Chapter 15: Stabbed!

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Real World!
     Brenda was coughing hysterically as she fell to the floor. "Brenda!" Alan exclaimed as he ran to her and began coughing himself. Everyone began falling to the floor, one by one, barely being able to breathe. Darla looked around, her heart pounding. She saw a hole in the wall and transformed into a mouse. She slowly walked out and looked at the flames engulfing the house and her friends. She jumped over the fire and transformed back into herself. She sighed as she put her hand on her chest, feeling her beating heart. She quickly grabbed her phone and called Lily. "Hey, we found the way to get to Willow." Lily told her. "A fire started at Kelly's. I think it was Willow. I managed to get out, but the others can't. They're going to die, Lily." Darla explained. Darla jumped when she saw Lily a mb d Daniel appear in red smoke and Rachel appear in purple smoke. Lily gasped at the damage the fire was causing. Lily held out her arms, making a path through the fire and Lily ran through. Daniel, Rachel, and Darla tried to follow, but the fire closed in front of them.
     Lily saw everyone on the floor. They were all unconscious, but awake. She knew it would tske a great deal of magic to get them out unharmed, and shr knew there were low chances of herself getting out unharmed. But she had to take that risk. She used her magic to make all of them float in the air all the while msking the fire depart again. She felt the smoke and fire arpund herself. The heat and the smell. It was getting harder and harder to breathe. She flung all of them out as the fire closed again. Lily fell to the floor, breathing heavily. "No!" Daniel exclaimed. "Lily!" Darla exclaimed. Lily began closing her eyes when Daniel ran through the fire, causing the others to gasp. Daniel quickly patted away the fire that was on his legs and he ran up to Lily. Her eyes slowly opened and locked with his. "Why.... Why did you risk it?" Lily asked. "Because I love you." Daniel replied. He picked her up and he ran through the fire again. He laid her down and Rachel waved her hand, making the fire disappear from him. Lily coughed and Daniel hugged him. She smiled as she hugged back. "Is everyone okay?" Rachel asked and Darla nodded. "They will be." Darla replied. Lily tried to stand up and Daniel helped her. "Are you alright?" Daniel asked. "I am now." Lily replied and they kissed.

      Emerald stood on a balcony as she looked out into the open. Her hair was back in a braid and she wore a turquoise dress. She had a lot on her mind. Her thoughts racing in a circle. She was going to be crowned Queen of Oz soon. It will be her royal duty to protect Oz. But how can she protect all of Oz if she can't even protect her brothers and her friends? She felt like she was already failing, before she was even beginning. Zack walked up behind her and smiled to himself. He stood there for a minute, just watching her as she was deep in thought. She hadn't even noticed him yet. He walked up to her and she looked over to him. "Hey." Zack greeted. "Hi." Emerald greeted. "You okay?" Zack asked and Emerald sighed. "Just wondering if I'll make a good Queen." Emerald replied and Zack frowned. "Of course you would." Zack told her. "How do you know that, Zack?" Emerald asked in tears. There was a moment of silence as Emerald looked away from him. Zack kept his eyes on her. He put his hand on her back as chills went down her spine as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I know you would make a great Queen, because you are kind and gentle. You're also brave and true. No one cares the way you do, and no one is willing to do what is necessary like you will. You're the best person I have ever met, and I know in my heart that you're the one and only true Queen of Oz." Zack replied. Emerald looked at him and they locked eyes. She didn't know what to say, but she had to say something. "You really believe that?" Emerald asked and Zack nodded. "With all my heart." Zack replied and Emerald smiled.
      Willow walked back into her mansion. She ran up to her attic and saw Jasper and Jet in their cages. They both looked up. "Please, Ms. Witch. Please let us go." Jet begged. "You're begging isn't going to change my plans." Willow told him and Jet sighed as he put his head down. "I want my dad." Jet commented and Willow rolled her eyes. She looked over at Jasper, curiously. "Jasper, you're being unusually quiet." Willow commented and Jasper sighed. "There's nothing to say. You kidnapped us over your stupid vendetta against our sister, Ruby, and all of Oz." Jasper told her and she chuckled. "You have a smart mouth. That'll get you killed one day." Willow told him. "Perhaps, but I am who I am." Jasper agreed. "So am I." Willow told him. "No, you are your mother. Until you try to be someone different.... You'll never find yourself." Jasper told her and she glared at him. "You'll be sorry, Jasper Oz. That, I am sure of." Willow told him and walked away.

Real World!
      Everyone was asleep in Tina and Tommy's house. Darla held the Elixir and sighed. "I don't know how to activate this, I'll have to wait for Ruby to wake up." Darla commented. "And she will." Rachel told her and Darla nodded. "I know." Darla agreed. "Darla, could you stay here with the others and keep an eye on them?" Lily asked. "Of course." Darla replied. "What are you thinking?" Daniel asked. "You, me, and Rachel are going to find Willow with that spell." Lily replied and they nodded. Lily closed her eyes and waved her hands around. A glowing orb appeared in the air. "Follow me." Lily told them as they left the house. Darla sighed as she walked over to Madison, who was still unconscious like the others. Madison started opening her eyes and Darla smiled down at her. "Hey." Darla greeted. "H-Hi." Madison greeted. "How are you feeling?" Darla asked. "Tired, and a bit sore." Madison replied. "But you're okay, you're all okay, which is all that matters." Darla told her. "What happened?" Madison asked. "There was a fire at Kelly's house, it was really bad." Darla replied. "I remember. Was it Willow?" Madison asked. "I think so." Darla replied and Madison sighed. "And everyone else is okay?" Madison asked. "Yes, they should wake up soon." Darla replied. "Where's Lily?" Madison asked. "She's with Daniel and Rachel, tracking down Willow as we speak." Darla replied. "I hope they're okay." Madison commented.
     Lily, Daniel, and Rachel walked through the woods and stopped when the ball of light disappeared. "Where did it go?" Rachel asked as she looked around. "The spell ended, because it took us to where it was suppose to." Lily replied. "Then where's Willow?" Daniel asked. "She's close, she has to be." Lily replied and they nodded. "You're right." Willow agreed as she stepped out from behind a tree. She held out her hand and shot magic at Daniel as he flew backwards. Lily shot magic at Willow as she flew backwards as well. Willow groaned as she stood up. "You hurt me friends, and I will never forgive you for that." Lily told her. "I don't expect you to, nor do I care." Willow told her. "You do not want to mess with me." Lily told her. "And you don't want to mess with me." Willow agreed. She grabbed an Athame from her boot and threw it at Lily. Rachel pushed Lily out of the way. Lily sighed as her and Daniel stood up and they gasped when they saw Rachel laying on the ground with blood oozing out from the athame stabbing her. Daniel ran up to her and Lily looked up to see Willow was gone.

      Willow walked into her room and took out her phone. She dialled Emerald's number. Emerald stood on the balcony with Zack next to her as she answered the phone. "Hello." Emerald greeted. "Good to hear your voice again, old nemesis." Willow greeted. "What do you want?" Emerald asked. "You, and Ruby." Willow replied. "Who is it?" Zack asked. Willow clenched her jaw when she heard her brothers voice. "It's your sister." Emerald replied. "What does she want?" Zack asked. "Me and Ruby." Emerald replied. "That's not going to happen." Zack commented and Willow chuckled. "Tell my brother, he can't change what's to happen. I will find you guys, and you can't stop me." Willow told them. "We can, and we will. It is my job to protect Oz, and it is Ruby's destiny to defeat you. We will win." Emerald told her. "We'll see." Willow commented and hung up  she looked down at her computer, which she had used to track the phone number. Now she has the exact spot Emerald is right now.
   Willow walked back up to the attic. Jet was asleep, but Jasper looked up and glared at her. "I found your sister, and the women you have a crush on. I will stop them, and you can't stop me." Willow told him. Jasper stood up and put his hands against the bars of the cage he's trapped in. "Why are you really doing this, Willow? Because it's what you want, or because you want your mom to be proud of you so badly?" Jasper asked and Willow glared at him. "This is who I am. Zack may turn his back on his destiny, but I won't. Not ever." Willow replied and Jasper hook his head. "You will get what's coming, I am sure of that much." Jasper told her. "Maybe. Maybe not. We'll see after I go after them tonight." Willow told him. She turned her back and walked away as he sighed.

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