Team 7 vs Zabuza: Part 2

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"Don't be a hero Sakura; you can't take him by yourself. You're too weak" Sasuke spat out maliciously and the pink haired teen immediately stiffened, her mind racing back to the dream in which all of Team 7 had viciously insulted her.

"Sasuke's right Sakura! Let the boys handle this, they have a better chance of winning against Haku!" Kakashi called out and made another move towards his students but he immediately froze remembering Tazuna was now completely unguarded.

"That's right Kakashi, you take one step and the old man gets it" Zabuza reminded the silver haired Jounin, the rouge ninja then turned to the pink haired teen and began to taunt her.

"You should listen to your teammates little girl. You're way out of your league against Haku. Go back to protecting the bridge builder. You're going to die here kid" he said bluntly.

Out of the corner of her eye Sakura saw Naruto nod slightly as he fixed the ground with a hard stare.

Their words swirled around Sakura's brain. Shouting, teasing and screaming. "NO! NO! NO!" Inner Sakura yelled as she retrieved a wooden bat from somewhere in Sakura's brain and began slugging home runs left and right with the words.

"Shut up. All of you SHUT UP DAMN IT!" Sakura yelled covering her ears "I am sick and tired of hearing all of you speak!"

"SING IT SISTER!" Inner Sakura cheered.

"I don't care if you think I can do this or not, I'm doing it regardless. It's the job of a ninja to practice teamwork and look out for their teammates and that's what I'm doing. I'm not trying to be a hero Sasuke and exactly how can the boys 'handle' it Kakashi-sensei when they can't even stand?" Sakura asked, surprised at her calm voice.

As a deathly silence hung in the air, Haku got shakily to his feet and turned to face the female ninja who had destroyed his famous ice prison jutsu.

"If she's so determined than so be it. I was hoping you'd have more sense than your teammates but it seems I was mistaken. You may have destroyed my jutsu but you will die here and so will your teammates" Haku said but Sakura wasn't listening.

"He's coming at us. We need to block his attacks. It's going to be fast so we're going to need chakra to our feet" Inner Sakura instructed as Sakura felt her arm reach into her ninja pouch and pull out a kunai.

Gritting her teeth the pink haired teen moved quickly to the right, dodging the frontal assault but was able to manoeuvre in time to block the attack came from behind. Once again the sound of the metal senbon needle scraping against the kunai knife filled the air.

"They have no chance" Kakashi said with resignation as Tazuna stared at him in shock.

"Exactly, you're village has become complacent. You trainees have no chance against Haku as they have never learnt to kill the feelings in their own hearts. To crush their opponents mercilessly, showing no emotion or regret" Zabuza said arrogantly.

Only half listening, the silver haired Jounin was conflicted as to what exactly he was to do about the current situation.

I could make a break to help Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto but he'd slay the bridge builder. If I use shadow clones he'd just match them with water clones. I'd just be wasting chakra. So I have no choice, it's me and Zabuza right here and now. I'll have to do this the hard way,Kakashi thought as he raised a hand to the forehead protector covering his left eye.

"The Sharingan, you're no fun Kakashi using the same old trick" Zabuza said before charging at him brandishing a sharp blade which he quickly stuck into Kakashi's forearm which promptly bled.

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