighed as she followed. Ruby stopped when she saw a bag and ran up to it. Ruby opened it and smiled as she saw the magical artifacts. "I found them." Ruby told her. "Good." Kelly commented. "Release Kelly and Ruby!" Michael exclaimed and excited to mirror realm. Kelly looked up as Darla helped her up and Tatum helped Ruby up. "Do you have them?" Leo asked. "You bet." Ruby replied as she held up the bag.

    Kitty walked into a bedroom and saw it was purple with black claw marks painted on the walls. She was in awe. It was magnificent and just her style. She heard footsteps and turned around to see Sam leaning against the doorframe. "I made it just for you." Sam told her and she grinned. "For me?" Kitty asked. "Of course." Sam replied. Kitty couldn't believe him. "That was.... Sweet." Kitty commented. "Anything for a friend." Sam told her. "Did you make rooms for the others too?" Kitty asked. "Just as they like it, same as you." Sam replied. "You were always very kind and loyal. I always liked that about you." Kitty commented and Sam smiled. There was a moment of silence as they starred at one another. Sam frowned as he started thinking. "We need to start planning. To stop Willow and save Oz." Sam told her and she nodded. "You're right, but I don't know where to start. Where to begin." Kitty agreed. "We'll all figure it out, together." Sam told her. "Sounds good to me." Kitty agreed.
    Ruby and Tatum walked out back and saw a beautiful garden, still within the force feild. "This garden is beautiful." Ruby commented and Tatum nodded. "It is." Tatum agreed. "Leo loves you, just not the way you want. But it's his loss." Ruby told her and she smiled. "Thanks, Rub." Tatum commented. "Of course." Ruby commented. Ruby looked away, millions of thoughts crossing through her mind. Tatum looked at her best friend and wrapped her arm around her. "What's on your mind?" Tatum asked and Ruby sighed as she pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. "A lot. I mean, everything that's going on with Willow.... We shouldn't have to hide, she should. We have to do something, anything. We have to stop her once and for all. For all of Oz." Ruby replied and Tatum nodded. "And we will." Tatum agreed. "How do you know that?" Ruby asked and Tatum smiled at her friend. "Because I know you, and you are a lot like your mother. Believe me." Tatum replied and Ruby smiled. "That makes me feel better." Ruby commented.

Real World!
     Lily and Rachel walked into Lily's house. "Is Daniel and Princess here?" Rachel asked. "Yes." Daniel replied as he walked downstairs. "Where's Princess?" Lily asked. "Danielle's babysitting her." Daniel replied and Lily nodded. Lily walked up to him and hugged. "I'll just prepare your spellbook." Rachel commented as she walked away. "Are you okay?" Daniel asked and Lily sighed. "I just feel like we're never just together anymore." Lily replied. "I know, Lil." Daniel agreed. Lily smiled as she grabbed his hand. "Do you want to help hs save Storybrooke again?" Lily asked and Daniel grinned. "I'd love to." Daniel replied. Rachel walked back in with the spellbook and handed it to Lily. She flipped through it and stopped as she pointed to a page. "This is it." Lily commented. "Let's get started." Daniel told her and Lily nodded.
     They were beginning to leave the house when Charolette heard something. Everyone was talking and laughing. Joking around, before they have to get serious about stopping Willow and saving Storybrooke. So none of them were paying much attention, but Charolette always pays that little extra attention. Then she smelled something, something foul. Smoke. She looked out the window and gasped. "Guys." Charolette commented. "And then the Jabborwocky's head just rolled down, and it was over. Finally. Courtly was gone, for good this time." Tommy explained and Leo laughed. "You've had your fair share of adventures, so have we." Leo commented. "Guys!" Charolette exclaimed and they all looked at her. "What?" Darla asked. "The house is on fire." Charolette replied and they all gasped. Alan looked out another window. "It's all around." Alan commented. "Is there another way out?" Gilda asked and Kelly shook her head. "No." Kelly replied. The all started coughing as the fire circled them, trapping them.

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