chapter 4

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Kai's Vision

I was getting worried about lloyd he went up to his room at one o'clock if i should check if he is fine i think with myself even over and over again so i decide to go

Up the stairs

when i get to lloyd's door i I knock on the door not hearing an answer so I decide to open the door in silence I open it I was a little surprised at the way he slept he was upside down in bed his head was falling down out of bed but still he is so cute so i decide to put him right in bed by him in my arms "wow he is so light" looks like a baby in my arms i blush a little he opens his eyes a little I was paralyzed and only he wakes up how will his relationship be in seeing him in my arms but his eyes are a little tight but it looked like he was still sleeping then he closes them again phew I got caught and put him on the bed again only this time kkk how a person can be so cute better leave him alone before i wake up but i get closer but i kiss his forehead “why did i do that ?! because my heart is racing like this when I finished kissing him "I'm going to my bedroom

Visão de lloyd •

I was sleeping but a light sleep I felt being lifted someone is holding me but it was so hot and cozy I didn't want to get out of that I open my eyes but I couldn't fill anything all blurred and I saw a brown hair figure and a red blouse like Kai's but sleep took me over deep and I couldn't open my eyes again so I felt ice and my body lowering but then I felt something approaching and but hot it felt and I felt a very hot breath and I felt a perfume of sweet vanilla I liked the smell and I felt something warm touching my forehead I don't know why but I wanted that feeling in my mouth but I didn't know why then that warmth was gone I wanted her I wanted that feeling again but it disappeared completely

I'm sorry for the small chapter but I will save the best for the next chapter well thanks for reading and until the next greenflame chapter "My friend and a vampire ?!"

my friend is a vampire ?! [Greenflame] NinjagoWhere stories live. Discover now