Chunin Exams Part 11

Start from the beginning

"Don't do it, you're just wasting your chakra. If you try and fight these clones you'll be doing just what those ninja want" Kabuto warned.

"If I get rid of all these illusions, whoever is casting them won't be able to attack us without us seeing them! I'll show them that we're getting out of this one! Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto yelled, not listening to Kabuto.

He and his clones charged forward and proceeded to battle all of the opposing clones. It was a mess of black coloured clones being tackled and destroyed by blond haired orange jumpsuit clones. Initially it appeared to be working but Sakura had anticipated the flaw in Naruto's plan which Sasuke and Kabuto had seen too. The re-spawning effect of the enemy's clones was resistant to destruction. Every time one of Naruto's clones would destroy a black metal mask clone it would come right back.

"Up for more huh? Bring it on!" Naruto yelled fiercely as he caught on to what was happening. But physically he looked exhausted.

"Why why why can't Naruto listen for once instead of dragging us into these exhausting fights!" Inner asked as she caught on to a thought Sakura had just had.

I can't just stand here and watch him battle alone. No matter how tired I am I have to summon the strength, Sakura replied to her own thoughts and quickly reached into her ninja pouch for her gloves.

Pulling them on Sakura stepped past Kabuto and Sasuke, ready to join Naruto. Sasuke looked at her and sighed.

She isn't making this protection thing easy, he thought. But he could hardly blame her as he was just about to join the fight as well.

"I guess I have no choice then" Sasuke grumbled to himself. Looking at the genin Kabuto let out a small frustrated huff at Naruto's actions but prepared to enter as well.

"Sakura, we need your chakra ground punch to get rid of a majority of these clones. Are you able?" Sasuke asked coming up beside her.

Sakura was shocked, this was the first time Sasuke had requested her abilities to be used in battle. Perhaps her resistance to his protection had clued him into the fact that she had most of her strength back now. Recovering from the surprise Sakura considered the request and nodded a little.

"I'm tired but my stamina has only increased over the past four days. I should be able to pull out something substantial and at least give us a clear lead into the fight and buy us a little time before the clones re-spawn again" Sakura said, making the tactical decision.

Concentrating carefully, the female ninja knew to create a decent amount of damage she'd need a strong chakra build up in her fist. Closing her eyes she waited to feel the familiar build of power, seeing what she was doing Sasuke stepped back to give her the space that she needed.

Kabuto also took a few steps back and watched the girl in confusion. "What is she doing?" he asked the Uchiha boy quietly.

Truly the petite pink haired girl did not look capable of all that much as a ninja, although she had the brains to be sure, Kabuto had yet to see what she possessed battle wise.

"Hn, you'll see" Sasuke replied.

The peak of the power had reached her fist and it glowed a stunning bright green. Kabuto watched on in amazement as Sakura raised her right arm skyward and brought the green fist down into the earth.

"TAKE THIS!" Sakura yelled as her fist connected with the ground.

The earth exploded all around her and Sakura was taken aback by the depth of the cracks in the ground and the length that they travelled for.

It hasn't been this extensive before, Sakura thought as she watched the clones being demolished before her eyes for thirty or more metres.

Outwardly it would seem that the stamina training had made a greater impact over the last four days than Sakura initially thought. But she had to wonder if Inner had played a role in the affect her chakra punch attack now had. Especially after what had occurred between herself and Inner during the Sound Ninja battle.

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