"Hn shut up dobe you're so loud even that deaf old man over there can here you" Sasuke said as the deaf man in the wheelchair glared at Naruto.

"Be quiet Teme! Sakura-chan hasn't rested once since the invasion and she needs to go out and have some fun instead of sitting at home and staring at boring medical books!" Naruto whined.

"Naruto it's because of those medical books that I was able to accomplish all this. If you're so keen to go and do something then I'm up for it" Sakura laughed.

"I would Sakura-chan but the Pervy Sage wants to leave the village for the next phase of my training! And I'm totally late I have to get to the village gate now! I'll see you guys in a few days!" Naruto babbled before tearing out of the hospital.

Sasuke looked a little put out and this didn't go unnoticed by Sakura.

"That idiot! Why did he make such a fuss about doing something if he had to leave!?" Inner demanded.

"Of course I would love to spend time with you all but I have other things to do. Sasuke there's no training for you today so you're free to do as you please. Why don't the two of you do something together hmm?" Kakashi suggested before disappearing.

"It's fine if you want to train on your own Sasuke I need to study for tomorrow anyway" Sakura began but Sasuke looked at her pointedly.

"Hn. Dobe was right you need a break. I'm hungry" Sasuke said emotionlessly and walked out of the hospital leaving Sakura to follow.

The central marketplace of Konoha had sustained the least damage during the invasion and the citizens seemed determined to carry on as normal. Everything was open for business and Sakura practically drooled all over the ground as the delicious smells wafted through the air.

How long had it been since she'd had a proper meal? It had to be before the second Chunin exam and her stomach rumbled in agreement.

"I don't mind what we eat. As long as it's not sweet, I don't like sweet foods" Sasuke said bluntly, stuffing his hands further in his pockets. He balled them into fists at the recollection of Naruto running out of the hospital to go and train with his Sanin sensei.

Has Kakashi decided that training isn't important since the Chunin exams are over? How is Naruto stronger than me? Even now I remember that toad summoning he performed against Gaara. How did he go from no chakra to plenty so quickly?

"You're thinking about Naruto leaving the village for training right?" Sakura asked midly, scanning for a suitable place to eat.

"Hn" Sasuke replied and chose not to elaborate any further.

"If it makes you feel any better I don't exactly have a line of sensei's knocking down my door to train me. With Naruto's new sensei Jiraiya and Kakashi focusing on you I'd have been swept under the proverbial rug if I didn't choose to take that volunteer position at the hospital" Sakura commented offhandedly.

It's true, if I hadn't sought out Tsunade to train under I would be completely behind and not advancing at all. It's sad when you think about it like that, Sakura thought.

Sasuke consider this and felt a little guilty, it was true that Kakashi had been giving him all of his attention and Naruto had that new sensei leaving Sakura dangling. But Sasuke needed to get stronger for a worthwhile purpose, although Sakura was working hard to be a medical ninja Sasuke couldn't help but think their purposes were too different. She wanted to help save lives; he wanted revenge on his brother for taking the lives of his family. His seemed selfish in that respect but it was the only thing Sasuke wanted in this world, apart from the revival of his clan.

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