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Bianca's POV

"Mother you called "I said as I sat close to my mom on her bed.
She looks as if she was deep in thoughts with her hands holding up her chin and her legs folded under her.

"Yes,she said snapping her head towards me.
She sigh,and her expression looks like she was contemplating on whether to say what is in her mind or not.

"You just go",she said giving me a tight smile which i know was fake and I nodded standing to my feet.

"Mother just tell me,I turned around and said when I got to the door,with the most encouraging look I could muster and she nodded and pointed towards my former position.

Now seated on her bed again I look towards her face waiting for her to speak but she turned away after a while showing me the side of her face.
She didn't have much of grandmother's features,only her black hair and small eyes,but her nose and lips tall and slender body were definitely from grandfather.
I could see the tiredness in her face and wrinkles were now visible on her face,if she hadn't dyed her hair I know I would have also seen strands of grey hair too,she had eye bags below her eyes,but with all this she was still beautiful.

"You know your grandma hasn't been doing well this past few days,her health is deteriorating she's getting older and her health issues are becoming too much,well thank God for the assistance the US is providing for senior citizens it had really help in that aspect but her treatments are becoming more expensive and the money isn't enough, the drugs are just so expensive and the cafe isn't yielding more anymore since some rich guy had turned that building that had once housed the mall into a fancy restaurant taking away almost all of my customers.
"I don't know for how long I will be able to keep the cafe,I have fired two out of the four staffs I have,I don't know what I will do next.
"When your father had that accident and his legs and left arm had to be amputated your mom used all the money in your dad's account for his treatment and when that wasn't enough the money she gained for running her herbal hospital also went in but at the end your dad still died,afterwards your mother became frustrated,she was six months pregnant with you when it happened,though I moved in to support her I couldn't help,at least not as much as I wanted to. I couldn't get a proper job because I was half educated,I hardly graduated from high school with a pass and never went to college, the only job I could get was that of a waitress or any low paid job.
"I found a job as a waitress immediately and I was using my wage and the money your grandparents sent us to support your mother and brother.
"It was never easy I have to beg some of the neighbours to keep an eye on your mother when I am at work because I was afraid she might do something bad to herself,I was always uneasy at work I tried my best to keep a happy face and not snap at annoying customers though I had anger management issues.
I will always come home during my work break to check on her and your brother who always comes home and stays with your mother's closest neighbour and her kids because I didn't want him to see how devastated your mother was,it wouldn't be good for a five year old.
"Sometimes when Mrs Martins her neighbour friend comes home early she will stay with her encouraging her until I get back from work at seven".
"I will wake up very early,clean wash and cook each day before going to work and cook again when I get back,sometimes apart from breakfast she wouldn't eat the lunch I make her until I come home and force her to eat,taking a bath was hard labour to her,I had to bath her,sometimes she will in seat in one position for hours just staring into space or crying,she hardly speaks when she does she will only speak of the good times she had with your father.
"She was depressed,we got her a psychiatrist but nothing improved, it was hard getting her to speak to the doctor,she said wiping a stray tear and my vision began to become clouded,in no time tears were also running down my cheeks,but I wipe them off trying to calm down mother at the same time,yet I couldn't find the right words or right way to comfort her.

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