Chapter 19: Back Fired!

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Real World! 
        Tatum grabbed a sword from Tina and Tommy's house, ready to go and find Ruby. They figured she went after Willow. Leo walked up to her and grabbed her arm. "What do you think you're doing?" Leo asked and Tatum sighed. "To help Ruby." Tatum replied. "We don't even know where she is." Leo told her. "She's my best friend, I can find her." Tatum told him. "We're a family, Tatum. We all love Ruby, and want to help her. But we have to b e smart about it." Leo told her and Tatum sighed. "I know you're right." Tatum agreed. "We can help her, if we all stick together." Leo told her and she nodded. "Yes, we can." Tatum agreed. There was a moment of silence as they locked eyes. "Tatum.... This may not be the best time." Leo commented. "You're right, it's not. We need to focus on helping Ruby and defeat Willow." Tatum told him. She walked away and he sighed as Gilda walked over to him. "Are you okay?" Gilda asked. "Yeah, I suppose." Leo replied. "You've been patient since we broke up, just wait a little longer." Gilda told him and he nodded. "I know." Leo agreed and he walked off. 
          Ruby locked eyes with Willow. Ruby held the athame at Willow's throat. "You wanna kill me?" Willow asked. "You know I do." Ruby replied. "No, Ruby. I think you want the war with me over, and maybe you do want me dead, but I know for a fact that you do not want my blood on your hands, not anyone's blood." Willow replied. "You think you know me?" Ruby asked. "I'm not a fool like you are. I know you, Ruby, just as much as you know me." Willow replied. "This has to end." Ruby commented in tears. "Then kill me." Willow told her. There was a moment of silence as Ruby grazed the athame at Willow's throat. Ruby dropped the athame and backed away as Willow smirked. "I knew you couldn't do it." Willow told her and Ruby sighed. Willow grabbed the athame and stood up as she stabbed Ruby. 

         Emerald quietly walked downstairs of the Wicked Witch's Mansion. She saw Willow choking Zack. She threw her magic and flung Willow through the window, as the glass shattered. Zack gasped for breathe as Emerald ran over to him. "Zack! Are you okay?" Emerald asked and he sighed. "Yeah, thanks to you." Zack replied. "Your welcome." Emerald commented and Zack smiled. "You shouldn't have come back for me, Em." Zack told her. "Of course I did, and I always will." Emerald told her. "We should get out of here." Zack told her and Emerald shook her head. "We have an opportunity to take out Willow, we have to take it." Emerald told him. "No. Willow found out the invisible fortress, and my mom knows a way to get through it.... Em, she's on her way with a batch of Flying Monkeys to get them and hurt them." Zack told her. "That explains what I saw." Emerald commented and Zack nodded. "We have to go help them. Now." Zack told her and Emerald sighed. There was a moment of silence as Emerald was thinking. "You go." Emerald told him. "Not without you." Zack told her. "We don't have time to argue. Go save my family." Emerald told. He sighed and left. 
         The group inside the invisible fortress were getting ready for battle. They were about to go and help Emerald and Zack stop Willow and the Wicked Witch. Tatum walked up to Ruby. "Are we in over our heads?" Tatum asked. "Emerald and Zack are, but we're not. Because we're all going in, together." Ruby replied and Tatum nodded. "They're powerful, especially together." Tatum commented. "I know." Ruby agreed. "Can we defeat them?" Tatum asked and Ruby sighed. There was a moment of silence. "I have to believe that we can, I just have to." Ruby replied. "I want to, it's just hard." Tatum told her. "I know, Tatum." Ruby agreed and gave her best friend a hug. "I don't know if I believe that we can defeat them, but I do believe that we'll all be okay if we stay together." Tatum told her and Ruby smiled. They pulled away from the hug and locked eyes. "I love you." Ruby told her. "And I love you." Tatum agreed. Sam hit the green button and the invisible barrier went up. They all gasped when they saw the Wicked Witch and her Flying Monkeys. 

Real World! 
          Lily walked up to Daniel. "How's Devin?" Lily asked. "Not good, holding up the best he can." Daniel replied and Lily nodded. "And you?" Lily asked. "I'm fine." Daniel replied. Lily walked over to him and put her hands around his neck as he put his arms around her waist. She leaned in and kissed him passionately. They both smiled once they pulled apart, their faces only inches apart from one another. "What was that for?" Daniel asked. "I love you, and Alan finally made me realize that maybe I can be the savior this town needs after all." Lily replied. "Well, I already knew that." Daniel told her. "I still don't know if I am this light hearted person or not. But I now know that I can use my darkness as a strength." Lily told him. "I'm happy for you, Lil." Daniel commented. "I was always afraid of my darkness, which was never an easy thing for me to admit.... But I am okay with who I am now. Or at least, I'm getting there." Lily told him. "And I will be here for every step of it." Daniel told her. "I know you will." Lily agreed and they kissed. 
         The group of Ozians and Kelly were looking for Ruby in the woods. Gilda was scouting ahead and gasped. "Over here!" Gilda called. She ran and knelt down as everyone else followed. "Ruby!" Leo exclaimed. Sam checked her pulse and sighed relief. "She's alive, but her pulse is weak." Sam told them. "I'll take her to the hospital, I can get there faster." Kelly suggested and Tatum nodded in tears. "Good idea." Tatum agreed. Kelly grabbed ahold of Ruby and disappeared. Tatum stood up and walked as Leo followed. "Ruby's a fighter, she'll be okay." Leo told her and she nodded. "I know, but it doesn't make it any less scary." Tatum told him. "I know." Leo agreed. Sam and Gilda walked over to them. "We should meet Kitty at the hospital." Gilda suggested and they nodded. "Yes, definitely." Sam agreed and they all left. 

          Willow stood back up and glared at Emerald. She walked threw the window and Emerald smirked. "Where's Zack?" Willow asked. "Saving our friends from your mother." Emerald replied. Willow sighed as she shook her head. "What does he see in you?" Willow asked. "He see's a friend who is by his side, no matter what." Emerald replied. "That's not what I meant." Willow commented and Emerald pushed her eyebrows together. "What do you mean?" Emerald asked. "You really don't see it, do you?" Willow asked. "See what?" Emerald asked and Willow chuckled. "Never mind. You are both idiots, and oblivious." Willow replied and Emerald rolled her eyes. "Are we going to fight or not?" Emerald asked and Willow smirked. "My pleasure." Willow replied and she attacked Emerald. 
        "Hello again." Wicked Witch greeted. Ruby stepped forward and glared at her. "My mom beat you, just like I will your daughter." Ruby told her and the Wicked Witch glared at her. "Not if I kill you first." Wicked Witch told her. "You think you can?" Wicked Witch asked. "I know I can." Wicked Witch replied. "Then bring it on." Ruby commented and Wicked Witch smirked. Flying Monkey's! Attack! But leave Ruby for me." Wicked Witch ordered. The Flying Monkey's started attacking them as they fought back. Wicked Witch ran toward Ruby and attacked her as Ruby fought back. Zack ran and stopped when he saw them. His heart beat fast as he watched good and evil battle. 

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