Preliminaries Part 3

Start from the beginning

"No it seems to be the Hyuga style. It is the most effective type of taijutsu found in the village. I have said it before, Neji is the strongest genin to come out of the leaf village" Lee said, his voice strained.

Both ninja ran at each other and began a series of close range hand strikes. Blue chakra swirled and twisted around them as their attempted to strike each other with their palms. They dodged and ducked and weaved, it seemed as though neither of them could get a hit in. Hinata quickly saw an opening and thrust her hand straight for Neji's stomach.

Neji pulled back and both ninja jumped away from each other, falling into the same stance as before.

"Was that a direct hit?" Sakura asked unable to see clearly.

"No way! She barely touched him" Naruto asserted.

"Even so a glancing blow is enough. That is what makes the Hyuga clan the most formidable of fighters" Lee said.

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked.

"Their taijutsu is unique and has been passed down for generations. The taijutsu Lee and I use focuses on external injuries. The Huyga way attacks the opponent internal organs through a chakra network. It's a more subtle way and less thrilling to watch but it gradually takes effect, the results are devastating" Gai explained.

"I see because there isn't much you can do to build up your internal organs no matter how hard you train. Because it's all internal, every ninja no matter how tough would be vulnerable to this kind of attack" Sakura said and Gai nodded at her slightly impressed.

Hinata and Neji resumed their close range battle and it seemed as though Hinata had the upper hand. She had thrown herself into the fight and was giving her all.

"WAY TO GO HINATA!" Naruto yelled out in encouragement.

"It's really amazing how they have the ability to attack the chakra network" Sakura commented.

"Yeah you can say that again! Uh wait, what's the chakra network?" Naruto asked, confused. Sakura sighed but began to explain.

"The chakra network is a complex system of circulatory canals that distribute chakra around the body, it's similar to the vascular system the veins and arteries that carry blood" Sakura said.

"I get it! Except these veins carry chakra not blood" Naruto exclaimed, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Uh sure Naruto. The chakra network is so closely interwoven with all the most vital internal organs that they are almost one in the same. So when the network is attacked, the organs suffer damage as well" Lee added.

"Also the Byakugan allows both opponents to see each other's chakra network, that way they know where to deliver their blows. When they attack a small burst of chakra is released from their hands and drills into the opponent's body directly attacking their chakra network." Kakashi stated.

Upon saying this, the battle down below had come to a standstill. Neji had managed to deliver a heavy blow to Hinata's chest area causing her to cough out droplets of blood. These littered the ground and Neji's bandaged hand.

"So this is it? This is all the power that the main branch has to offer?" Neji asked aloud.

"Wait what happened? I saw Hinata hit Neji perfectly!" Naruto asked loudly.

Hinata breathed heavily her mouth surrounded by blood stains. I'm not done yet, she thought and moved Neji's hand away from her chest.

Making use of the opening Hinata thrust her palm towards Neji's face but before she could land a blow the Hyuga boy had grabbed her wrist and used two fingers from his other hand to deliver a shot of chakra into Hinata's arm.

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