Chapter 3

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Lloyd on •

I say: "I'm sorry for worrying you" • I smile nervously •

Kai- "that nothing you and my best friend of course I have to worry about you if something happens to you I would never forgive myself"

Those words made me red but that a tomato and my quick turn so he wouldn't notice

Kai- "well I'm going to go down to eat do you really don't want to go to eat?" • asks with concern •

I answer - "yes I'm fine thanks for asking"

So he leaves the bathroom and I go to my room aaaaaa what's happening to me because i feel so weird since last night i open my window curtain the sun hit my skin I groan in pain what was that every time I get close to the sun my skin burn close the curtain what was that what is happening to me better i let time pass ours was so hot today

It was like 7 o'clock

So I left I was home alone I didn't know where the others were so I went to eat one hamburger and I let it warm up in the microwave I had a stomach ache from hunger later when it finished heats up then I ate it but a few seconds I felt like craving again I ran to the bathroom and I threw up again I was feeling hungry but why can't I eat ?? so I decided to go out a little bit and I went to the forest to breathe to calm myself and when I heard a scream from an animal running to see what animal was and what had happened and it was a pig hurt he was bleeding I saw the bleeding I started to get weird I happened to saliva a lot I felt my tooth getting bigger and bigger I couldn't resist I bit him I started sucking his blood was so good it was warning when it was over I came back to the reality "but what did I do" poor animal he was completing mucho it showed to the bone i start crying but it was very warning i wanted but

So I left I was home alone I didn't know where the others were so I went to eat one hamburger and I let it warm up in the microwave I had a stomach ache from hunger later when it finished heats up then I ate it but a few seconds I felt like cravin...

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I started looking around for animals to suck your blood I couldn't be so hungry and it was the only thing I could eat or should I say take

After 1 hour I come home

And she was Zane and Nya he looked at me in surprise

Nya- "lloyd What's that red thing in your mouth

Shit I forgot to clean up !!

I answer: "m-strawberry I went out to go in the forest and I was getting hungry then I forgot to take a snack there I saw some strawberries and I ate them and forgot to clean my mouth" • I laugh boring but they don't persecute

Zane "oh what evil lloyd could have brought me some i love strawberries"

I answer "but you don't even taste it" • I start laughing

Nya laugh along with lloyd Zane gets angry and crosses prices

and a few minutes later Kai and Jay and Cole arrive

I say "hi guys where did you go" ask

they look at me a little discouraged and Kai says "Master Wu gave us a mission"

I speak with curiosity "what mission ??"

Jay talks and still to the couch to sit and say "animals lloyd today an hour ago the staff found animal completely it looks li,ke someone or something sucked their souls"

When he said that I was completely frozen and surprised I think "HOW THEY FIND THEM I HIDDEN THEM SO WELL but they don't know it was me right? .. now I'm afraid question I must to know! "

I ask stammering "m-but y-you have any idea who it was? • I ask for fear of the answer

Cole answer "no but let's go I discovered"

I ask "and what will you do if you find out who you are or what and

He looked at me smiling a scary smile I like to tremble with fear so Kai burps "of course we will not do anything bad we will just want to know why this time and what was your goal if we can help we will help but only if it is something very important to do this

I like a sigh of relief paste persecute and speak

"everything is fine lloyd"

I answer "y-yes but of course I'm just tired that's all I have a busy day today and he

Full of what?

"Full of irritation" I speak with a tired look and kind of angry"

Kai asks "lloyd it's okay you look a little tired and angry"

I try to make a soft voice "yes kai I'm fine I'm just tired"

Kai answer "yes of course so I think you better go to sleep"

I answer "Okay, mommy"

And be surprised by my answer it gets a little red

Kai - "II am not your mother"

"It's ok" I go to my room

Hehe he is so beautiful with those eyes and his hair ah ~ wait I'm really in love with him !? But he and my brother for consideration, right or for me and what is that? Aaahhh I take a nap but there's something disturbing me i can't sleep but i'm so tired i try and try to get a position for me to sleep and i stay in bed and head down out of bed like i I was upside down I managed to sleep a more pleasant sleep that I have had in my life

Thanks for reading I am so excited to do it it looks really cool well until the next greenflame chapter

my friend is a vampire ?! [Greenflame] NinjagoWhere stories live. Discover now