"No I'm not about to run away" Sasuke replied stubbornly.

"We're hardly running away, this fight barely involves us as it is. It makes no sense to stay here and I don't want to leave Naruto any more than you but whether you like it or not that curse mark needs to be attended to. I don't have the knowledge or the chakra to re-seal it" Sakura ranted, annoyed at Sasuke's lack of cooperation.

I don't want to be seen to be leaving Naruto either. It feels like I'm my weaker self again running away to get help. But it's a logical plan we have no business in this fight now, Naruto's determined and stronger not to mention he has the Nine Tailed Fox within him. This just isn't something Sasuke or I can participate in.

"What so you're saying it's my fault? Did you see what we were up against? Did it look like I had much choice? You weren't here and Naruto hadn't even realised that guys power so it was all on me and I did what I could" Sasuke snapped at Sakura angrily.

"I wasn't blaming you Sasuke and I know what we're up against but for once stop being so stubborn and listen to reason would you!?" Sakura retorted.

"Whatever if you want to run back to Konoha then be my guest. But I'm not leaving" Sasuke said monotone.

"Honestly you're acting like a spoilt child but I'm not about to get on my knees and beg you to come with me. Pakkun please watch over Naruto carefully, if you feel things are getting out of hand communicate with Kakashi-sensei immediately" Sakura said and left.

"She's right you know. The boy has things well in hand and his determination to protect you and Sakura is strong, I don't see him losing anytime soon. But you need to seal that mark away nothing good can come from its activation" Pakkun said mildly.

"Hn, what would you know dog?" Sasuke asked rubbing his temples in frustration. Sakura always seemed to get under his skin.

"I know that the invasion of Konoha still continues and there are enemy ninja throughout the village. Sakura risks a great deal going alone to get help for you. Or I suspect she will seek medical advice and attempt to seal the mark herself. Despite her healing I bet those broken bones of hers hurt so she's at a disadvantage already" Pakkun said and went to lock eyes with the Uchiha boy but he had already left.

Damn it Sakura and damn the stupid pact I initiated with the dobe, Sasuke thought as he left the battle area following Sakura's faint chakra signal which spiked dangerously. She was mad no doubt and Sasuke sighed heavily but increased speed.

Stubborn kid but he made the right choice just like I thought he would. Now if the Uzumaki kid can beat this Sand demon then maybe I can have a nap, Pakkun thought as he watched Sasuke's retreating back.

"Stupid freaking Sasuke Uchiha can't he see the damn logic behind any of this. I'm not doing this for myself and you think I want to leave Naruto alone to face off against that guy but Sasuke needs to seal the stupid mark he shouldn't have activated in the first damn place. UGH!" Sakura ranted angrily as she jumped off a tree branch.

Trying to ignore the throbbing in her legs Sakura willed herself to move faster. At this speed and with all the enemy ninja around she was practically a sitting duck. No chakra meant she could only rely on her taijutsu style attacks leaving her vulnerable. It was at this point that she started to question the sanity of her movements, to travel back to Konoha with the invasion still in full scale. Sakura didn't know where to begin looking for Kakashi but if she could just get to Tsunade then perhaps everything would work itself out from there.

"Hn Sakura. You're too slow" Sasuke said appearing over her right shoulder.


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