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Bianca's POV

I pulled back the door handle to Sweeties cafe and made my way inside,It wasn't a large one just a medium sized cafe with about twelve tables,a wooden counter and a sound proof kitchen framed with glass,I looked around and observed only three tables were occupied,the cafe seems to be going out of business this past months.
I made my way to an old lady sitting on the last table at the far end of the cafe,sensing my approach she lifted her head and gave me a wide smile which I returned cheerfully.

"Hello..,mama" I greeted my grandmother giving her a side hug.

"Hey,babe how was work today?
Ooh you look so tired",she said scratching her nose,that's one thing she does all the time,unconsciously,when I and Anna were younger we made it a duty to count how many times she scratches her nose during family time or devotion and laugh at her expense afterwards.

"It was fine",I answered giving her a smile which she nodded to in response.

"We both know it wasn't",she said in a disproving tone causing me to look down in understanding of what she meant.
She and my family had been against my decision to work in the asylum, they said working there will only remind of my past and not help forget it as if one could ever forget their past especially the negative part of it,they were right anyway being with Maya had constantly reminded of my worst mistake though we had happy moments too but bad experiences always overshadow the good ones.

"You don't have to feel guilty about it now babe",she added with a smile and went back to playing candy crush on her phone.

I nodded even though she wasn't watching.
she look so weak today,with eye bags below her eyes and her natural black hair which seems to have become more greyish than usual, old age is really catching up with her.

"Grandma you look so sick",I comment observing her eyes which have lost their natural brightness and now looking dull like someone who had lost a whole day of sleep.

Her head shot up at my statement, "I am OK Bea,do I really look sick to you?,I just didn't have the time to do my make-up today before my crazy daughter forced out of the house into the cab" she responded using her phone screen to check her face and patting it with her fingers.

"I can tell that you are unwell by looking into your eyes Grandma,have you forgotten that I am a nurse?".

"Am OK,I should be the one worrying about not the other way round,don't dare worry about me again,it will ruin your beautiful face" she said firmly and I nodded in defeat because I know there was no point dragging the matter any further when I will be on the loosing end.

"Mama,where is mother?"I request searching for any clue to her whereabouts.

"She's in the store,"she answered nonchalantly.
"OK "I said getting up from my seat to go find mother.

She was in the store behind the cafe a notepad and pen on her hands,a few collection of boxes before her which she will turn at an angle to observe and then tick on the pad.
Her back which was turned to the door was slumped dejectedly and I knew instantly that something was amiss,but being the kind of woman that she is, I know I have no cause to worry she will find a way out and I love her for that.

"Mother...,"I called out to her from the corridor causing her body tense up then relax after wards in recognition.

"How was work?" She asked in a croak voice then cleared her throat without giving me a glance.
I was used to this attitude of hers, whenever she's angry or in a tight situation she will always prefer to look else where than look at the person she's talking to like she didn't want the person to see her misery.

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