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We were seated in the hospital cafe taking our lunch,when I say we I mean Leah Khan,Lydia the black nurse and myself.

"Bianca, you know if you need a man,I have a lot of them in my collection I could get you one"Leah said lifting a spoon full of spaghetti into her mouth.

"Don't you think Bianca deserve more than those worthless men you've dated? Lydia responded staring into Khan's face.

"Well there are good ones OK,I didn't date only stupid men you know,khan defended.

"Really if they were good men,then tell me what reason you have for dumping them?" Lydia demanded again.

"They weren't just right for me"

"And you think they are right for Bianca?"Lydia said with a huffed.

"Come on I was only trying to help,with her quiet form I know it did be hard for her to keep a man by her side for long,you know the man might loose interest before anything serious even start" Khan said motioning her head towards me causing my eyes to widened as I stared at her.

"Yes,and I've seen you got yourself such a fine good man at twenty -seven"Lydia said with sarcasm.

"Come on,Lydia, you are not different yourself"khan said with a smirk.

"If you must know I've got a fiance, OK"Leah replied with a defeating smile towards Khan.

"Wow really,when were you going to inform me about?"with a slight hurt in her voice.

"Ah-ahh,am not ready to let all the workers and the patients know about it yet"Lydia said shaking her head disapprovingly.

"Are trying to say I can't keep a secret?"Khan demanded.

"Am just saying you have way too much words in your mouth than you can handle"Lydia answered nodding her head.

"Well am going to disappoint you this days and have myself promoted to a Mrs without your knowledge"Khan said a mischievous smile.

"Really?"Lydia asked feigning surprise as she placed a hand on her chest.
"I doubt if that will ever happen with the many men you've changed like clothing, I bet there will be more than one who will scream "I object to this Union"as they run down the aisle to pull you away, but if you did end up married, you did never last a month in it because you did be finding a new hunk after your honey moon,Lydia said giggling causing a smile to appear on my face.

"I am not that bad,I always end it clean with the men I dated"khan argued.

"Really?, you really end it clean that was why that mad guy badge into your house on our girls night demanding to know why you broke up with him with a text message"Lydia rebuffed rolling her eyes.

"Jack is a jerk,he's a mental case,no one can handle him,Khan parried.

"You are a mental nurse you could have set him right"Lydia returned causing khan to gasped in awe not knowing what to say.
"You did better close that mouth of yours or it might harbour a fly in no time,she commented causing us to laugh at Khan's expense.

"That's too much Palmer,you shouldn't say that to your friend, OK"I said to Lydia addressing her by her surname.

"She"Palmer said pointing a finger towards Khan needs someone to tell her the truth, true friends do that,she added patting an angry Khan in the shoulder and she quickly pushed Lydia's hand away,causing more laughter.

"You're a bad friend black"Khan said with a bit of anger.

"You know am not khan, I heard the truth hurt,tell me khan..
No rate on a scale of one to ten how bad does it hurt"Palmer said trying hard to hold in a laugh staring at Khan's priceless expression.
"I can't....,I can't....., palmer sniffed pointing at Khan with one finger while holding her stomach with the other hand before she busted out laughing as a tear slip down her left cheek,earning herself a scowl from khan and groans of disapproval from other tables.
I couldn't keep it any longer a wide smile appeared on my face as Palmer's loud infectious laugh reverberated around the room.

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